Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I just saw it too!!!!!

I just wanted to hold Danny when it looked like he was crying!

and Stella, whoa that was a porn site she saw Frankie on? Wow next weeks episode is going to be HUGE!

I cannot wait!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I think Mac is gonna be there for Danny this time! Danny might have been bawling his eyes out cause maybe Louie dies?? and Mac was holding Danny when he was crying his eyes out! OMG it looks like major drama next week!!!!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Glad to see the Tanglewood storyline's continuing. Anyone know if D.J. Pratt (the rapist who's case Aiden was working on when she got fired) will return? I hope he does; he's gotta be got sooner or later.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Danny crying in Mac's arms!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Okay, RSRD is going to be one hell of an episode!!!!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Also it looks like Stella rolling around in the sheets... maybe Frankie video taped them doing the nasty and posted it on the internet?????????????????? Hmmmmm!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Hopeless_Crush said:
Also it looks like Stella rolling around in the sheets... maybe Frankie video taped them doing the nasty and posted it on the internet?????????????????? Hmmmmm!

That is a possibility I hadn't considered. Although would that justify her shooting him? Maybe if she confronted him and he got physical and Stella had to defend herself...
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^I think there already are, actually. But damn if Danny doesn't look like he's falling apart in Mac's arms in that preview! :(
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

AWW! Poor Danny! I can't wait for next week! Carmine is going to be amazing! And I hope Louie doesn't die!! :(
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Mac/Danny fans are going to go NUTS over that scene! And while I am mainly a Danny/Flack shipper, I also like Mac/Danny. Aaaaaaah, the suspense! *hugs Danny*

And poor Flackie in the episode after that! *hugs Flackie*
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I considered the idea that maybe Stella found a video of herself and Frankie on the internet or whatever, but I wonder how that escalates to murder (or self-defense)?

In the preview, Danny told Mac that he needed a friend, not a boss. *sniff* I am so going to hell because I loved the fact that he's going to have a breakdown and bawl all over Mac's shoulder ;)--that wasn't just tears in his eyes, that was full-on boo-hooing. I hope Mac doesn't try to give him the drycleaning bill for the snot on the shoulder of his coat. (Yeah, I'm definitely going to hell :eek:)

Damn...I just realized that I'm going to be crying my eyes out while I'm watching the episode next week. *makes mental note to get a box of Kleenex before Wednesday*

Let's hope that they don't show us Louie just to turn around and kill him off. :( I wonder if the Tanglewood Boys had something to do with him being injured...

I'm still curious as to how Danny is going to be involved with that case. I wonder if they're going to have 'flashbacks' with Danny standing there like a gang member (you know, like when they're looking at the evidence and assuming that he was involved). Maybe he'll be in early-90s fashions too! :lol: That'll be great. :p They'll probably have him without glasses, because you know we just can't connect it with the past unless he looks different. :rolleyes: ;)

I wonder if Flack's reporter-friend will be making future appearances. ;) *nudge nudge* Go Flack, it's your birthday... :p :lol: I was sitting there when she first came on like, 'Oh God, I hope they don't try to duplicate that Erica chick from Miami on NY!'

BTW: Was Danny a former football-player too? :rolleyes: Maybe they just inserted the info about the football and the clip at the end to tie into the body in the football field in RSRD, but if not that man just seems to have done everything, doesn't he? *shakes head*
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Faylinn if getting excited at the prospect of Danny crying means going to hell then my spot is already reserved. Everytime there's a Danny-centric angst filled episode I start twitching for some Danny sobbing moments. It's just so...I dunno, he's so vulnerable and I want to take advantage of that. :devil:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Damn, sounds exciting! Too bad RealPlayer's screwed up on my computer. Even when CBS.com puts the promo up I can't watch it. :( *Patiently waiting for CSI Files to transcribe* ;)
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

BittenByTheWolfe said:
Faylinn if getting excited at the prospect of Danny crying means going to hell then my spot is already reserved. Everytime there's a Danny-centric angst filled episode I start twitching for some Danny sobbing moments. It's just so...I dunno, he's so vulnerable and I want to take advantage of that. :devil:
Book me a ticket to hell too, ladies. There is nothing hotter than a little Danny angst and it looks like next week's episode will more than deliver. But damn, Bitten, you really want to take advantage of his vulnerability? Harsh, girl. I want to be his pillar of support and comfort, dry his tears with my sweet kisses ... and then take advantage of him.
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