Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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blackflag love your avatar. Texan Charm is one site I have bookmarked. Surprisingly enough I have several CSI related sites marked. I must enjoy the show or something :lol:
Okay, OT, but someone, the pic of George in front of that "no smoking" sign...the one where that funny look on his face? I know you know what I'm talking about. The first person to post gets a...uh...special prize. Sure.

And then back to your regular scheduled program. =)
I did use Animake, you can download it free here . Luckily for me it´s a german program, but I think I will post this link also in the Icon thread and then write a tutorial when I figured the program a bit more out. :)
Babs your pics are awesome as usual but I was a little distracted by you new avatar. I could sit here all day and watch it :devil: :p
I do it this way: Play the DVD with a player software on my pc, then search for the scene and press still (eventuelly additional step forward or backward to find the right still ), then press a symbol in the task list that looks like a photo camera and open a picture prog then just paste et voilá ( I always use sharpen afterwards ). Then save and upload that pic in your photobucket account. :)

Smile and the world smiles back at you
nickfangirl there are also plenty of sites out there if you don't have the capablity of making your own caps. If you want the sites let me know and I can pm them to you.
Jacquie_Sawyer said:
nickfangirl there are also plenty of sites out there if you don't have the capablity of making your own caps. If you want the sites let me know and I can pm them to you.
could you do the same for me also plz im hopless with makin my own :(
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