"Still Life" discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

Yeah, she was fantastic. Very creepy and believable. As usual, CSI gets all the top notch supporting actors on the show.

I completely agree on both counts.
And what about Sara's past--- we know very little about her---especially that law suit in which she was involved.

Actually, we do know more about Sara thanks to "Nesting Dolls" - we learned about her family and her childhood.
And if by "lawsuit" you're refering to the case she typed into the computer after "No Humans Involved" - that was her mother's case, not Sara's.
Wasn't "Nesting Dolls" an episode from CSI:NY?
May have missed it, then. I know that there was an on CSI:NY
where Mac and company found a vic among a bunch of broken dolls and they had to piece them together to find the killer.
May have missed it, then. I know that there was an on CSI:NY
where Mac and company found a vic among a bunch of broken dolls and they had to piece them together to find the killer.

That was called "City of the Dolls"

*Moving back on topic* ;)
And what about Sara's past--- we know very little about her---especially that law suit in which she was involved.

Actually, we do know more about Sara thanks to "Nesting Dolls" - we learned about her family and her childhood.
And if by "lawsuit" you're refering to the case she typed into the computer after "No Humans Involved" - that was her mother's case, not Sara's.
Was Sara named after her mother?
No Sara's mother name was Lara Sidle not Sara or that what i read when i read it on "No Humans Involved" so ya (back to subject) GE GOT RID OF THE MUSTACHE!!!!!!!WoOoT WoOoT :D!!!!! Sry im just happy i said this like 5 times.....anyway im madw that it is a repeat this week GRRRRRRRR!!!!!! :(
Was Sara named after her mother?

Her mother's name is Laura, so I don't think so. She could've changed her name or her middle name could be Laura but that's just speculation and this isn't the thread for that so..
I really liked this episode. Grissom opening up. Brass being snarky as usual. And thank goodness Nick shaved. :)
But on the serious side, this was a well done ep. I was shocked to finally realize that the kid the woman perceived as her son was actually at the park with his real dad. Gosh, I can't imagine being in that kind of state of mind. Very well done.
Yeah, the episode was excellent!
And even if that scene between Kelly and Nick lasted only a minute, it really stuck to my mind.
I agree, that "perfect" comment was creepy. I wonder what kind of plans that chick has.
Maybe she's just as crazy as her dad and plans to kill herself and frame Nick; since she told Nick that she wanted him to know that she was thinking about what he told her: "Don't take it with her."

But, since Nick was already a suspect when Kristy was killed, it would be a bit too much.
First of all, I never trusted Kelly. She's the one that wished Nick dead in last season's finale and for her to say
to Nick that she's "perfect", well...you could see in her eyes that she's evil. As for the "grieving" mother,she lost it a long time ago. That final scene where she thought she heard her son's voice and held out her cuffed hands...
I agree with the observation made about the 'perfect' comment. I watched both 'Bodies In Motion' and 'Still Life' again and definately they sound alike.

But I've been wrong before, the TPTB are a tricky lot.
It was a pretty good episode, interesting case. although the Nick/Kelly scene seemed slightly outta place it was one of my favorites. I also loved when Nick gave Hodges the piece of skin/hair and what's being said between them as he's walking away.

Although I wonder, did anyone else miss seeing Judy at the front desk?
It was a pretty good episode, interesting case. although the Nick/Kelly scene seemed slightly outta place it was one of my favorites. I also loved when Nick gave Hodges the piece of skin/hair and what's being said between them as he's walking away.

I liked that whole sequence as well. I thought that showing Nick snarking with Hodges was a good way to to set up the contrast of his scene with Kelly even though there is less then a minute between the two encounters.

With Hodges Nick is what could be considered normal Nick. A man who is sure of himself and his place in the lab. He is comfortable enough to give a co worker a bit of grief and even tease him a bit.

But as soon as he sees Kelly all that changes. GEs did an incredible job showing it, because we saw almost in a instant Nick's entire demenour change. He was no longer the confident man he was just a minute before. He was scared. Seeing Kelly there really freaked him out. It was fasinating to watch and I give credit to GE and to the writers for showing this little moment.

I agree I want to see more. But given that we have seen hints sprinkled through out the season I have faith - even without knowing about the spoilers for some of the upcoming episodes that the writers are going to deal with it. They are just going to deal with in a slow way over the course of several episodes. They are building towards something...and showing us that Nick is still not over what happened is going to be a big part of that.

I am not sure what Kelly's motivation were in visiting Nick, but to me what they were is really not important. What is important is the effect that seeing her, even in a place as safe and controlled as the lab has on Nick. This is not something that should be dealt with in just one episode in my mind, but is a story that should be layed out piece by piece over the course of the season. (Sort of like Grissom's hearing problems in season Three)