Stella #3 - She's No Ordinary Superwoman

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she always rules. Lovely pics everyone and i loved to she her in the epi her in the netherlands with only her Bra on.. She is so beautiful and pretty but im getting scared on the end with her new boyfriend the website spelled her name backwords.. Dawnn that was scary..
^ Ooh you're talking about All Access right? Yeah, as much as Melina acted great in that episode it was pretty disturbing. I don't think I could watch that episode again.

*eta* With the help of our NY mod Mrs.G I was finally able to create a project for Melina but this one is different from the one I had planned for her a few months ago. To learn about it you can read about it here. Please feel free to participate & if your friends or anyone else you know is a Melina fan get them to join :).
I still havent seen All Access in Australia, channel nine is like 6 months behind the US. I think theres still 4 eppys to go before that one, but there isnt one this weekend because of the footy finals (go the swannies)

Sry bout that and my passion for sport, but anyway i caught up on all the goss from the official site, thank god they do eppy recaps.
I love this photo of Melina just 'cause her smile is so pretty & it makes her look so radiant. It's courtesy of Modern Day Gallery & it was taken when Melina was on set of the very first NY episode I think:


Obviously her skin isn't as dark & her hilights not as light but she still looks stunning. I've said it before but she's a modern day Greek goddess.
She looks really beautiful..I like it when that simple and that great!... :D

About the project,I said there too[topic] that I can't bring something in my mind to tell why I am a fan of her,so if you need any help with greek tell me..! ;)
You know what I miss? When Stella used to use Greek every now and then. I loved how Mac was always like, "sorry, what?" It was very sexy, and very cool. Not too many people running around speaking Greek. I was sad when that all but stopped after the first season.
^ I feel the same way! I would LOVE it if Stella spoke Greek this season & maybe this time I'll understand it :lol:. Seriously though the team should investigate a crime in a taverna in Astoria which is full of Greeks. Maybe Stella could converse in Greek with the owners & who knows, maybe at the end we'll see her & the team doing ouzo shots, smashing plates & doing the Zorba dance :lol:. I doubt it though but you never know...
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