Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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Stella can speak Italian too right? LOL I can't help but think of some pub brawl over a greece vs italy game of some kind, and Stellas there trying to calm everyone down speaking both languages, but then u wouldnt know what she was saying.
Yeah, that'd be awesome -- I liked the little hints of her culture, and I would really like to know more about her story. I know she was an orphan and religion is perhaps a touchy subject for her? She definitely captured me during the pilot episode, and kept me watching through most of Season One!
An episode I'm hoping for:
An orphan is killed, whose foster parents were friends of Stellas foster parents, whom Stella hasn't spoken to in ages. At the end of the eppy, she rings her old foster parents and voices her appreciation for all theyve done. That would be such a feel good ep.
^^ Yeah I would really love to see an episode that focuses on Stella's childhood. Maybe we could find out something about her late parents or what she was like in high school. I just wanna see something that provides insight on why she is the way she is today.

:lol: athens I was only joking but it would be pretty funny to see.
Did you remember my weird idea of CSI:NY going for one episode CSI:Greek :lol: I would love to see that! :p Melina and Zorba dancing :D ( I think it's very very hot! :p)
Aussie... a great idea for an ep but i seem to remember Stella said once she was in the orphanage until 18 so i guess she didn't have foster parents.
In the episode she said that the boy was in foster program for quite time-since his father's death-!...So maybe Stella was in foster program and changed a lot of foster families but after some age she left it..She was in the orphanage,and no parents...!! :( :rolleyes:
I think it would be interesting to see someone from her past,from the orphanage,like a nanny or the father[?] of St.Basils! ;)
Just asking, but did anyone watch the episode of Ellen where Melina was on it? Coz we don't get the show over here on free to air, only pay tv.
I did watch Melina's apperance this past January but unfortunately I don't have it on tape. I did upload a while ago but the link expired. Sorry :(.

For all those who haven't but are planning to participate in the Melina project should know of the deadline. It's October 28th which is 3 saturday's from this upcoming one. It should be plenty of time for you all :).
well a bit OT -not little,completely-but that day is a national day for Greece ;) melina-28th october-greece I thought I should tell!! :lol: :lol:
athens said:
well a bit OT -not little,completely-but that day is a national day for Greece ;) melina-28th october-greece I thought I should tell!! :lol: :lol:

Haha yep I totally remembered that the 28th is a national holiday for Greece & Hellenics everywhere :D. I wish I was in Greece to celebrate it though :(.

Lynn all you need to do is write a minimum of three lines on why you like Melina. You can certainly write more then three & if you're feeling creative you can construct a poem of your choice as well :).
jorja_fan86 said:
I did watch Melina's apperance this past January but unfortunately I don't have it on tape. I did upload a while ago but the link expired. Sorry :(.
Tis fine, but can I just ask you, what was with the coffee beans? I saw the piccys on Ellen's site, but what on earth were they doing?
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