Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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It's hard to say how much screen time Eddie will get. From the sounds of it they have to balance the main storyline, Flack's Injuries, Mac's Flashbacks. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. All I have to say is Flack better be okay at the end of it all!
If it makes you feel any better, as far as I know, Eddie Cahill has signed on for season 3 (as has the rest of the cast), so I think it's okay to assume he's going to be alright. That's the assumption I'm working on anyway, since you usually know when actors' contracts are coming up, or if they've decided not to continue with the show, or whatever teh case may be. Hopefully that provides some comfort to ya!
Jaer said:
Okay, here was me thinking that I was going to get Eddie Cahill screen time on the finale...now it looks like he's going to get hammered in the first ten minutes and I'm going to be stuck with Lindsay emoting for the rest of the show while we wait for Danny to fly in with his new bomb disarming skills and save the day.

Not happy. Not happy at all.

I hope Flack at least wakes up in the hospital at some point. Flack in a coma the entire time won't give Eddie anything interesting to do. :(

I have a feeling the focus of this one will be Mac, and I'm okay with that. I'm more interested in some of the other characters than Mac, but he is the lead and Sinise has done a great job in some of the recent episodes (RSRD, Heroes).

Please, please, please no Lindsay emoting! It's painful to watch.

I really hope Danny is just suited up to look for evidence. Danny as a bomb expert is kinda laughable.
I really hope Danny is just suited up to look for evidence. Danny as a bomb expert is kinda laughable.

I'm sorry if this is completely OT, but thank God I'm not the only one who thinks that.
I read the promo transcript (my comp hates me) and did a double take at him all geared up. Danny *hyperactivity* Messer? Disarming a bomb? I'd get the hell outta there. :)

Aww. I'm being mean again.

Anyway. The final.
Lots and lots of Mac. Bring on the Sinise! Honestly, I love this man, he's a fantastic actor. But I was kinda hoping to see some more Flack than it appears we'll get.

This is a 45-minute episode, right? And not a full-blown 90 minute? Gaaah. With so much stuff going on, we won't see much of the individual character, will we. Dang.

RE: Lindsay emoting.
Maybe she only has to act 'dazed', since she got caught up in an explosion somewhat. She might be so shocked that her emotions don't kick in till after the episode.
Alright, I don't believe it either. But hopefully, there will be no Stompy!Lindsay in this one. And there'll be definitely no Interrogating!Lindsay, which is always a plus.

Right. I'll better go and take this to a different thread now. *runs off quick*
You're all right. Eddie is not going to get enough screen time (we all wished for something for Flack and look how karma came back to great us) and we're probably going to be stuck with emo!lindsay and Mac memories.

I'm not saying that's bad, no, not at all but I would love to see more of Flack and his background. Why? Because I'm sure that if Donald Flack Sr. found out that his son was in a bomb explosion, he'd be over there faster than you can say season finale. But because of the fact that it's not two parts or more than one hour, they're going to have to cram everything into one episode slot. Which means that it will most likely end with Danny getting therapy in a different way than we all imagined. Yes, I am looking at Lindsay.

We'll see Flack in the beginning, hear about him slightly in the episode and most likely won't be mentioned anywhere else.

I was looking forward to the season finale, really I was, but after all this, not so sure.
OK, quick questions writters, WHY DO YOU HATE US? Like not Flack, not MY Flack. Out of all the CSI's he's my favourite cop,and now, now you go and try and kill him, you try to blow him all up. Everyone better be write here, I hope to God that they don't kill him off!! If they do there'll be hell to pay. Like first Danny's bro..and that's messin with Danny, who's one of my favs, then any hope of Aidan comming back were shattered, why..well cause you killed her, yet another of my fav characters and now Flack. Don't even think about it!!
Aaaaw, sweet Flack will be okay, it'll be like Brass in CSI Vegas. It will very likely leave off in a "cliffhanger" thingy (in both shows) that gets fans all angsty over the summer and sure to tune in next season. They put Danny through hell, then Stella, and now it's Flack's turn, I guess. :( I guess that means poor Mac & possibly Lindsay will be suffering next season...it'll be their "turns".
Outta all the shows for some reason I dislike all the leads the most. Grissoms all right, Horatio..I wanna hit him over the head with a brick..never liked the guy, always got way to much screen time and attention, and Mac, Mac's allright aswell. He's like a mix between them.
If they do a cliff hanger, leave it all season and then next season Flack dies, I'll be the crazy lady with a snipper riffle in my trunk....mwhahahahahaa.
Flack never gets enough screen time...

Does anyone know where there are any promo pics for the next epi of NY?
There are some promo pics for the finale in the Picture thread. There won't be any new ones for a while, since we won't have a new ep until September. :(
OK that confused me I thought he died and Mac was processing him...I must have turned my head or something. Who was Mac taking pics of saying I'll make this quick or something like that. it was a great ep.
I thought he was dead too! I was freaking out... and then I saw that they wre in a hospital and I calmed down.
Twiztid4Togo said:
OK that confused me I thought he died and Mac was processing him...I must have turned my head or something. Who was Mac taking pics of saying I'll make this quick or something like that. it was a great ep.

It was Flack but he wasn't dead. I think Mac needed photos to help determine something...blast patterns maybe? I'm not sure.
That was weird yes. He was of the oxigen machine so I thought he was dead to, but I couldn't believe. Luckily it was not true. :)
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