Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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I thought Stella was adorable tonight, especially when she was explaining the story of Argus & Zeus to Mac. When she finished explaining Mac looked stunned & Stella said something along the lines of, "It's up to us Greeks to brush up on mythlogy." or whatever. She looked really pretty, especially in the beginning.
^who is Argus ?In greek if you know :lol: ;)!..she is really nice and cute when she knows so much stuff! :D

about the football game!?what was the score last night/?4-0/?
Yep, we defeated Bosnia 4-0 & it was a frigging awesome match :D. I was kind of hoping that we would learn more about Greek mythlogy from Stella but maybe they're saving that for another episode. I think Melina was happy that was brough up. Oh, and here's some info on Argus :). It also metions the story that Stella talked about involving Argus, Zeus etc.
You're welcome :). Anyway, the face that Stella made when Mac told her that she she know mythlogy since she's Greek was priceless. I can't really explain it too well without showing the scene but I'll post a cap of it:

Oh no you didn't

:lol: I don't think Mac saw that coming & I love that she's straight up with him.
I have this whole Myth project going on at my school, I have to do research on Zeus. So I know about Argus, he's the guy with the hundred eyes watched Io or something? :lol: And his son died Argus, lol, whatever.

That face is priceless indeed, really lovely & cute.
She rocks at making various faces. Anyway, we need some moe photos in this thread:





She's so pretty!
^we needed them!...thanks
the very first one with mac is really cute! :D...

ro0s ,if you search a little you'll find that zeus was a rather interesting god!lol :rolleyes:
^ :lol: Zeus was pretty frisky. Speaking of mythlogy Melina reminds me of a cross between Athena & Aphrodite. She has the wisdom & maternal side of Athena but she also posesses the charm & beauty of Aphrodite.
Thanks everyone. I'm gonna post another photo of Melina & this is my favourite one of her:


The shades look nice on her & her smile is so pretty.
^I have sunnies like them lol.

And she has a cricifix, i notice, only it doesnt have jesus on it.

But ya, she looks great in that photo.
Later on tonight theres a double episode of NY, and their both new (over here) Cant wait.

Also a little OT, but not really, on some current affiars show, they had some story about futuristic TVs, and they were playing CSINY on these supposedly cool tellys. Dont know what eppy it was though...
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