"Still Life" discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

Wow, nearly 31 million viewers...I cannot believe this beat out "Bullet" because the two-parter got a lot more hype. Bravo, CSI!

Yep, 30.80 million viewers and the most to tune in for a given episode, since CSI 100th Episode - Ch-Ch-Chages.

CSI finished first in households (18.8/27), viewers (30.80m), adults 25-54 (13.0/28), adults 18-49 (10.6/25) and adults 18-34 (8.1/22). This is the best households and viewer delivery for CSI since 11/18/04 (the program's all-time high) and 5th best overall. CSI hit season highs in adults 18-49 and adults 25-54 and matched the season best deliveries in adults 18-34.
Anyone catch the c-section scar, it was an Emergency c-section scar because it was up and down, instead of across.
Actually its not that unusual my sister had my neice by C-Section and her scar also goes up and down, which she too thought was odd when she seen it, but according to the doctors there are different ways docs do the proceedure and also it tends to have to do with position, access and patients. *shrugs* Who knows why they do what they do, but as long as the child and mother is healthy thats all that counts. :)

RE: Grissom, i think what kicked off his explaination of his fathers death is when Catherine asked how old he was and he said "9" and she said "hmm Little guy", it was like from there he went back in time and the door opened up.

Thanks Destiny about the C-Section, I had one with Nickslittlest fan, coincendentally after 26 hours of labour. My scar is horizontal.

You know what I've noticed. In season two, Nick revealed his deep, dark secret about being molested to Catherine. Now here we are in season five and Grissom is reveaing a deep, dark secret to Catherine about his father's sudden death.

And another coinky, dinky, both Grissom and Nick were nine when these tragic events happened.

One of those things that make you go 'hmmmmmm'.
My thoughts at the whole Nick-Kelly scene were either she has turned over a new leaf and will help him find the accomplice or our Nicky is in for a whole lot of trouble...again. :(
And what about Sara's past--- we know very little about her---especially that law suit in which she was involved.
And what about Sara's past--- we know very little about her---especially that law suit in which she was involved.

Actually, we do know more about Sara thanks to "Nesting Dolls" - we learned about her family and her childhood.
And if by "lawsuit" you're refering to the case she typed into the computer after "No Humans Involved" - that was her mother's case, not Sara's.
I loved the episode.All the cols scenes that have been discussed and the whole Jesse/Adam drama.
THere was a very funny little quote by Brass:

Grissom: "(Does Karen and jesse have) Any other family members? Grandparents? Boyfriends?"
Brass: "No, her (Karen's) parents are dead and her husband has lost communiaction with them since he died"
i know iknow i said this befor but THE MUSTACHE IS GONE!!!WoOoT WoOoT..lol.....ya i really really am glad that the mastache is gone.....any way this eppi was kinda confusing BUT i got it even tough i missed the teaser :(......any way so i wonder wats gonna happen nxt with kelly gordan and dose any of the other CSI's know that she contacted him???....guess wewont find out for 2 weeks :(......one last time YAY THE MUSTACHE IS GONE!!!!
I loved the episode.All the cols scenes that have been discussed and the whole Jesse/Adam drama.
THere was a very funny little quote by Brass:

Grissom: "(Does Karen and jesse have) Any other family members? Grandparents? Boyfriends?"
Brass: "No, her (Karen's) parents are dead and her husband has lost communiaction with them since he died"

I dont find the humour there...I think the quotes a little off too.
I am not easily disturbed but Karen Matthews had the hair on my neck standing on end from beginning to end. The closing scene was just...there are no words. Unless I missed it, how/why did she pick him of all people? Not to mention you'd have to have a pretty big imagination to believe that the other kid is a carbon copy lookswise of your dead kid. People are strange.

Was nice to see Wendy finally earning her keep.

Ok I hated the pornstache in the beginning. Then it started to grow on me. And then when it disappeared it felt like there was something missing, although it was great to see clean-shaven Nick again. Poor guy seemed really unnerved by Kelly in the lobby of the lab. (was having a brain fart what her name was.) Really do hope they get everything resolved there.

Loved getting a glimpse into Grissom's backstory.

Greg interviewing the dog owner was hilarious.

Loved the brief glimpse of Archie.

Warrick seemed like he'd make a great dad someday. (with anyone but Tina). I didn't think he was talking down to the kid at all in a negative manner. Obviously a kid that age isn't going to understand a whole lot that goes on there or why they need to be there in the first place, so it only makes sense to make them as comfortable as possible. Even if that means talking to them on their level as opposed to your own. And I can't even begin to imagine what Adam must have felt like during that ordeal with a strange woman thrusting herself on him.

Brass and Catherine were great in their roles.

Was rather creepy in addition to being one of the better eps this season.
In another strange coincidence Brass mentions he used to be a Marine. On CSI:NY Mac is also a former Marine. You know, it would be funny if they served in the same unit.
Speaking of Nick, was it just me or did seem like Nick did not leave the lab after he caught that brief glance of her at the playground.

I like to think that was the case. It would have made for a nice little irony if Nick had stayed at the lab - most likely a place where he feels safe - only to have the cause of his nightmare and fears come to that very lab. And because the rest of the team is out working, he has to face her all alone.

I was just stuck by the abstance of Nick in a few scenes. Given we saw the rest of the team, I was wondering what was up...and then I thought about it. I think that after Nick saw Kelly at the playground he would have been a bit jumpy... maybe more so then he had been. Grissom - who is not always as blind as people acuse of being sees this and even if he may not know the cause, assigns Nick to tasks that will keep him the lab.

I also wonder what is going to happen the next time Nick has to look for a buried body? It is going to be interesting to see how they handle that.

That's a good point about Nick wanting to stay in the lab after thinking (and in the end being correct) about seeing Kelly at the crime scene. Like other people have said, Kelly's "perfect" gave me the creeps, but I didn't realize why until someone pointed out that was the word on the tape.
oh yeah! i forgot to mention that i love Nick's mustache being GONEEEEEE! heheheh he looks a heck of a lot better clean shaven! is that the term for no facial hair? :lol:

i also liked the scene with Warrick and Adam.. He was so caring and kind towards him!

Catherine can annoy me at times but then i love her at others.. When she was listening to Grissom she seemed to like a compassionate friend.