Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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I love how any NY thread becomes a big Danny-bash XD Seriously though - I'm SO looking forward to this. Just please, no more three-week waits for episodes? I think I may die of neglect, NY makers.
(Add my vote to wanting to see Aiden back, and her meeting Lindsey!)
Am I the only one who rolled their eyes at the prospect of seeing Aiden again?
Definitely not. I could easily go the rest of my CSI:NY watching 'career' without seeing her on it again. What would they bring her back for?
If Aiden comes back, I want her and Flack to admit their feelings so I can just live happily again.

Besides that, I'm so pumped for Tanglewood 2. No idea how pumped. I miss the 'New York' feel that we use to get and I assume when Tanglewood 2 rolls around, we'll get it again.

And I want to know more about Mac and his wife. I think they should seriously consider going into more depth.
That would be an interesting story. I'd love see some Mac angst.

And more back story on all of the characters would be nice.
NikkiH said:
That would be an interesting story. I'd love see some Mac angst.

And more back story on all of the characters would be nice.

Ditto re the Mac angst! I'm hopeful that the Tanglewood 2 story will give us some concrete backstory on Danny.
lookaboomerang said:
Definitely not. I could easily go the rest of my CSI:NY watching 'career' without seeing her on it again. What would they bring her back for?

I was afraid to say that out loud on this board. :lol: But I agree with you there.

It does seem rather sudden. It's not unusual for stars of a TV series to take off in pursuit of an illustriour film career. Then, when it doesn't happen, they return to the TV show.
Well, she didn't just leave to do films, she also left because she wanted to be closer to her family. She wasn't happy where she was, so she got out of the situation. I can respect that. I'm not upset at her for leaving, so I guess that's why I don't mind her doing a cameo. If they were trying to bring her back as a regular, I might feel differently. I'm not excited, but not upset either.

I can understand people who aren't thrilled about it though...
The first character that came to mind for me was the mobster person that Mac was having some issues with in the first episode this year. I think they said something at the start of the season about how that would be an ongoing storyline for him.

I don't know how I feel about the idea of Aiden coming back. It would be nice to see some interaction with the other characters seeing as there was absolutely none in her last episode.

I miss the emotion the show had last year though.
I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store.

Jeeze, all the 'Season Two is no where near as good as Season One' is starting to get irritating. How are characters going to change, and grow without a little change. If you don't like an episode, don't watch, but there are fans who find the second season great nd it gets annoying when people keep bringing it down and saying it's not 'as good as season one.'
*nods* I'm with you on the Mac angst too. Didn't I hear someone say CSI main characters are rarely hurt? I'd go for a change from that as long as it's not all the time.

I haven't seen Tanglewood but it sounds like revisiting will be good...explore more of the Danny thing.
...it gets annoying when people keep bringing it down and saying it's not 'as good as season one.'

I agree--I personally love both seasons, so I don't like to hear how much the second season sucks. I know that there are things about S2 that could be better, but the same is true for S1--the show is only in the second season, so I think the cast and crew are still working out the kinks and figuring out what NY is going to be like. Meanwhile, I love it just the same. :D
Faylinn said:
...it gets annoying when people keep bringing it down and saying it's not 'as good as season one.'

I agree--I personally love both seasons, so I don't like to hear how much the second season sucks. I know that there are things about S2 that could be better, but the same is true for S1--the show is only in the second season, so I think the cast and crew are still working out the kinks and figuring out what NY is going to be like. Meanwhile, I love it just the same. :D

The converse stands true as well, people who think Season 2 sucks get tired of hearing how great it is from others, the notion frankly boggles my mind, but it is preference and opinion. It seems they have added kinks that didn't exist during the first season thereby cheapening the overall quality. Yes, there are things about both seasons that could be better the list is just much longer for Season 2.

I love both seasons. I think they are both great. They have great characters, cast members, and storylines. I can't wait for further episodes, but everytime a new episode airs, I read the same thing, it's still not as good as season one.

I admit, I miss the depth that the characters had. Like, one case bring out something in the CSIs or Detectives. But, seriously, they can't keep finding people in dirty alleys, behind dumpsters, in abandoned buldings, bad neighborhoods. The LV team are in Sin city, yet we don't see them parading around casinos every case, talking to the cops on bicycles that patrol the strip. IMO, both seasons are great and both have great cases.
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