Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #12

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*cough* try 4x4 *cough*

(the cough's are for un subtle subtlety and coz i'm sick)

and thanks for picking the winner and stuff for me, and i must agree, the winning pic is DROOL. and nice new theme :p
Thanks for the hint Susan. Yeah I think I scoured all eps where he wears red for nice screencaps :lol:, especially Lucky Strike :D and found some more:
red 7
red 8
red 9
red 10
red 11
red vest again 12

edit: Unluckily in Germany season five has just ended and the DVDs just came out recently so haven´t got 4x4 but I think I found nice ones too, still thanks for the hint heartagram
Jacquie I forgot about No Humans Involved. That was one ep that I actually looked for back a couple of weeks ago when I decided I really liked him in red and went on this search for any ep he was wearing red in. I must have 4 or 5 pics and I didn't use any of them.

At least I was prepared for this theme.

You must have been a Girl Scout in your younger days. The Canadian Boy Scout and Girl Guide motto is Be Prepared but I don't know what the American Girl Scout or Boy Scout motto is. I hope this makes sense. I had an extremely boring day at the store. I did manage to knit about 20 rows of an afghan I am making for a Christmas present while watching 5 episodes of CSI season 3

more red for the theme
more red I like Nick's expression here
can't you get my pizza order right.
yes it's pepperoni with olives and green pepper
they went over there
I'm telling you guys it was this big
Thanks Km444 I had it custom made for me by Cinegirl I love my boys ;)

and good theme idea, i like him in red, I'll see if have any that were not used :D

Off topic:
oh and I'm watching 'The Dog Whisperer' on national Geographic Channel, and there is this bichon Frise named snowflake, OMG, she acts exactly the way my Pecan acted, those little dogs are so psychotic :lol:
back on topic:

here are my subs (and if some have been used tiss ok ;) )


that's all I got :D
Jacquie I was a Brownie back in 1st and 2nd grade (that was a long time ago) but my niece, Victoria, is currently a Girl Scout. I have deffinately forgotten what the motto is though.

Looks like things are pretty quiet in the ward, so how about I announce the red theme winner?

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all these pictures of Nick in red!

Here are the runners up in no particular order:
Babs One of my favorite appearances of GE
Marie I loved the way he looked in that sweater in One Hit Wonder!
blackflag A very dreamy look
kito I like the look on his face here and the dark lighting
Jacquie A little fuzzy, but I still really like it. I love the black vest over red shirt look!

And the winner is:
I love the way he looked and acted in 4x4, and this picture is an especially good representation.

Congrats blackflag!
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