It's natural when time passes, a character is developed in more layers than at the beginning.
Probably you had the feeling of a "steel" because her tough side was explored first.
But it's like it is said: you can't judge a book by its cover.
In many ways, many people show that same tough side because it's their only way to connect to other people.
yes, there will be people who reject those people. But at the same time there will be people who will understand what there is under all that rage and toughness.
Probably the only intelligent thing Frankie did was that little sculpture he gave her: it was a proof he understood her (well he was a pycho. Psychos know their victims). I can't quote him but he said something like that little thing showed how tough she was outside and how pure she was inside.
And probably it's the only thing i would agree with him!
Stella didn't have a normal childhood. She never had a loving family we knew (not yet at least
) she never asked her mum to read her fairy tales because mum wasn't there. And probably little Stella never learnt how to believe in fairy tales anyway. How could a child living under her condition survive?
Pretending they don't care the world a bit. Pretending she doesn't need anyone else. Being independent and becoming stronger because since she was a little girl she had to face the loneliness and the angst.
And later? When she was 8 Stella had Mindy. But Mindy left her behind.
Yes, Stella said she had understood Mindy's reasons years later. But, what would it be her behaviour "in between". I mean since Mindy left until Stella finally figured out her reasons?.
Years had passed but i bet there was a lot of pain and bitterness in those tender years where a little girl become into a young woman.
How have Stella's teen years been??? With pain, with fear, with despair. And Stella learnt how to show her tough side. It was easier than showing her vulnerability, it was easier than showing her inner self
Probably she never showed her vulnerability to anyone, not until she was ready to create bonds. And she met Mac, and Don, and Danny and Aiden. And she could believe she could have all those things other people take as "normal": a family, friends, real feelings, love
Now she is still tough. But she allows herself to show her real inner self. I am glad. Because at first it was just with Mac
and now she allows to do that with other: for example with Danny when she showed her frustration when she received the dead rat 5.07 or with Lindsay when Lindsay tried to talk about a"pregnant friend in Jersey". Precisely i watched (partially) 5.10 and Stella's face shone in such way when she realized Lindsay was talking about herself that almost made me cried (well only Melina has that efect on me:lol
Sorry, probably it sounded cheesy but i won't judge Stella by her behaviour without taking in consideration all facts in her life. As my friend wrote: Never judge a book by its cover. I'll never will. Not to Stella
called me
Debbie or
Debbs. Certainly i don't know. Don't misunderstanding me. CSI NY it's my fav show and i can't help but loving Stella with all my heart. CSI NY is the only show i am completely obsessed with (althought i watch other shows as well). But i guess after watching her for 5 years in Providence spoiled me completely and i expect nothing less than having her during 44 minutes per episode:lol:
ps: I have always asked if that darn mania Stella has with her fingers was Melina's thing or just Stella's "background". I guess if their colleagues can live with it i can live with it too:lol: