Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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km444 said:

Actually, they're probably not even really latex gloves they use, but I guess it's more fun to say they are. :p

Some how the thought of say plastic just doesn't have the same :devil: I hope George doesn't have an allergy to latex.
Babs your pics aren't opening. Your photobucket says it is down for maintenance. I don't know if this will be corrected for me to see the pics later or not.
Yeah I saw it Photobucket is under maintance :( Hope it will be over soon :( Or I must find another way.

Okay, just give it a try and photobucket works again ;)
Since it is quiet in here tonight and I think most people have posted pics I will announce the winner. The pics were excellent as always and they were a number I haven't seen before. I think we can expect that as more people join the ward and there are a number of you making your own caps. They are very good. So without futher ado here are the runners up in no particular order.

km444 for pushing the limit. I liked it :)
blackflag I wasn't impressed with the sideburns but there is just something about this pic that I like
babs I love the smile :)
kito I loved that episode. I know it dealt about Cath but there were very good Nick moments in it
km444 The look says I got you.

And the winner of the latex theme is marieluka with this pic. It has a slight head tilt, soft hair to run my unlatexed fingers thru :devil: and there is a slight devilish look to the eyes. I like. Congrats marieluka and a good choice of pics everyone
Congrats Marie :D

and Hearty you didn't post those, sorry, i thought you did, I get confused easily :)

and I love GE in latex!!!
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