Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Top41, that would be interesting.
Aiden as a suspect!

Can't wait for Tanglewood 2. I'd love to see Sonny Sassone again.
Awesome spoilers, thanks for posting! :cool:

Aiden back for an episode would be great, but my bet goes to either the rapist guy from episode 1 or the mobster from episode 3. Those storylines aren't finished. And great the Tanglewood isn't over yet! :) Hopefully Sonny returns, he was awesome.
Maybe they're bringing back a villain

That's possible, but the wording makes me think that it might be Aiden--"We plan on bringing a character back for the audience who had left us earlier in the season." It sounds like it's someone that the audience would like to see back. The word "left" sounds pretty specific too--the way I read it, it's not a character that got carted off to the big house ;); nor is it a character that just ceased to be there from one episode to another (like one of the coroners).

Anyway, that's just my two cents--it could very well be one of the other people that you guys have suggested. :D If it is Aiden, though, I'm curious as to exactly how she'll be back. The idea about the rapist being killed would be really interesting. :)
thisyearslove said:
Maybe they're bringing back a villain - like CSI Miami did with Walter Dresden and Ned the perv.
cfar said:
From the Monday chat:

More scoop on CSI: New York from Anthony Zuiker: "We plan on bringing a character back for the audience who had left us earlier in the season...."

From this wording I assumed the character was either Aiden (who was fired earlier in S2) or a recurring character (like one of the CMEs since Hawkes became a CSI) instead of a one-time guest star. Could be wrong, though.
My money is on Aiden, though I have to say if that's the case, I'm (pleasantly) surprised they were able to get Vanessa to do a guest-spot so quickly. After reading that exit interview TV Guide did with her, I figured she wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, if ever.

But, it would be nice to see her back and kind of give her a (hopefully) better send-off than she got in "Grand Murder." I'd like to see her interact with Mac and Danny in particular. Mac to see if there's any lingering resentment, and Danny because she was his closest friend among the CSIs and I imagine he's missed having that closeness with someone on the CSI team.
I can't see Aiden and Lindsay meshing all that well--they're so different. But who knows? I guess it all depends on how Aiden comes back.
I dont think I could see them meshing too well either. They both are so different. I dont know who it could be. Since Vanessa asked to be written off, I didn't think she would be coming back so soon.

I hope for a better send off. Her send off was a piece of crap. She interacted with no one. She was fired in the last few minutes of the eps. As much as I love Lindsay, I at least wanted someone to compare/contrast her with Aiden.

And a Tanglewood 2! Thats going to be awesome!
That's a good point - I thought it might be Aiden too but sometimes the writers say stuff like that and then when it comes down to it, we're let down. That was my point behind it being a villain.

Seeing Aiden again would be great - maybe she is questioned or something. Someone she was close to was murdered or something like that.

How did Vanessa leave the show? Does anyone know where to find that transcript?
I can't see Aiden and Lindsay meshing all that well--they're so different.

:p Hey, as long as they don't bring her in and it's like this:

Danny: *is bewildered* Whoa! Are you telling me that you got fired?! When did that happen?...Are you serious? You've been gone that long?
Mac: Argh! It's my failure of a daughter-figure! I don't want her in my line of sight! *covers eyes* Stella, take her away.
Stella: Ugh--I don't want her! I like Lindsay, like, sooo much better! We can share girly tips and stuff so that we can try to hook-up with our co-workers.
Danny: Seriously, though, you've been gone?
Hawkes: *sexy scowl* Back off, sister, I'm filling the role of Mac's-surrogate-child now! Dad, she's looking at me weird!
Mac: Damnit Stella, I said to get her out of here!
Lindsay: *peppy* Wow! You must be that person I replaced--the one with the questionable work ethics. I'm glad you disappointed Mac so much that he plucked me out of the middle of nowhere to come work for him. He's so proud of me, you know--he lets me play with the bow and arrow!
Hawkes: *scowls some more* Yeah, Aiden--Lindsay is like my little sister now, so if you mess with her, you mess with me!
Danny: Why did you get fired? Did you sleep with Mac and get caught?
Stella: Eep! That's not the truth, is it Mac?
Mac: Bleagh! No way, Stella--she's just the bad seed in my surrogate family. Why is she still in the same room as me?!?!
Danny: *scratches head* You know, I thought something was different around here...I just thought it was my magnificent arms making a much-deserved appearance. I mean, really, the air is good for them...are you sure you haven't been here?
*Group falls into bickering*

:lol: Yeah, that would suck. ;) I think we can at least console ourselves with the fact that, if Aiden does come back, it won't turn out like that. :lol:

BTW: Thisyearslove, I don't know where to find transcripts, but cbs.com has episode information about the shows that is pretty detailed. The episode that I link to is "Summer in the City," the first episode of S2. This explains what Aiden does that gets her fired, but it's in the next episode, "Grand Murder at Central Station" that she actually get's fired. (Just click on the episode name at the left, in case you've never been on cbs.com before. :D) Hope that helps. :)
I'm a little puzzled about what Lindsay and Aiden would have a fight about, they don't know one another, any interaction they have should be cursory and irrelevant. However, I know if it ever happened Aiden would beat her ass, Lindsay should steer clear. :D

Top41 said:
My money is on Aiden, though I have to say if that's the case, I'm (pleasantly) surprised they were able to get Vanessa to do a guest-spot so quickly. After reading that exit interview TV Guide did with her, I figured she wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, if ever.

I also think it's Aiden, I can't imagine them making a big deal over the return of someone whose name we can't remember and outside of Sonny Sassone there isn't a name that pops to the front of my mind.

Although, that is assuming Aiden comes back to us and is still in the land of the living and not a murder victim that would be interesting, along, with the idea of her as a suspect in the rapist death, either would be dramatic storylines.

But, it would be nice to see her back and kind of give her a (hopefully) better send-off than she got in "Grand Murder." I'd like to see her interact with Mac and Danny in particular. Mac to see if there's any lingering resentment, and Danny because she was his closest friend among the CSIs and I imagine he's missed having that closeness with someone on the CSI team.

I would like to see Aiden back and interacting with Mac and Danny, they offer the most dramatic opportunities. Mac because he fired her and Danny, because they were so close, I’m sure the other characters could have their moment with Aiden, but those two make the most sense. I can't believe she just walked away and out of Danny’s life, their bond was stronger than that. The writers were wrong and a bit lazy to send Aiden off without so much as a casual mention by any of her co-workers. Whatever, the reason for bringing her back it had better include a healthy dose of fixing that major mistake. I mean Danny should have needed at least two weeks off just to sit in a corner and cry over her leaving.

Am I the only one who rolled their eyes at the prospect of seeing Aiden again? I just think it's silly for TPTB to make a fuss over bringing back an actress so soon after she publicly admitted that she never really intended to stick it through with a TV series. The only way this could be in any way satisfying is if Aiden ends up on a slab or death row. *Shrugs*
I don't mind her coming back for a guest appearance, and one statement isn't making a really big fuss. I mean, Zuiker seemed more excited about the Fleet Week show. If Aiden does show up again, maybe it will give better closure than her original exit.
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