Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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To be honest with you, I like season two a lot better. Season one was way too dark and depressing. I find season two to be the total opposite. I watch tv for entertainment not to be sad.
The converse stands true as well, people who think Season 2 sucks get tired of hearing how great it is from others, the notion frankly boggles my mind, but it is preference and opinion. It seems they have added kinks that didn't exist during the first season thereby cheapening the overall quality. Yes, there are things about both seasons that could be better the list is just much longer for Season 2.

That's all very true. We can agree to disagree. ;) I'm definitely hoping that the kinks that they have put into the second season will be ironed out fairly quickly.

...I can't wait for further episodes...

I'm the same way. :D When they make us wait several weeks between new episodes, I have to pull out my tapes from S2 and my S1 DVDs and re-watch the older shows. :lol:

I watch tv for entertainment not to be sad.

You know, I feel the same way--that was one of my little problems with season one: some of the episodes were pretty dark, and the first half of the season especially had a darker tone to it. Don't get me wrong, I loved every episode of S1, but if I'm just sitting at home with nothing to do, and I want to watch some NY, I'm more likely to grab my tape from this season and watch a more light-hearted episode. *shrug*

Like JDonne said, it's all about opinion and preference. I wish that every fan could be totally satisfied with the show, but that's impossible. :(

BTW: I'm curious to find out how people responded to the S1 shows the first time around--I didn't join the messageboards until December of this past year, so I don't know. I think I'll go back through older posts just out of curiosity. Were the fans generally really happy with all of the episodes when they first saw them, I wonder--or is it more of a hindsight sort of thing?
That's funny. No one mentioned the mention of Kid Rock as a guest for the May sweeps. I would like to see that!
demor215 said:
That's funny. No one mentioned the mention of Kid Rock as a guest for the May sweeps. I would like to see that!

I know...we got distracted by whoever was coming back and ignored the rest of the information. :lol:
I dont know, Faylinn I joined August just before S2 premired.

And I thought about the Kid Rock thing. Man, that is going to be a funny scene! :lol:
I hope it is Aiden because her departure was so abrupt - they didn't deal with the effects on the team - I wanted to see Danny bust some stuff cos his partner was fired.

Regarding the Lost-type thing - do we really need another gimmick?

I rather see a hard hitting storyline about Flack.
The first idea that came into my head was maybe the character coming back will coincide with Tanglewood 2. Me, liking the drama side of TV A LOT(!), i think it would be great if Danny was in a load of trouble that episode, maybe injured/missing or unable to work, and Aiden comes back for that reason. Personally, i would love to see that.
Oooh, Aiden back for Tanglewood 2! Now that would be interesting. I think she'll probably be back for her own episode, but I could definitely see her being supportive of Danny and there for him when the Tanglewood stuff comes up again. Aiden always had Danny's back--she's stick by him for the Tanglewood stuff.
I like that idea Top41, it would make a very interesting storyline. Not to mention we'd get another look into Danny's past.
Oooh sounds good!

Sounds like a good episode for Mac--maybe some insight into his character in his interactions with the young boy.

And hot damn, Danny and Flack working together--about time. :devil: ;)
I'm actually more excited about Lindsay and Hawkes finally meeting. Anna Belknap and Hill Harper worked together in the show "The Handler" so I'm sure they are happy about finally working together on this show.
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