Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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Difficult choice :) I love them all ;)

I came up with this: Det. Stella Bonasera #4- The Toughest Detective in New York. :D
Does anybody else think that Stella won't be so nice to Peyton next time they're in the same room? I still cannoot believe it will Stella who apologized. Anyway, I'd love to see Stella go all rambo style on Peyton . Peyton will finally learn that it's never good to piss of a Greek woman.
Stella go rambo on Peyton? now that I gotta see... :devil:

love the titles... cute.. can't pick...
^Ditto that. Stella fears no one or nothing so I don't see her backing down from Peyton. She's too classy to resort to physical violence but if that woman, or anyone for that matter, pushes the wrong button she's gonna speak her mind whether it's nice or not.
Stella could beat Peyton any given day. I can understand why she apologized to Peyton- With Hammerback there Stella didn't want to make Peyton look weak. :devil:

ha ha, but really I think the apology was just a responsible, respectable thing to do. She was the bigger woman..
Yep, I totally agree. Stella definitely was the bigger woman there. I bet Peyton felt like a fool for not apologizing & for the tone she used when the words came out of her mouth. Although it didn't really seem like it Stella pretty much owned Peyton despite the fact that Peyton was the one acting up. I'm glad Stella decided to walk away inside of confronting Peyton, looking for a fight. Who knows, maybe Stella will get her chance later on :devil:.
Hey J why you in Retail Therapy? :lol:

Been shoping with Stella again, huh?

Stella: Hey Peyton can we talk?
Peyton: Sure, whats up?
Hahaha it is *so* on :lol:

Here's a lovely photo of Melina that I found. I don't think anybody posted it before...


Her smile is so pretty & charming in that photo.
Melina: Yeah me and Mina go shopping all the time and we're going to therapy together.
Mina: Shhhh!

Secrets out J!
:lol: Hon, if I knew Melina(I wish I did :() we'd be out shopping right now. She seems like she knows some good stores in LA. If I earned her salery I'd be out on Rodeo Drive instead of here :lol:.
Oh come on, Admit it. You Greeks know each other. You're just not supposed to tell shhh.

*hugs you though*

I bet she knows all the hot spots.
Nawh, we just pretend we know each other. After we walk away we'll be like, "Who the hell is that Andreas Vandi?" :lol: But yeah, we call each other sisters & brothers & friends even though the reality is we really aren't :lol:.

If Melina picks out her own clothes then I truly agree that she knows all the hot spots. She's worn tons of amazing dresses in the past & stylist or not, she's got good taste!
Andreas Vandi? .. Do you really do that?

Do you think everything in her closet is stylist type or just like walmart type?
She probably has a few walmart items that look like designer clothes but I'm sure the rest of it is stylish. Plus, she has a family so I'm pretty sure that's not as label crazy as she would be if she was my age :lol:.

Well, Andreas Vandi is a name off the top of my head but besides that it's pretty much true :lol:. We're all pretty much connected somehow whether it be through a taverna or whatever. Everyone knows my papou because he owns this Greek bakery that gives pita bread & other items everywhere. I'm sure a few random people know Melina's family because of the candyshop they own. So if I call someone my sister, brother or friend it may not be true most of the time & maybe Melina is the same way :lol:.
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