Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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I agree with all of you gals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First i would love to see her utside work. Yep, she loves threatre. That would be great. Also i was thinking...skating on Central Park! But probably Melina won't allow to do that (because The insurance at work and stuff like that). I guess i was daydreaming with a Christmas episode :D

And i support with all my heart Jenn's idea. I'd love to see her in danger and then going back all sensitive. I DO like when She is in danger and we have Drama Stella and then she is rescued but she becomes more cautious about everything! :D

Talking about some undercover mission--I still wonder whow is possible she knew Brett (from The Security Agency) back in Hostage. She seemed to know him A LOT. Like friends or formers partners. Besides she looked very familiar with the "enviroment" (The Agency) how is that possible?????????????????????

Debbie :D (intrigued. Wait! could we expect Spy Stella????????????????)
Thanks for the pics Deb! Oh and I love your pic... the one that's under your name :guffaw: can't remember what it's called but it's very drool-worthy :drool:

Someone should write a fic about her in an undercover mission. It's been done before I know but still. I'd love it.
Jenn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So gla you came back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Linda made my current avvie. You can ask one to her inside the Smacked thread and she'll make one for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW You were asking about the bar scne at "Consequences". Check Lilou's fanvid at 1:16 (not audio but the scene is priceless) :D

Debbie :D (what episode did you watch in Oz???)
Loving the pics! I love her emmys dress. And her legs are sexylicious! Why do only the blessed have lovely legs? And the first pic is cute...
LOL! Ausssie, you mad ethe impossible: you made me smile today! :D

Yes, Melina looks like a Charithy (some of those beautiful Greek statues at the Parthenon) and her legs seem to be infinite :D

I really like that red dress and her hair is perfect like that (tied up) :D

The best: Gary and Melina are priceless :D

Debbie :D
> deb, love the pics!!!!!!! love it love it!:lol:

> yeah, whatever happened to Mindy after Stella found her? It left a blank page as to whether she was arrested. They should've showed Stella coming back to Mindy's flat with the badge and handcuffs, leading Mindy out. I know it hurts to see her foster sister being arrested. But Stella did the right thing and she did it with bravery, even if it really hurts her.
Hey Kay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I'm glad you like them :D

Yes, it would be better the "following day" scene because we made us think so far Stella DID make a mistke when she covered Mindy.
It reminds me an eppy from Season 8 on Law&Order :SVU when Liv had to go after her own half brother. She almost was fired (she got a suspension) and If writers didn't show that maybe we will have to deal with the consequences on later seasons!

Still, Stella is emotional but i don' think she is capable of such a thing beyond the fact Mindy killed that jerk because he was a real crap

Another pic (i hope you like it) :D

It's from old times

thanks, Deb. What puzzles me though is that Gary seemed to put on weight when I was looking through the off cam pics from S5. There's something in that bulgy thingin front of him that annoys me (if those are washboard abs, that would be better).

but then again, Mindy killed the jerk. the guy deserves it. however, she must suffer the consequences, even if it was self-defense (from what i see).
Aww I love those pics! I dont know why, but its the second one I like best. Its as though it was taken naturally and it wasnt posed or anything. I cant really explain, but it just looks so normal. The smiles look real, whereas you can often tell when someone is faking a smile. But that picture just looks genuine to me.

Also, something thats been bugging me for a while now, did Stella grow up in New York? I always assumed she had because I havent heard anything different. And yet she doesnt have the typical New York accent for it. It seems to me like any other accent from further west. Maybe Im just stereotyping New Yorkers here, but I always thought they all had distinctive accents.
You are so right, Aussie!!!!!!!! :D

NY accent is a way too strong and distintive. If i'm not wrong Carmine is from there (not sure) but you can tell he has a real strong accent

Stella was born in NY. It was never mentioned but it was never given any different thing about her origin.
But Melina did come from the West. She was born is Akron (Ohio)
Here you have

I think It's better she uses a "neutral" accent. Pretended to have another one would be weird ;)

I'm glad you liked the pics. Ifound them yesterday and that second one is so natural!!! Of course, it belongs to a backstage but still it's gorgeous :D I have another one where Melina and Gary are laughing off camera and it's simply adorable :D

Debbie :D
NY accent is a way too strong and distintive. If i'm not wrong Carmine is from there (not sure) but you can tell he has a real strong accent
I had to jump in here because I am from the New York area. My parents were both raised in NYC and I work there and know many people who were raised in all areas of NYC and not everyone has the thick NY accent that Danny sports. In some it is just a very mild accent that you can hear in certain words, in others it is almost non-existent and some it is almost as strong as Danny's. Danny's is very typical of the Staten Island/Brooklyn accent although as I said I know many who grew up in those areas as well and their accents aren't nearly that pronounced. I haven't heard Carmine speak as Carmine so I don't know if maybe he has thickened his accent for when he plays Danny or if it really is that thick naturally.
Private!!!!!!!! --> Thank you (BIG!) for the clarification!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard other actors with that accent so i assume part is acting and part is because of natural causes :)
Isn't Eddie from NY as well????? Because he has an accent (at least to me he sounds he has one)too. But they are different

It was a good thiong Writers made Mac from Chicago so they have not any problem with that and Melina sounds so neutral (well she does to me because i don't know the whole range of American accents) :)

BTW i was thinking about you after yesterday's spoilers. I remembered you when you said "What it's good for the goose.." (sorry I can't quote. My English sucks!)

Still i'm in a better mood but still grrrrrr

take care

Debbie :D

ps: You were meant to love NYC, weren't you ? :D You gotta love NY :D (as much as i do even when i'm not a New Yorker)
Private!!!!!!!! --> Thank you (BIG!) for the clarification!!!!!!!!!!!!! I heard other actors with that accent so i assume part is acting and part is because of natural causes :)
Isn't Eddie from NY as well????? Because he has an accent (at least to me he sounds he has one)too. But they are different

It was a good thiong Writers made Mac from Chicago so they have not any problem with that and Melina sounds so neutral (well she does to me because i don't know the whole range of American accents) :)

No problem. There is definitely a stereotypical NY accent and even in those who have a very mild accent, there are certain words that are a dead giveway. Most people can't really tell from my accent that I was raised in NJ until I say certain words. Coffee and water are apparently dead giveaways:lol:

I think people from the midwest including those from Chicago have a definite accent as well. It is obviously different from NYC, but there definitely is one. I don't really hear it in Mac, however. And, I agree, I don't really hear an accent from Melina either. But, I am sure there are others that might hear one.

BTW i was thinking about you after yesterday's spoilers. I remembered you when you said "What it's good for the goose.." (sorry I can't quote. My English sucks!)
As much as I love the idea someone remembers me :cool: because I figure most of what I write is pretty unmemorable, I didn't write "what's good for the goose .." It must have been someone else :)

ps: You were meant to love NYC, weren't you ? :D You gotta love NY :D (as much as i do even when i'm not a New Yorker)
Yes, you really have to love NYC! Like many though, I wish they would use more parts of the city to demonstrate its diversity.

And, to bring this back to Stella, it would be great to find out where in NYC she grew up.
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