"Still Life" discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

OK, so I am so confused by the whole Kelly Gordon thing. She stalks Nick at a crime scene and then trudges all the way to CSI headquarters to tell him she won't be taking things with her???? Is it remorse? Will she tell him who the accomplice is? And wasn't Nicky just a few degrees too cool around her? Great episode otherwise. Great story, sad little revelation about our Bug Man(poor Grissom, didn't even know why) lots of Greggo and Warick and no moustache! Who can ask for anything more?
Wow, So I liked the case....was I the only who thought the whole Kelly Gordan storyline seemed out of place? I for one am glad they are moving on with more post GD...but it was like 30 seconds. Poor Nick that little choked up..sigh? And no one even knows she was there! Did any one notice how he kept his distance form her! Gawd I'd pay money for Sara or someone to have seen her.

Ona good note, more Grissom backstory! Poor Gil. More later when I'm less tired.
Yeah Brass! Hoo-rah!!

My gosh.. did you guys catch what Kelly said?!
I dunno if anyone else wrote this or not yet.. but:
Nick: Hey Kelly, are you okay?
Does that sound familiar?! The tape from Nick's kidnapping?!

Holy sh*t! Nice catch. :eek:

myfuturecsi - Thanks :D
Gosh -- the gap between our first glimpse of Nick and the next one was so huge that for a while I was wondering why he even appeared in the first place. Wonder if he was busy with something else when this eppy was being filmed.

Anyway, that scene with Kelly at the end was a little freaky. Nick was all sweet to her -- what a gentleman -- but I feel like he should watch his back (of course, we know about the tape and he doesn't). Gah!!!

It was good to have a single-case episode again and I thought everyone did a good job in it but it wasn't an unforgettable show -- I'd give it a B+. Okay, fine. Maybe an A-.

No Sofia. :( No Bobby. :( No Vartann. :(

But I actually enjoyed seeing more of Warrick tonight. He was back to "normal", it seemed, and just did his job as a CSI without any other funny stuff. I thought he handled himself well during the interrogation with the suspect from the park. [ETA: Yes, the scene with the kid was really good, too.]

Of course, Nick's clean-shaven face was wondrous. Maybe it's a good thing they didn't have him in this episode too much. All his fans would have missed the entire story because they'd be too focussed on his clean upper lip. :D
That was really creepy.....and yet, really sad.

It was nice getting some history on Grissom. He's never really opened up like that, has he?

Warrick and the little boy- so cute!!! Can't you just picture Gary like that with his kids, trying to trick/coerce them in to doing something. :lol:

Greg/Eric has always looked good, but lately- esp. nice!! :D

YAY!! Bye bye moustache!!
Anyway, that scene with Kelly at the end was a little freaky. Nick was all sweet to her -- what a gentleman -- but I feel like he should watch his back (of course, we know about the tape and he doesn't). Gah!!!
Yeah, I got the sense that something's up with her. Nick even said so himself, asked if everything was alright.
Can you explain the part you said about the tape and him not watching his back?
Yeah Brass! Hoo-rah!!

My gosh.. did you guys catch what Kelly said?!
I dunno if anyone else wrote this or not yet.. but:
Nick: Hey Kelly, are you okay?
Does that sound familiar?! The tape from Nick's kidnapping?!

GAHH!!!!!!!!!!! I knew there was something freaky about the way she said "Perfect" -- it ran shivers up my spine -- but I didn't make that connection. DOH!!!!!!!!!!!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...... Nicky!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Did anyone else catch the way Kelly said, "perfect" at the end? In the bodies in motion episode when they played the tape Walter asks Okay? and the response is "perfect" Gil and Arch couldn't determine if it was male or female. hmm

Fascinating story tonight, makes you think twice about posting family albums. OH and THANK GOD the stash is gone!
When Nick asked Kelly if she was okay, I could almost see him putting on his white hat and preparing to swoop to the rescue.

Kristen: Did any one notice how he kept his disntace form her!

Yeah, but the poor guy. The only person close enough to help him if Kelly went whacko on him was the receptionist. :lol:

I would loved for Sara to have walked in. :D
:DI'm loving the revealing Grissom moment. :D
<--- As you can tell I'm a biig Grissom fan. :D

:(I want to give him a big hug.

I wonder if that scene was hard to film for WP. His father passed just last year I believe. :(
Wow, Grissom's remembrance of his father's occupation (he taught botany) and also his father's death came right out of the blue, didn't it? Who would have thought that he would reveal so much about himself? I'm glad that it was Catherine that he told since she seems to be his closest (and just about only) friend.

Good pickup, sunshine86, on the Kelly conversation with Nick. That was very strange of her to show up at the lab like that. I don't trust her at all. Man, that had to shake Nick up a little bit.

Loved that Greg was shown more than once. He is really a part of the team now. Hope he gets invited out to dinner with the rest of the gang one of these days. He looked adorable.

Warrick was really great with the little boy. He would make a great dad. Maybe we'll see him with his own little one someday.
I thought Sofia was going to be in this episode. I missed her.

One, two, Kelly's coming for you!

The Mustache of Horror is gone. It's a christmas miracle!!
I'm glad that it was Catherine that he told since she seems to be his closest (and just about only) friend.

:)I was glad too. I consider Catherine to be more like his best buddy than a romantic involvement.
Poor Nick.....it seems the one time he's left alone she comes tromping inot CSI headquaters without a soul around. I shuddered at the whole new "stalker" like theme..he seemed unnerved but of course by the realization that she was watching him at the crime scene.

Gawd I see new fic coming from this!! I think I can make time this weekend!

When Nick asked Kelly if she was okay, I could almost see him putting on his white hat and preparing to swoop to the rescue.

Kristen: Did any one notice how he kept his disntace form her!

Yeah, but the poor guy. The only person close enough to help him if Kelly went whacko on him was the receptionist. :lol:

I would loved for Sara to have walked in. :D

absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED this eppy