Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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A Stella icon is always nice!>..and of the last icons looks really good!>.
thanks for the links..I want some tiropita J_ to try when you are done ok?! :lol: :D
Yay only 4 hours left till tonight's episode. This is the first time I've been excited for a season three episode. Let's hope the writers stay true to Stella's character.

:lol: athens I cannot guarantee no food poisioning(sp) but I think I'll wait until she releases something simpler, like souvlaki or roasted pototoes or dolmathes :lol:.
Countdown to next episode........

5 hours and 30 minutes and counting!

This is going to be the BEST EPISODE EVER!!!

(I say that about every episode) only 5 hours and 26 minutes.

(countdown from over in Washington)

Ok, so tonight's episode wasn't that great but Melina was fantastic. Without giving anything away I seriously think she deserves an Emmy. The last time she was this good was during All Access. She almost got me crying again with the way she got emotionally involved. I felt really bad for her towards the end.

I wanted her to slap that woman at the end, except that it would've gotten her in trouble with Hilbourne again.
My piece of shit computer decided to randomly restart on me which caused me to lose the long post I was typing regarding tonight's episode :mad:. Anyway,

If I was in Stella's position I would've slapped Grace right across that smug face of hers. However, Stella showed class & dignity when she replied, "Mine was in self defense. I'm a victim. You're a cold blooded killer." When she said that she made Grace look like the fool. I mean, Stella finally found someone who she could connect to, someone who apparently experienced a total life or death situation. Stella, who is usually level headed, let her emotions rule the case. She was lead to believe that Grace was done wrong & she stuck with that, even when Lindsay seemed to point out the opposite. Seeing Stella snap on Lindsay, her own teammate, was so unexpected. Stella turned on her own co-worker to fall into a trap lead by a twisted lady. She also proved her loyalty to Grace when she talked about how they seem to focus more on the death then the actual to victims to Mac in the computer lab. However, when she came across that key piece of evidence that pointed to Grace as the killer the return of real Stella came back. The compassionate she once shared for a woman that basically betrayed her faded away. She was determined to put Grace behind bars & it showed when she keenly looked for the white shirt covered in blood. To me it seemed like Stella who was slapped in the face when she learnt that Grace lied to her the entire time. Because of that she’ll probably have a harder time trusting suspects before this incident. When you looked into Stella’s eyes as she walked out of the interrogation room you could see her anguish, her pain. It didn’t help that the memories of her abusive boyfriend came flooding back. Basically, it was a cruel joke & Stella was basically a defenseless puppet in the scheme of Grace’s ploy. Grace took advantage of Stella & that probably was her intention as well. Stella, or anybody for that matter did not deserve that. However, that happens when you let your guard down to a supposed victim. I think Stella learnt that it’s best not to get emotionally invested in a case as your judgment can turn out to be totally wrong. This episode shows us that Stella is human who makes mistakes like all of us. She's a real person with real feelings. She lets fantasy take charge of reality & that's normal.

Even if I wasn’t a Stella fan I still think Melina deserves an Emmy based purely on her work in this episode, if not for the other ones she did in the past. Melina is just awesome beyond words.
^Well thats a very in-depth analysis. When Stella said "mine was in self defence" it reminded me of what I thought of All Access, which is this: I can't believe they didnt have a more in-depth investigation. The coroner told them that it was the third shot that killed him, and in Stellas memory, there is a long pause between the second and third shots. I thought they would have deemed the final shot unnecessary, and therefore Stella killing someone who couldn't fight back. I'm not saying she should have been charged of murder, coz then she'd have to leave the show, I just thought they overlooked that part of it.
^^thank you for all that!...And for sure is a human with feelings and makes mistakes!I haven't seen the episode so I can't tell anyting about that but it seems like a good Stella one! ;)
Thanks for all that information :) I can't wait to see that episode :) If Melina does deserve an Emmy again, it must be a very good Stella episode :D
jorja_fan86 said:
If I was in Stella's position I would've slapped Grace right across that smug face of hers. However, Stella showed class & dignity when she replied, "Mine was in self defense. I'm a victim. You're a cold blooded killer."
One of the best Stella lines... and the scene when she's looking out of the window, I was like "oh she's so beautiful".

She deserves an Emmy, amen to that :)
sure :lol:


And pissed Stella

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