Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Ahh, Mac better not have any facial injuries! I know it's Flack who gets the worst but I'll say it again, in reguards to both chars

Up to now nearly everything stood character in the central point. Except for Don Flack. He was always in the shade of the others csi team. But now everything changes beacuse he was hurt by a bomb explosion. It's so tragic.

Hope, Flack was do not suffer too much.

I agree with you, pizzapie scars in the correct places can be beautiful and more interesting...
Regarding "not the face": there were two relevant shots in the promo.

1. Flack injured in the building that blew up. Mac was beside him and you can see a bit of blood on Flack's face, perhaps from a wound on his forehead, but it didn't seem like there was a major trauma to his face.

2. (I actually have the promo paused on this very frame right now. :)) Flack lying in a hospital bed with Mac holding his hand. Flack's unconscious, but the right side of his face is definitely clear. There's gauze taped to his forehead so there's something there. (Damn, even unconscious and on medium-poor quality video the man still looks angelic. How does he do that?)

So unless Flack's going Two-Face on us, I think it's safe to say that Flack's face is going to come out of this relatively unscathed. ;)
Thanks, Jadyn for your good explain. ;)

I'm understand now the right situation for Flack. Now are however calmed down. He keeps his beautiful face. That's very good. I can me present well, that he looks unconscious dreamful.

I know * Two Faces * out the films Batman...

Thus I had also not introduced myself in the smallest. :D
"Not the Face" promo caps:

Exhibit A:

There might be a little something on his left cheek after all. A burn? A shadow? I guess time will tell.

Exhibit B:

Like I said, angelic, isn't he?

Bonus Exhibit:

Danny in bomb squad gear! :D
Great caps! Poor Flack!!! :( The face looks okay though... ;)
Thanks for those caps, Jadyn. I have seen the promo like million times, but I was always too slow and couldn't pause to those frames :p

But yeah, poor Flack. I wonder if he's uncosious for the rest of the episode after that explosion or does he wake up in the end of epsiode or something.
I was just wondering - what's Lindsay doing outside the building? Wasn't she supposed to be with Flack (and Mac, apparently)

Flack looks in that hospital bed. I think that oxygen tube thing brings out his cuteness. :lol:
Maybe she planted the bomb.:lol: Or perhaps she was worried about saving her own hide and left Mac and Flack to die so she could get her hands on Danny.:lol:
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