Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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I would say that maybe Lindsay is processing the outside of the building, or that she was inside and Mac ordered her out to help everyone else.
For some reason I thought I read somewhere Mac hears about the bomb being in the building and gets most people out, but Flack doesn't get out in time. Lindsay probably does. If you look closely in the preview, you can actually see her go flying when the bomb goes off.
Yeah, I noticed her "flying" when I first saw the promos. I was really surprised when I saw that.

I'm really looking forward to the finale!!!
Thank you so much for posting that site pizzapie

FINALLY i can watch promos!

And face looks okay! But Mac holding Flack's hand? Come on, altogether now....AHHHHWWWWWWWWWW!!
ok so this has probably been discussed but does anybody know anything about this whole "danny and lindsay thing" in the finale? is it going to be something big? or something like a hug or something?

I was just wondering! Thanks.

~ Lizzy
Hey Lizzy... nothing specific has been said yet... the only "tangible" evidence was in an interview with Carmine, where he was asked about him and LIndsay, and all he said was something to the effect of "something will happen that could open up their relationship"... so basically nothing of substance. There's speculation, but that's it.

If you're a fan, go to Exploration and go check out the Lindsay/Danny Ship forum.
thanks for the prompt response cyko1003. wow that was fast.

yeah i read that carmine interview and it got me very excited. haha

by the way, smilee, your avatar is really cute!

elizabeth_wa09 said:
thanks for the prompt response cyko1003. wow that was fast.

yeah i read that carmine interview and it got me very excited. haha

by the way, smilee, your avatar is really cute!


Hey, thanks!

I just wanted to say: Danny in bomb squad gear--flippin' hot!!!

I'm wondering what the whole D/L thing will be. If it's anything like the other CSI shows it probably won't be anything huge.
That's definitely Lindsay flying, alright. Yeah, maybe she was processing outside, or Mac told her to get the people back while he and Flack try to handle the situation while waiting for the bomb squad.

We'll never know until next week! I can't wait!
a hug and maybe we can volunteer to give him some sponge baths and kiss him and cuddle with him and make him all better.

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