Stella/Hawkes #1 -The Greek Goddess & Her Brown Sugar

Re: Stella and Hawkes

Absolutely, that ending was perfection. I was hoping that the whole team would be there for him, but the smile on his face when Stella came up was absolutely wonderful. I was grinning like an absolute idiot. I've liked the idea of these two for a while recently (and they've managed to find their way into my Danny/Flack slash stories ;)), and to see such a sweet little scene just made my night complete.

Of course, my mother pointed out that it looked like Stella was nekkid under that coat, so that made me giggle for a different reason. :lol:

(I'm not big on the canon ships, as I've mentioned here there and everywhere on this board, but with Melina and Hill doing scenes together, I think they could pull off even some clunky lines. :lol:)
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Well I didn't watch the episode but a very good friend ;) told me about the scene through the MSN. I felt a little bad 'cause well, I'm an Smacked fan but I have to be realistic: they won't be together until the very last season :( so I think I like this couple too :D 'cause Hawkes is a good guy (and handsome :devil:), not like Frankie, so let's enjoy it!!!! I really wanna see the caps *sighs*
Re: Stella and Hawkes

after watching last night episode i'm so in on those two! there is so many people who could pick him up from jail and it was Stella who went. It clearly mean something. and that hug!!!!
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Not that I need another CSI ship but...that hug and the look on both Stella's and Sheldon's face...*sigh*
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Awwww, those pictures are great, thanks for sharing, noealonso! They're so adorable, I love it.

So, now that I've boarded this ship and that last scene sold me on the pairing ;), I need to read fanfic. I think the only one I've read so far was a three-way with Flack (very hot, though! :devil:). Must go looking...

But I feel a bit guilty that it took a scene on the show to get me posting in this thread. :eek: I have liked the ship for a while, I promise. ;)

*sigh* They make me all kinds of happy. It's definitely been bumped up my list of ships. :lol:
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Hey great pics!!!

But he was in jail??? I thought he was a suspect like the others they always have, and that he was a t a police station!!! So if she went to the jail for him... that means a lot!!!
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Yep, she went all the way to Riker's to pick him up! That's gonna have to mean something.
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Don't they make a nice pair together? I didn't know whether it was a friend hug, or a couples hug, but now I can see this ship happening.
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Sorry 1CSIMfan!!! I always post near your warnings :lol: before or after, but near :lol:

Yeah radical he was going to kiss her, on her cheek I think, but he regretted :lol: imagine if he had kissed her on her lips, a tiny kiss *sighs*. And they looked at each other like saying, "hey, let's go" or "we made it", or "where are we going now?? your house or mine?" :devil:. I loved the way he nodded, don't know why!!!

Wow what am I doing??? this is my third ship with Stella :lol:
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Hello. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person around here who ships these two. I've actually thought about them since the beginning of season 2.

I had almost forgotten how cute they were until I saw them at the end of last night's episode! Adorable! And I love those pics, too!
Re: Stella and Hawkes

here's a cute pic of our shippo...
