Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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J, I'm agree so with you! :p Maybe we've to make a James Bond movie with all the peepz here in the thread :lol: Who is going to call Melina and Gary or Daniel? :p
Yep, that's right. Stella is a second generation Greek, born & raised in Akron, Ohio. That means both sets of her papou & yiayia immigrated over from Greece to America :).

Holy shit. Stella was f*cking amazing tonight. I loved how she got all rambo!Stella on that guy in the beginning. I also loved how she stood her ground with Payless, er, Peyton over the autopsy. I also loved how she believed in Hawkes & was there at the very end to comfort him. Finally, she looked absolutely gorgeous tonight!

Gawd, I love that woman.
She's one tough chick. She takes it from nobody despite their authourity on her. She could kick some f*cking ass if she wanted to!
Amen!! :lol: I bet you if anyone hurts Mac or the team she'd drop kick the person to the moon! :lol:
:lol: She's the fighter of the group. I wouldn't be surprised if she was skilled in kickboxing or any other sport that requires ass kicking. She may be gorgeous but that mean she could take someone on.
:lol: Totally! She's like the hot G.I Jane! She can kick ass and look good doing it! :lol: I wouldn't be surprised if she goes to a kick boxing arena everyday after a case! :devil:
Yeah, I would like to see her leave the lab one day with a duffel bag over her shoulder, making her way towards the local gym. Just show something!
Yeah! And maybe stick Peyton's face on the punching bag and beat the crap out of it! :devil: :lol: Sorry, I just don't like Peyton....

I'd LOVE to see Stella and Mac have a sparing session and like, it gets Intense...:devil:
I like the way you think hon :devil:. Mac will probably go easy on Stella 'cause she's a girl but by the end of the session she'll pummel him. That'll teach him :lol:.
:devil: I guess my being in the gutter with you guys rubbed off... :lol:

True that! Mac'll probably be a gentleman and not use any marine technic or he would've won the match looong ago... by pinning Stella to the ground...:devil:...I think I wrote something like this before....:lol: :devil:
that she can seriously kick some asses is soo true!! :D ;)..Kick boxing or not she is our Rambo!..I haven't watched the episode yet but from what I've understood from the facts you said it had some great Stella moments!! :)
Stella shined in this episode. She was consistent & able to showcase her emotions in an excellent manner. She excelled at the very beginning & at the very end.
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