Stella/Melina #6: Rambo Stella. Bring it on!

Stella/Melina #5: ??!?!?!?!?

  • Rambo Stella, Bring it On!

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Rambo Stella...Don't mess with me!

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  • Rambo Stella, Watch out guys!

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 'Cause we all love Rambo Stella

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  • Can you reach the Stellarina Grade?

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  • Stellarinas?!You know where to find us....

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  • Could you be a Stellarina..?

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Catu! I left you a message on your Twitter.^^

I don't wanna wait 'till Feb. to watch...I'll forget what happend in the book...:(

I'm so excited to see Melina on the big screen! I bet she'll be amazing as usual.:lol:

I wonder what she'll be wearing in the movie...:devil: Whatever she wears she'll look drop-dead gorgeous in.^O^
Hi Stellarinaaaaaaaaaaas :),

how´s things in the Stella-World?
Hill Harper´s interview has made me think (oh, well, it´s true, my brain cells work sometimes :D). He said that one of the fans´fave character will be injured, so chances are that it could really be Stella. And as I´ve put my alter ego Cassandra to rest (at least for a while :D), it doesn´t scare me. Because the line "You´ll see the aftermath of it in this season" sounds very inspiring for good Stella-stories. But let´s wait and see for Hill´s tweets, which clues he´ll give us on this :lol:.

Ghawazeeee, my loveliest control freak :lol:

Dearest and beloved nut
Do I need to tell you you must not hurry either? ;) It was just my control freak talking. Please post when you can meine liebe :)
Dankeschön for your patience when I´m a bit slow with posting and replying, but as I´m a nut and not a snail, I´ll never be long gone :lol:.

I agree on two things. Andromeda is crazy...uppppssss nooo you said she is sweet. I agree on that too:lol: and the second thing thanks God Melina is NORMAL!!!!!! Usually i don't have Hollywood idols but i do love Melina. It's like in a certain way i don't feel her as part of the "circus" and i am sure there must be more actors and actresses who are in that way :)
Oh, I agree on two things, too, :D: Melina is normal and Ghawazee is a Sweetie :). There are hardly any sane and normal Hollywood actors, but then Melina always keeps sure to stay away from this total Hollywood madness; she likes her ordinary family life and not one red carpet performance after the next.

Thanks for the Percy-trailer, sounds very interesting, I don´t know the books yet, I´m afraid, but if it´s a bit like the Harry-Potter-books and films, I will like it :).

Love and hugs from your mad Nuss :lol:

miyu, you´re welcome and again you said just the loveliest and most appropriate words on Melina :).

Love and hugs to you, too, and all other Stellarinas :)
Things are just fine in long as we got our Stella.:lol: Again thank you.

Miyu is still very excited for The Lightning Thief *twiddles thumbs, bounces up and down in chair*.

See what I mean?:p Cannot wait to see Melina on the big screen as her perfect role: a Greek goddess...even though she is already one.;)


For those of you Stellarinas that are interested in the movie, here's a really short summary of the first book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series:

Percy Jackson is a 12-year-old boy with ADHD and dyslexia, who happens to be a half-blood (half-god, half-human; in the series, lots of the half-bloods are dyslexic because they are hard wired for learning Ancient Greek only. Having ADHD also keeps the half-bloods more alert when fighting).

(Note: Rick Riordan, author of the series, has a son who also has ADHD and dyslexia. His son was learning about Greek mythology at school so Rick started telling him various myths. When he ran out of legends to tell his son, he asked his dad to write his own "legends". So you could say that Rick's son was the inspiration of this series:p)

Percy's about to get kicked out of his current boarding school again. But, he has begun encountered mythological monsters and the Olympian gods in his life.

Sad thing is that Zeus' master bolt's been stolen and Percy's the prime suspect. He and his friends (Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, and Grover Underwood, a satyr) have only 10 days to to find and return Zeus' master bolt and bring peace to the gods, but there's way more behind this on their quest.

Lightning Thief Cover You can tell which god is Percy's father by looking at the cover. In his hands are a Minotaur horn and his "pen" which turns into a sword, Anaklusmos (In English it's called Riptide, but the literal translation is "water current that takes one by surprise"...thanks to Google for translating:lol:). It has the power to return to his pocket whenever he loses it.

Umm...this was longer than I expected it would be.:shifty:
Things are just fine in long as we got our Stella.:lol: Again thank you.

Miyu is still very excited for The Lightning Thief *twiddles thumbs, bounces up and down in chair*.

See what I mean?:p Cannot wait to see Melina on the big screen as her perfect role: a Greek goddess...even though she is already one.;)


For those of you Stellarinas that are interested in the movie, here's a really short summary of the first book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series:

Percy Jackson is a 12-year-old boy with ADHD and dyslexia, who happens to be a half-blood (half-god, half-human; in the series, lots of the half-bloods are dyslexic because they are hard wired for learning Ancient Greek only. Having ADHD also keeps the half-bloods more alert when fighting).

(Note: Rick Riordan, author of the series, has a son who also has ADHD and dyslexia. His son was learning about Greek mythology at school so Rick started telling him various myths. When he ran out of legends to tell his son, he asked his dad to write his own "legends". So you could say that Rick's son was the inspiration of this series:p)

Percy's about to get kicked out of his current boarding school again. But, he has begun encountered mythological monsters and the Olympian gods in his life.

Sad thing is that Zeus' master bolt's been stolen and Percy's the prime suspect. He and his friends (Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena, and Grover Underwood, a satyr) have only 10 days to to find and return Zeus' master bolt and bring peace to the gods, but there's way more behind this on their quest.

Lightning Thief Cover You can tell which god is Percy's father by looking at the cover. In his hands are a Minotaur horn and his "pen" which turns into a sword, Anaklusmos (In English it's called Riptide, but the literal translation is "water current that takes one by surprise"...thanks to Google for translating:lol:). It has the power to return to his pocket whenever he loses it.

Umm...this was longer than I expected it would be.:shifty:

Dear Miyu,

thanks for the summary!!!
To be honest I have read all books about Harry Potter and I liked them very much so I like this kind of stories - but I didn´t like the realisation into the film....
But I haven´t read Percy Jackson before so I will try.

About Melina, she is already a greek goddess, she will be great as usual !!!


Heya, dear Stella-friends :),

miyu, thanks from me, too, for your summary on the "Percy Jackson"-film, sounds really promising, I´m definitely going to watch it.

And things are now really very good in the Stella-world, I wouldn´t have had to exhaust my brain cells :D, now that it´s clear that not she will be injured but Danny- not that this makes me any happier, because it means even more D/L drama in this season :rolleyes:, but- hell, you can´t have it all :lol:.

Dear udonna, I´m a Harry-Potter-fan, too, and loved all the books. I agree that not all of the films were great, but most of them were good and had brilliant effects. I still have to watch the latest one. It´s always difficult, if not impossible to transfer a book 100%ly into a movie, the story will always suffer, because things have to be shortened or left away, etc.. So I surely won´t read the Percy-Jackson-books, until I´ve seen the movie ;).

Love and hugs from not Cassandra anymore :D :)
Udonna>>> Thank you for the wonderful piccie of Melina. She's looking drop-dead gorgeous as usual.;)

Andromeda and Udonna>>> It was my pleasure of typing that summary. It was a little sketchy becuase I read the book months ago and forgot most of of the details.;) Hope it gives you the big idea of what the movie'll be like.


Here are the covers of the four other books:

Book #2: The Sea of Monsters (One important event: Percy discovers he has a half-brother:eek:)
#3: The Titan's Curse (The goddess of the hunt and Moon, Artemis, gets kidnapped...that's all I remember.:lol: Oh yeah, and obviously, Percy has to play the hero and save her.:shifty:)
#4: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy and his friends enter the Labyrinth... *dramatic music* Where are Theseus and Ariadne when you need them the most?!:scream: Joking.:p) Absolutely hot cover! All red.:drool:
#5 and last installment of the series, The Last Olympian:( (You shoulda written more, Rick!:(): Percy finally turns 16...prophecy time!:eek: Eek! The fate of the Olympian gods rests in his pressure though, Percy.:rolleyes: :lol: (Empire State Building on the cover, baby!... And Percy riding on Pegasus in the sky...even though Zeus said he would strike him down with a lightning bolt if he was ever in the sky.:p)
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Hello my dear Stellarinas!!!!!!!!!! :)

Busy 3 last days prevented i was here before :D (i need time to answer)

my sweet Galina--->
Debbie, thanks for the link - well, I'm impressing. I think, Melina will be just great Athena, because she is a goddess already. Awww, now I can't wait for September and February!
I completely agree with you. Athena was one of the most beautiful goddess and she was smart so perfect description for Melina! February also will be the month where the movie will be exhibited here too so we will be able to comment the movie :D Have great holidays my dear
Deb, thanks for the link! I'll probably watch it because Melina is in it, but I already have the feeling I'm not going to like it. I'm not really into fantasy
:lol:that's my Pleni. I don't know the story so i hope it will be ok. Besides even when i am fond of more on science fiction than fantasy i still remember how funny the experience of going all in a custome to see a movie or attending a Convention(LFN, Startrek and The X Files)

Dear udonna--->
To be honest I have read all books about Harry Potter and I liked them very much so I like this kind of stories - but I didn´t like the realisation into the film....
But I haven´t read Percy Jackson before so I will try.
You know what? Many HP fans have said the same: they love the books and they didn't like much the films I have 6 first books but i didn't start them except for the first page of the first book (instead of shoes i buy books) I will read it :bolian:

Miyu---> YOU ROCK! LOVE YOUR SUMMARIES:eek::bolian::bolian::bolian:!Love your love for the story and i really like is based on author's son. Kids could be a great inspiration
Now I am sure if i can get it i will but them all!!!!!! The richness of Greek Mithology will be showed (I hope) on screen YAY!!!! THANKS THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can't help but loving my Greek stories. My father gave me Aesop's fables when i was a kid along with my Mithology books

My dearest Harte Nüsse,

i 'm glad reading you because, despite of your stubborness regarding Mac and Stella Ich fehle dich when you are away:)

so it´s welcome to broadband internet for you and goodbye analogue? Enjoy endless roaming and surfing
thank you. Finally I left the Stone Age. But now i am "sure" i am too lazy to post on regular basis :D
Yes, obviously being famous and in the limelight, let alone being a real legend is not possible without paying a high price. But then, people who seek fame and spotlights will know what to expect, in some way they are prepared to have their lives blown out of proportion.
you have not idea how much i remembered your words, especially after some recent about a very famous singer. I understand he said he knew he was going to end like he did. A complete waste:rolleyes:

You may be right and especially younger directors and script writers appreciate the experience and talents of older actors, sometimes they deliberately involve character roles that are created for old or older actors.
There´s one opposite and negative example in my mind, when Angelina Jolie was cast to play the mother of Alexander the Great in "Alexander"; everybody went mad and asked if Hollywood is now so defiant of age that they cast a 30 year old actress to play the mother of a 30 something guy
It's something viewers appreciate, not matter their age :) because their acting is so strong that creates and special magic that talks about experience. For example Mr Asner from Yarzheit or that actress who portrayed the mother in 5.23. They have showed how strong and effective are like actors and they add a "plus" to any episode That scene when Mac knew Abraham was so shocking, so well played because that guy, who looked so venerable and wise was a a liar! He was so convincing that it almost was painful when David found out who his father was! And it was almost so...i cannot find the right word because Abraham called David at the end looking for him but his son was someone he would have delivered to SS during IIWW (I am fascinated with the subject because i have seen "Down Fall" this afternoon. Have you seen it? I am still shocked for that one:eek::eek::eek:) Btw Yarzheit should have got more nominations:wtf:
Regarding the "Brangenlina" couple...well i must admit I am not fond of them:p so seriously I don't care. They have lost any credibility in front of my eyes years ago. But thid wasn't the first time a ypoung actress portrayed a character like that one you mentioned for Angelina. In "The man in the Iron Mask" my fav by heart French actress, Anne Parilloud, portrayed Leonardo Di Caprio's mother! She was only 40 or even less when they filmed it and Leonardo almost 30:lol: Seriously i would have preferred another role for her especially when i remember she was the first "Nikita"

Thanks for the compliment, I agree that the German film industry produced quite some good or even great films in the past that were internationally successful. And definitely there´s no problem with ageing actors over here, so at least with this point we´re in advance of Hollywood . Generally I think that like your country most other countries outside the USA don´t have such a youth insanity in the show business.
well, more or less;) The insanity lives everywhere and especially in small markets outside Hollywood and meanwhile there are intelligent producers who call these older actors, it's not necessarily something all producers do. Besides i guess in every market you have a different prejudice. In my country there is this thing about if a threatre actor could be so effective on tv and viceversa. Usually younger actors work on tv and older in threatre so threatre actors become "snob" and critize tv. For me is ok as a viewer but i do realize in threatre you have more chances to see new actors and actresses and they are more convincing sometimes :D
GfD was not only enjoyed by a great amount of us fans and neutral viewers, but TPTB obviously loved it, too, why else would they add it to their suggestion list for possible Emmy-nominees?
I admit you are right. GfD was added to the list and i am so proud of Melina. I really liked (beyond the obvious reason:D) how she explored Stella's relationship with almost everyone in the team. We saw how Flack and Danny weren't weak with her despite how she treated them in the past (when they went after Professor P and they found Stell). It was very interesting because it was Melina's POV on their friendship in the same way how she wrote Mac and Stella's relationship :D The way how she felt Mac and Stella's relationship might be:adore: (no matter suggestions she could have received from TPTB;)) Besides Gary said he liked very much the episode so i do hope someday Melina writes again. I love Melina and what she gave us:thumbsup:

Yes, you´re right, a "Flack-season" would have many Stella-scenes, too, because as the mother of the company she will be there for him to help him cope with everything
I do believe Adam, Flack and Stell share the same level of sensitivity. So i am not surprise when you find Stella and Adam working together in 5.25 but not "common working":lol:(love, love, LOVE that scene) or how in 5.01 Adam talked to Flack privately or Stella comforting Flack in 5.13. So i do hope scenes between Stell and Flack
But if Melina doesn't have any episode of her own (at least one like in S4 or S2 or S3) wouldn't be too weird considering she is the main female star??????:confused:
If the team will remain complete plus a new addition, there might be more episodes where we´ll see less of Stella than in the past seasons
would you think if that happen could be related to the fact her contract will be up at the end of S6?:shifty:

Oh, yes, I totally agree, this scene in Mindy´s apartment was sooooo great- There she was, Stella´s bloodsister, after so many years, but yet Stella couldn´t really feel happy about it because of the circumstances, you could really see Stella´s dilemma in her facial expressions. I agree, if Mindy ever came back, then it shouldn´t be a cheesy drama, but a nice story- at least one that doesn´t end with Mindy´s death.
yessssss:drool:, Stella's face showed everything: her understanding on Mindy's story, her sadness for her blood sister Mindy, and her own loss because Mindy was the only one she had until professor P. took her to St Basil. The way Stella talked to her, so softly, so compassive because Stella tried to make her understand it wasn't her intention to be an intruder neither her secret nor in her life. Really touching scene!
Love and hugs from not Cassandra anymore
please, " not, not again" as Henry VIII when he was forced to marry again I love Andromeda as it is. Not Cassandra (she gives me migraine:lol:)

My love to all

Debb :D

ps: Udonna, THAT pic is AWESOME!
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Hello, Dears :),

miyu, you´re an ace, thanks for the informations and covers of the Percy Jackson-books :). I guess I will read them- but just after I´ve watched the film ;).

My dearest Dancing Queen Ghawazee :),

My dearest Harte Nüsse,

i 'm glad reading you because, despite of your stubborness regarding Mac and Stella Ich fehle dich when you are away:
well, du fehlst mir auch when you´re not here, because despite you´re trying to convert me to the Smacked religion, I always enjoy reading your messages :).

thank you. Finally I left the Stone Age. But now i am "sure" i am too lazy to post on regular basis
Considering how busy you keep on posting, I would never call you lazy :lol:.

you have not idea how much i remembered your words, especially after some recent about a very famous singer. I understand he said he knew he was going to end like he did. A complete waste:rolleyes:
Yes, that poor guy is somewhat the stereotyped figure of all Hollywood creatures and maybe his end was predictable, though it´s sad, as an artist he was brilliant.

It's something viewers appreciate, not matter their age :) because their acting is so strong that creates and special magic that talks about experience. For example Mr Asner from Yarzheit or that actress who portrayed the mother in 5.23. They have showed how strong and effective are like actors and they add a "plus" to any episode That scene when Mac knew Abraham was so shocking, so well played because that guy, who looked so venerable and wise was a a liar! He was so convincing that it almost was painful when David found out who his father was! And it was almost so...i cannot find the right word because Abraham called David at the end looking for him but his son was someone he would have delivered to SS during IIWW (I am fascinated with the subject because i have seen "Down Fall" this afternoon. Have you seen it? I am still shocked for that one:eek::eek::eek:) Btw Yarzheit should have got more nominations:wtf:
Regarding the "Brangenlina" couple...well i must admit I am not fond of them:p so seriously I don't care. They have lost any credibility in front of my eyes years ago. But thid wasn't the first time a ypoung actress portrayed a character like that one you mentioned for Angelina. In "The man in the Iron Mask" my fav by heart French actress, Anne Parilloud, portrayed Leonardo Di Caprio's mother! She was only 40 or even less when they filmed it and Leonardo almost 30:lol: Seriously i would have preferred another role for her especially when i remember she was the first "Nikita"
Yes, thank God, the viewers do appreciate older actors and don´t demand younger ones, where more mature ones are required for the role. If mother- or father- characters are needed, or like in "Yahrzeit" actors where you need to see the lines in their faces to show their long lives that are behind them, then it would be utterly ridiculous to use young actors. Hmm, "Down Fall"- maybe I have seen it, but in the German version, so the English film title doesn´t ring a bell at the moment; if you could tell me a little bit more about it, please :)? I´m not a fan of Brangelina, either, their continous public life annoys me and even more it annoys me that they sell pics of their kids and say it´s just to help the poor and that they donate all the money. IMO it´s sort of hypocrisy, because they keep themselves in the spotlight with such actions. Ahhh, now you mention it, I remember "The Man in the Iron Mask" and yes, this actress really looked a bit too young to be Leo´s Mum :rolleyes:, but of course, she´s not to blame, but the director who chose her.

well, more or less;) The insanity lives everywhere and especially in small markets outside Hollywood and meanwhile there are intelligent producers who call these older actors, it's not necessarily something all producers do. Besides i guess in every market you have a different prejudice. In my country there is this thing about if a threatre actor could be so effective on tv and viceversa. Usually younger actors work on tv and older in threatre so threatre actors become "snob" and critize tv. For me is ok as a viewer but i do realize in threatre you have more chances to see new actors and actresses and they are more convincing sometimes :D
I agree, insanity is not limited to Hollywood, there is a certain beauty and age ideal that many producers prefer, but thankfully there are still more sensible producers who have no problems with ageing actors, just the opposite.
Well, over here it is said that theater actors are the créme de la crème, because live acting on stage is considered to be more difficult than having the opportunity to do endless takes in a film shooting to make a scene perfect. But as being a theatre actor doesn´t really make you rich, many of them take the opportunity to do films and movies, so they better not be snobs :D.

I admit you are right. GfD was added to the list and i am so proud of Melina. I really liked (beyond the obvious reason:D) how she explored Stella's relationship with almost everyone in the team. We saw how Flack and Danny weren't weak with her despite how she treated them in the past (when they went after Professor P and they found Stell). It was very interesting because it was Melina's POV on their friendship in the same way how she wrote Mac and Stella's relationship :D The way how she felt Mac and Stella's relationship might be:adore: (no matter suggestions she could have received from TPTB;)) Besides Gary said he liked very much the episode so i do hope someday Melina writes again. I love Melina and what she gave us:thumbsup:
Yes, GfD was obviously TPTB´s fave episode next to "Yahrzeit", so even if it didn´t get nominated in the end, it still must be a lovely reward for Melina. I agree, it wasn´t only about Mac´s and Stell`s friendship :D and how it evolved and strengthened in Greece, but Melina gave the other characters good space, too, to act in this case. It was so ironic that Flack was concerned about Jessica´s involvement in the case, little did he know then, poor guy....
I hope as well that Melina will one day write another episode for the show.

I do believe Adam, Flack and Stell share the same level of sensitivity. So i am not surprise when you find Stella and Adam working together in 5.25 but not "common working":lol:(love, love, LOVE that scene) or how in 5.01 Adam talked to Flack privately or Stella comforting Flack in 5.13. So i do hope scenes between Stell and Flack
But if Melina doesn't have any episode of her own (at least one like in S4 or S2 or S3) wouldn't be too weird considering she is the main female star??????:confused:
would you think if that happen could be related to the fact her contract will be up at the end of S6?:shifty:
Yes, Adam, Flack and Stella have a great chemistry, she has it with Danny, too, at least in the previous seasons we could see this, but this season suffered a bit coz of D/L :D.
Well, we´ll have to wait and see how this D/L-drama will develop and how much space it will take away as well as the Kaye-girl, though I´m glad that she´s for now just a recurring character, so she won´t be in every episode. Mac seems to have "his" episode already in 6.02, so I hope there will be at least one "Stella-ep", too. I mean, they cannot show D/L in every ep., they need to do justice to all characters, especially the leads.
I´m optimistic that Melina will sign another contract for S7, now that we know that Kaye S. won´t replace anyone of the team. Except if Melina would want to leave voluntarily, which I can´t imagine. Hey, Melina, please stay until the end of CSI:NY, we need you and love you :).

yessssss:drool:, Stella's face showed everything: her understanding on Mindy's story, her sadness for her blood sister Mindy, and her own loss because Mindy was the only one she had until professor P. took her to St Basil. The way Stella talked to her, so softly, so compassive because Stella tried to make her understand it wasn't her intention to be an intruder neither her secret nor in her life. Really touching scene!
You know I hate it if something or someone makes Stella sad, but yet I love her sad and melancholic look and her eyes. That´s why Melina is so convincingly portraying this woman who has so many sad and dark experiences behind her; Melina is just a genius actress :):thumbsup:

please, " not, not again" as Henry VIII when he was forced to marry again I love Andromeda as it is. Not Cassandra (she gives me migraine:lol:)
Well, Henry wasn´t really forced to marry these wives, except the first one :D, but anyway, I don´t want to cause you migraines, so I´ll keep being your Andromeda, the nut :lol:

Love and hugs to you and everyone else :)
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Hello Stellarinas!!!! :D

Stellarinas i was looking for some stuff about Melina and i found that stuff YAY Melina's stuff!!!!!! YAY!!!! I am so happy!!!!!

But before that

Dearest Nut, i need more time to answer to your crazyness :D so i will leave a message for you later :D

Let's start with presents :D

Considering the hommage to Guiding Light ;) Ahhhhh doesn't she look gorgeous with the bump? :D

Courtesy: Willowfriend site dedicated to Guiding Light :D




*hint hint Wouldn't Stella look marvelous with her own baby? :D

and la crème de la crème : Melina's vids!!!!!! (just right button of your mouse and save target as to be able to watch them)

Remember she was Eleni in GL so check 1992. As usual thanks to MelindaAshley who was the angel who posted this for us first :D


Bouncing Debbs :D
Hey Stellarinas! Magandang araw sa inyo (Good day to you all).

Deb, mucho thanks for the drool-worthy EV pic you sent me (just because...*thud*)

Second, i was able to see some GL scenes with Melina on YT (yes, even the singing in the diner scene) and she's simply amazing in there. If I'm not mistaken the show already ended, which I'm pretty sure broke her heart.

If I get lucky, I could spot "Providence" DVD here soon. hugs & kisses from moi ^_^V
Hello everyone!! Haven't been in this thread in ages. I say blame it on the way Season 5 just went down the toilet for me.

Deb, Melina looks really young in those GL pics.

I finally saw the last few eppies of Season 5. I've been putting off watching them since May and finally saw them a week ago when I had to stay home, sick in bed, nursing a very nasty cold. Anyway, I wasn't particularly happy with Grounds for Deception. Not to diss Melina or anything (being a fan and all) but GFR was just plain horrible. The story line was just way too preposterous for words. She was just trying to do too much. I know she wanted to learn more about Stella's mysterious past, just like many of us here but dang, this was just too ridiculous, too fantastic. She should've left well enough alone IMO. Okay, rant now over. *runs away from all tomato trajectories*

Hello everyone!! Haven't been in this thread in ages. I say blame it on the way Season 5 just went down the toilet for me.

Deb, Melina looks really young in those GL pics.

I finally saw the last few eppies of Season 5. I've been putting off watching them since May and finally saw them a week ago when I had to stay home, sick in bed, nursing a very nasty cold. Anyway, I wasn't particularly happy with Grounds for Deception. Not to diss Melina or anything (being a fan and all) but GFR was just plain horrible. The story line was just way too preposterous for words. She was just trying to do too much. I know she wanted to learn more about Stella's mysterious past, just like many of us here but dang, this was just too ridiculous, too fantastic. She should've left well enough alone IMO. Okay, rant now over. *runs away from all tomato trajectories*

Do not fear my Twinny, for I will shield you from all whatever will be flying straight at you :guffaw:

-- sorry Stellarinas, but she's my other half of my heart. Please spare her...for once *LOL* (sorry, Mandy)

Please don't get me wrong. I love Stella in everything she has done. But after watching it for the 6th time, in real life, those occurred could not happen in real life. Is it just me or some of the leads became Superheroes towards the end? And getting search & arrest warrants aren't quick to do, especially if your tracking down a criminal to another country. But, kudos to Melina anyway for having a writing cred. Not all actors are given that chance.
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Hey, Stellarinas :),

dear Mandy, I prefer to eat tomatoes instead of throwing them at persons :lol:. We are all free to express our opinions and whether or not others approve to it, doesn´t matter. So you (and Chaos and others) didn´t like GfD, that´s absolutely OK.

To me it wasn´t a 100%ly perfect episode, there were quite some obscure scenes and things, but I thought: "Sod it, it´s just fiction, and it pays off for all the wonderful Stella-scenes in it :)"....OK, plus the nice friendship-scenes with Mac and Stell :D.

Ghawazeeeee, Honeyyyyyyyyyy, take your time and have fun :), and thank you for the great pics :drool:, hugs from your crazy nut :lol:

Love and hugs to you all :)
:lol:No need to take my time, tomorrow i will be studying with a friend so i need to enjoy posting today :D

Magandang araw sa inyo
and Buenos dias para ti también Kay :D

Deb, mucho thanks for the drool-worthy EV pic you sent me (just because...*thud*)

Second, i was able to see some GL scenes with Melina on YT (yes, even the singing in the diner scene) and she's simply amazing in there. If I'm not mistaken the show already ended, which I'm pretty sure broke her heart.

If I get lucky, I could spot "Providence" DVD here soon. hugs & kisses from moi ^_^V

ha ha I wanted to reply to your PM with another special pic but i couldn't make it in time because you already are here:lol: I wish i could get Providence but i wish i could get Due South too:rolleyes: Howver these litle vids warm my heart and fill my heart with love for Melina:bolian: (I already know i love her so DVDs just would be a plus)

Mandy!!! It's always nice to have you back. You preserve this place of converting it in another Smacked Thread :angel:
I finally saw the last few eppies of Season 5. I've been putting off watching them since May and finally saw them a week ago when I had to stay home, sick in bed, nursing a very nasty cold. Anyway, I wasn't particularly happy with Grounds for Deception. Not to diss Melina or anything (being a fan and all) but GFR was just plain horrible. The story line was just way too preposterous for words. She was just trying to do too much. I know she wanted to learn more about Stella's mysterious past, just like many of us here but dang, this was just too ridiculous, too fantastic. She should've left well enough alone IMO. Okay, rant now over. *runs away from all tomato trajectories*

well Twinnies, let's say. You are free to say whatever you want and having the opinion you want. It's ok. It's something i have tried to preserve inside the Smacked Thread (i have a certain nut over there. Upppppssss it's also here too :D )

For me it was the best episode of the season (i have other of course but my most beloved episode is GfD)
Why? Because that episode summarizes all i wanted to know and see for Stella and, therefore, her relationship with her love (for me it's her love. For my beloved nut it's just a friend). I have known Stella since S1 and always her relationship with Mac has been the most important thing to understand her personality. It's not she doesn't have her own personality. On the contrary, she had a very well defined and strong personality but you can't conceive to think about Stella without thinking what Mac has been meant to her:drool:. Before she left for Helenika her only goal was to know the truth about the smuggling coin but later, after she discovered Professor P. was involved, her goal was to give back the painting and to find out who she really is. So, the smuggling coin case took a second place in her priorities. I didn't need anything else but to know who she really is:thumbsup: and of course, la crème de la crème...exploring her relationship with the love of her life:lol:

(see? My dearest Nut... I am a Smacked fan after all:thumbsup:

more piccies


At her school, in the Alumni Hall of Fame she is there with this pic:drool:
Debs!! Loved the last picture!!! she looks amazing as always!!

And all those vids!!! Great!!:)
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