Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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I was watching David Tench Tonight the other day (talk show here in aus) when he was interviewing Gia Carides, and she reminded me so much of both Melina and Stella I just had to post here. He adresses her about several Greek things with funny answers.

"She's Greek, she's sleek, she's married and she told me to back off. Gia's husband is Anthony LaPaglia from 'Without A Trace' and if he ever disappeared without a trace I'm sure she'd come around. I ask her if she really did have a 'Big Fat Greek Wedding', and if she did, why it doesn't show."

You can watch it here:

ETA: That video is actually only part of the interview (naturally, the only part they didnt discuss anything Greek) but I'll keep it there coz its funny.
^^ I love those pics thanks for them and i just saw here in the Netherlands in the show how Yelina is looking at Mack its getting more sweet than in the begin i like the way she looks at him and he looks back at her but maybe its more in my mind..
Ooh she looks so pretty in the first photo. Thanks for posting them :D. Anyway, here's my contribution & they're of dancing Melina. Credit goes to past my shoulder:






:lol: I suddenly have the urge to break out the bouzouki.
I absolutely love the jewelry pics (especially the wet one :devil: ) She looks amazingly HOT!!!!
MacsGirlMel said:
cool when was that on? I hope they repeat it.

It was on like, January 4th or 5th which is almost a year ago :lol:. Hopefully Ellen will bring Melina back on her show. Actually, seeing Melina on any talk show would be super.

Lynn, dancing!Melina rules :D.

Finally, I know there are some Melina fans who secretly want to participate in the Melina fan project. Sadly the deadline is in four days but I could always make an exception ;). Anyway, just click the link in my banner for the thread & all the details. It's about time Melina got some loving :D.
Seeing as how I know everyone here loves piccys, I'll post the link to some (seeing as how im not allowed to actually put them here) then clcik on the link to dream halloween.

For those who don't know (of which theres probably none) Melina hosted the annual Dream Halloween event in Chicago a few days ago, and theres the piccys. Enjoy!
Ow, I love her shirt :D For some more Melina lovin', here's a picture alert *whistles* :lol:

Pictures from a Jewelry Preview, I thought from the Golden Globes, not sure ;)

Pictures from a party from Mercedes Benz.

And at last, pictures from the Elton John Aids Foundation.

She looked awesome at that foundation ^ I just love her dress and necklace ;)

Enjoy them! :D
aww! The pics were great!! but, where were her kids? i wantd to see their costumes! and Gary!! :devil: in't it strange that they're always there for each other?(just like the show?? :devil:
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