Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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^ Me too. I wonder how she would look if she returned to her natural hair colour which is dark brown but with her tan & green eyes I'm sure she'll look good. I also agree that shade of purple looks great on her. It really makes her eyes pop.
I heard a rumour that Melina crashed a car while filming on set, but I can't find any info anywhere. Has anyone else ehard this, or is my friend just spinning some tales?
^^ :eek: Oh wow I hope that's just a rumour. I didn't hear or see anything yet so I'm still thinking it's not true.

Yay there's a new episode tonight :D! *crosses fingers for return of rambo!Stella*
melina looks absolutely stunning here
There was a bit of rambo!Stella in yesterday's episode when she was arresting the suspect & as she's doing that she goes, "You enjoy shooting young girls you bastard?" in this "I f*cking mean business" tone. It was awesome! Also, she wore that purple shirt & she looked so good.
jorja_fan86 said:
I agree. Those photos are very nice.

What are you guys' thoughts on a rumour that Stella will get a new boyfriend this season & supposedly it's someone we know very well.

Holy bologna, what if her new boyfriend that we know very well is HORATIO? Sorry, the thought popped into my head and I couldn't restrain it.
^ :lol: That's hilarious. I have a feeling it's someone who's appeared on a few episodes in the past, not someone on the team 'cause if that's true there is way too much inner office hooking up for my liking. I think Stella is better off being single anyways but that's just my opinion.
I'm still hoping it'll be Mac...I must be true to my Smacked self lol. I mainly have to save that for the ship thread but I couldn't resist replying lol.
^ I really hope to see that too :D.

For all those who missed or haven't seen last night's episode here is a cap of rambo!Stella in action courtesy of csi-caps:


If I'd had to deal with that I'd be pretty scared :lol:. She is one tough woman who can probably kick any of our asses. I would not want to mess with her at all :lol:.
Personally I think its too quick for her to get a new boyfriend after Frankie. I mean, I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would completely ruin my trust of men for at least a year. But I reckon if they do hook her up with someone, they should get really close, then she kinda breaks down and hes really caring and concerned and she explains to him everything and hes completely understanding. And (if their at his house) she falls asleep against his shoulder, he takes her to bed and waits till shes completely asleep, then he goes and sleeps on the couch. And when she wakes up in the morning, hes their with some lovely brekky in bed. (I'm actually rambling here and it probably wont happen, but heres hoping)
Like Athens and Aussieturtle i, too, think it's too soon for Stella to start dating again. The Frankie thing is really a delicate subject for her and has still to deal with it. To regain confidence in men again after that must be really difficult. I hope the writers don't mess Stella's mind too much.
thanks for the rambo picture!>..
<that is a really nice Stella!!

And because you already cover me with the Frankie issue I'll shut up! :D
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