Stella/Hawkes #1 -The Greek Goddess & Her Brown Sugar

Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

You came up with it? Noo! LOL

haha, you're turning into me, see this is what you gets when you hang with me, next you'll know you'll be shipping her all over the place. :D

Hawkes is a good guy though and deserves some lovin'
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Are you really surprised! ;) Heehee!

I know I am, I'm telling ya! I've been hanging around you too much! :lol: I already ship her with Macky, Hawkes and possibly Flack....(no Danny though...can't do that, and I still love Smacked best) but yeah...Stella/Hawkes still makes me smile! :D

Yeah Hawkes deserves some lovin! ;)
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

I didn't know you'd come up with it, I figured J might've, no offense.

hehe, you may so no to Danny right now, but trust me, theres a chance you'll do that too!

he really does, he's a hottie!
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Lol, no worries hon! I was just teasin' you! ;) Yup I came up with it, but had I not I'm SURE Mina woulda been all over it! ;)

Yeah if I ship Danny with anyone other than Linds...well yeah I don't really see that happening...(I'm telling ya, D/L for me is like CatNip is for you! ;) Heehee! :lol: )

Yeah he really is! I can totally agree with that! :D
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Weeeeeeeeeell, getting back to Stella and Hawkes...

I loved this scene in "Summer in the City" when Stella is teasing Hawkes about his new job. You can tell she loved being able to rib him. How often does someone you've worked with for years become a newbie? :lol: It's like 'heh, now you get to see what I do all day.' :p His enthusiasm was great, though.

Their comfort with each other, which I seem to keep mentioning, is great to see. I can definitely sense something there between them, but Sheldon didn't seem to feel any sort of jealousy when Stella got those flowers from Frankie, etc. He seems like the type to be patient and bide his time. When Stella is ready for a relationship, he'll be there. ;)

This is a whole lot of sexiness in one picture. :lol:

Hmm, a rather intense look, Sheldon. ;)

I love when we see that these characters are comfortable enough with each other that physical contact is easy for them, if that makes sense. Yes, they're co-workers, and they keep things professional when they're working, but you still know that the friendships extend past the 9 to 5. ;)
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Ohhh, love the pics Fay! Those are definitely HOT! ;) They really are two very beautiful people, wow! I like that last one especially...and I totally agree, it says something when gestures of affection come so easily like that! ;) Love it! :D
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

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Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Thanks Modie! :D You rock! ;)

I don't know if this has been mentioned in here, can't remember...but it looks like Hawkes is the one with Stel when she cuts herself on infected glass this week...wonder we'll get some sweet concern and kind affection from him this week! Awww, Hawkes is so dang cute! :D
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

That promo is really confusing :( 'cause the spoilers say that she tells no one, so why are Hawkes and Flack there? :confused: and well in the spoiler thread they said it's neither Hawkes nor Flack. Although I have this crazy idea :p: I think Stella and Hawkes have something :devil: and we'll find out they're together during those months she waits for the results of the exam, I mean once he knows ('cause for me at the end everybody will know about it) he's gonna support her *sighs*
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Yeah somehow I think I'm with ya on wouldn't suprise me really if there was something there with these two...they're not my OTP, but they are still totally cute and they work somehow to yeah I could see it. And yeah I don't know what's up with them being there but her not telling anyone, maybe they see her cut herself but she doesn't say the glass was infected until later? That could be.
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Well I have theory although it's kinda complicated :lol: maybe she cuts in a crime scene but she doesn't tell anyone, goes to the doctor, he tells her about the risk etc. then she comes back to work as nothing happened. Then she's interrogating this girl and she breaks the glass and she cuts again :p but this time Hawkes is there so he tries to help her ('cause he's her secret b/f muahahahaha :devil:) tries to touch her ;) and she says: please don't touch me, 'cause she's bleeding again and if they do, it could be dangerous for them too :D. Then in the next episode she tells Mac and the unknown person ;) because she HAS to, then the whole lab knows about it including Hawkes and he is with her during the whole thing, and at the end of the season (I love speculating :devil:) she tells him that she's ok with a kiss :eek: :devil: :D
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Stella doesn't tell anybody in episode 15. It's episode 16 when she tells Mac. Episode 17 is when she has to tell the other person that wasn't Hawkes or Flack. From the promos, you know Hawkes is there in episode 15 because she tells him not to touch her. I wonder if he questions why or if she comes up with a good save.
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Yeah Rhonda, she doesn't tell anyone in episode 15 'cause she hasn't cut in episode 15 :p. I'm speculating a lot about these two 'cause I agree with you I really wanna hear her excuses for Hawkes and anyone that is with her in that moment :D. And I really wanna know about what Flack said in the promo: I don't get this, blah, blah, blah. But well I don't think that Mac is gonna have something with Stella this season so I hope at least she's already Hawkes' g/f *sighs* they're soooooo cute :p. Although you telling us that she tells Mac in episode 16 is cheering me up a lot :eek: man can't wait :eek: tomorrow better comes soon, I'm totally obssesed with this :eek: I even have a counter in my MSN :lol:
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Woopsies..I just totally screwed up that post completely. :eek: Please ignore it..well, ignore the episode numbers. Here's my updated version.

Stella doesn't tell anybody in episode 16. It's episode 17 when she tells Mac and I'm pretty sure it's because of the thing that happens with the other person. Episode 17 is when she has to tell the other person that wasn't Hawkes or Flack. From the promos, you know Hawkes is there in episode 16 because she tells him not to touch her. I wonder if he questions why or if she comes up with a good save?
Re: Stella/Hawkes #1-The Greek Goddess and Her Brown Sugar

Lol, cute Modie! Very cute! :D No worries...we gotcha! ;)
she probably comes up with a good save, knowing Stel she's pretty saavy with stuff, so I could see her playing it off pretty easily. Hopefully though Hawkes will be able to see right through her, he's pretty intuitive! ;)