Stella/Hawkes #1 -The Greek Goddess & Her Brown Sugar

Re: Stella and Hawkes

Woah, Hawkes looks like he's ready to plant one right on Stella's lips. He also has that smitten look on his face as well. Then there's Stella who looks like she's waiting to be kissed.

Thanks for that photo :D.
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Wow what am I doing??? this is my third ship with Stella
Lol, hey Reine! Nice to see ya... :lol: Yeah I gotta say after last night's eppy I could see this ship happening! :D They are pretty cute together...And yeah J.F. he totally looks smitten and looks like he's gonna lay one on her...and Stella looks like she'd be okay with that! ;)

Thanks for the cap Rad! :D
Re: Stella and Hawkes

I thought I'd go back a few pages for the featured ship this time. Five pages back actually. Anyway, Stella/Hawkes will be the featured ship this week.

Also, I noticed the thread doesn't have a name other than "Stella and Hawkes" so let me know if you want something else added.
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Yeah we should come up with something for these two....My OTP for Stella is still with Macky, but I gotta say I do like her and Hawkes in the scenes they have together...the first thing that came to mind when I thought of "title" for these two was...(and forgive me if this is in any way offensive to anyone, I swear I do not AT ALL mean it to be offensive, I mean it in the hottest coolest way possible...)

StaWkes #1- The Greek Goddess and her Brown Sugar!

Or after looking at the above pic where she picks him up from jail...

Stella/Hawkes #1- "His Eyes Say It All!"
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Hi guys!!! :D

I love both names :D although I'm gonna vote for the second one and I'll add 2 more:

Stella/Hawkes #1: He loves being in the field...with her

Stella/Hawkes #1: 'Cause we know you wanted to kiss her

Finally I watched "The Lying Game"!!! :D Did you see how he touched her back??? Awwww that was cute :p

BTW, I haven't abandoned Smacked either. Just enjoy their interactions :p
Re: Stella and Hawkes

How about we set up a poll for you guys to vote for the thread name?

ETA: I did it wrong..but it will be Stella/Hawkes instead of Stella & Hawkes.
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Lol, wow I didn't think mine would be that popular! :lol: Glad to see it was offensive though, I was worried for a bit! ;) I like them all though...they're all fun, I just think these two are cute together...and you can tell there's affection there! (I think I've decided I must have a girl crush on Stel cuz I keep shipping her with everyone! :lol: ) So yeah I'm cool with any of these titles! :D
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Well, I'm not particular about what the thread is called, so long as it's here if I want to post in it, but am I the only one who thinks that 'Stawkes' sounds like 'stalks'? And, not to diss whoever came up with it, but I don't think a ship name is absolutely necessary. Also, having a title with a ship name in it, rather than the character names, makes things more confusing for a newbie looking through the forum.

Anyway, back to Stella/Hawkes. :)

I definitely like the dynamic between these two. There's a comfort between them, and just an easy sort of communication. I can see Hawkes as the type to bide his time and not push Stella, especially considering what she went through with Frankie. He always seems to be aware of the people around him, and I'm sure he inspires trust in his friends and coworkers. He's definitely there for Stella if she needs him. ;)

[SPOILER="Heart of Glass" promo, and a bit about known Stella spoilers]During the preview, it looked like Hawkes reached for Stella and she pulled back and said "don't touch me!" So I wonder if that means that he's there when she gets cut. Knowing Sheldon, he'll be very concerned for her. I wonder if she asks him to keep the incident to himself or something? I'm interested to see how that storyline plays out for Stella, and how Hawkes might have a part in it. ;)

Re: Stella and Hawkes

I can't see the promo at innertube :( they haven't updated it :(. Well maybe he's used to touching her :devil: and then when he tries to comfort her she pushes him :p. 'cause we've talked a lot about who she tells about it, but we haven't said anything about who's with her in the moment she cuts.
Re: Stella and Hawkes

I'm starting to like this ship especially after Raising Shane with the hug at the end. :) Great scene... Can't wait to see more of them onscreen!
Re: Stella and Hawkes

Did we get any of them this week? I still haven't seen the eppy...I know I know, bad me! :p Lol! But yeah, I know Stel worked with Danny, but did she have any quality time with our lovely Hawkes too? Help a girl out here and let me know! :D
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

I've updated the thread name with the winning title.

Nope, no Stella and Hawkes interaction this week. Hawkes worked with Mac.
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Yay, my thread name won! Heehee, cool beans! I really think that title is appropriate! ;) Although it's gonna make me think of the movie "Brown Sugar" every time I see that title now...but since I love that movie, I guess that's not such a bad thing! :lol:

Thanks Modie! :D
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

I might as well ship this one too. I ship everything else, hey! what's one more gonna hurt?

Love the title!
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Lynny! Heehee! Yay for joining in here...I swear I'm turning into ship Macky all over and I'm starting to ship Stella everywhere! :lol: I just can't help it though... :D

Cute title huh! ;) Pretty proud of that! :lol: