Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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Thanks for all the Nick pictures. He is so cute! I'm glad the 'stache is gone though.
Welcome to all the new syndromers! :)

anne_wolfe, to do a clickable URL, when you are replying to a post, you click "URL" in the Instant UBB Code box. Then you enter the URL in the box that pops up, then another box pops up and you name your link. Then it should be there!

I am going to look through the theme pics now and will be back with a winner shortly.

Ok, I'm back already, I had already gone through them, just had to make final decisions. This was definitely tough because I love sooo many of them! :D

The runners up:
marieluka His expression is so cute
marieluka again Another good expression, plus he was so sweet in that scene
kito I don't think I've seen this before, and I like it!
Jacquie I really want to give him a hug, he looks so sad and vulnerable
Babs I like his hair, plus a good shot of arms, neck and jaw

And the winner is:
nicksarafan2 As soon as I saw this, I thought it might be the winner, and it is. He just looks so adorable here :). I love that he was spooked by the bird, but seemed fascinated by it too, he's so cute!!
Thanks for the help. I just want to make I understand how everything works. Since nicksarafan2 won, this person picks the next theme, reviews the new photos, and picks a winner. Then that winner chooses a theme, etc. Right?
Yes that is the way things have been working. Don't let that stop you from posting pics at random though. We started doing the themes back in the winter as just a way to make the ward a bit more fun.

rubber ducky your the one :devil:
let me get your back :p
oh yes a little lower down
full moon Wednesday night

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I'll congratulate nsf2 and duck out before I get in trouble here.
In that case, I have to share this.


Poor guy. :( I volunteer to try to make him feel better. Who's with me? :D
Ducks back in. I'm right beside you. :D Nice job on your first post and may you have many more to come :D
Hello all :D

firstly, happy birthday Happy me :D

and second, I won!? thanks km444 cool :D

ok I will choose a theme, lets see, I want Nick in different hats, or any of his characters :D

so the theme: Nick or any of GE's other characters, wearing hats :D

I will check all of them and choose a winner same time tomorrow :D
He sure is :eek:


Sex on legs :D
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