Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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Jacquie_Sawyer said:

Couldn't come up with catchy titles for the last two

Awww... :( You and allmaple make me happy with your captions! :lol:

Anyone seen her lately? She's probably doing her MCAT's or something...hope she's all right! :D
Thanks for the compliment happy. Maybe it's our warped sense of Canadian humour. Some time the pic say something and other times it's a blank but the pic says post me anyway. As to the awol allmaple, she took Nick and went with her family to Florida for a vacation. Canadians are suppose to go to Florida in the winter not summer. Last we heard here her MCAT is on the 19th of August.

edited to correct spelling
anne thanks for the website link. Nice pics. The theme is still on. It usually runs 24 hours and nicksarafan2 is a west coaster so she will probably be another hour or two before she announces her winner.

Ok ladies I taking Nicky for the night. After having a day off from the store I am more exhausted with all the little fiddley things I ended up doing.

there is enough room for 2 :devil:
very relaxing
a very soothing pic ok you say with someone this hot how can it be soothing? Well I find it peaceful and soothing as well as hot
after a night of this
I'll be ready for this and this in the morning :D

Good night ladies I know I will have a good night :D
Wow want a nice treat to wake up to. I won. Now I must admit I have been thinking about this theme for a while. Latex. I know we have done it before but it has not been a theme I have done. Nick can be putting it on, holding it or wearing it :devil:. The usual 12 pics and I will pick a winner Friday morning around this time.
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