Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Probably not until late June/early July. The writers come back in June, so they'll probably have some idea of what's coming up by the next month. The actors go back in mid July, so definitely by then.
My heart is pounding... wondering and worrying 'bout Flack. He is alive, right?

AFAIK, Eddie Cahill is signed up for S3, so yes, I'm guessing Flack will survive. I think that was the whole point of the "Squeeze my hand, Don" end scene. Not only to prove to Mac that he'd done okay by Don, but also to indicate to the audience that Don was going to survive.

(at least that's what will be keeping me sane until spoilers come through <G>)
I want to know if it's true what was said about couples on the team.

Oh yeah and we can always use a little more skin this season :devil: Shower scenes! Mac or Danny!
Generally speaking (based on last season, the other CSIs, and other shows in general,) solid spoilers don't really start circulating until July-Augustish (usually late July, when regular shooting starts up again). Some stuff MIGHT start to leak out in June, but its accuracy is questionable that early on.

Keep in mind too that (again, generally speaking), the CSIs tend to be really good about staying tight-lipped about their future episodes, whereas other shows are not so great at this (Examples: Smallville is disgusting for letting spoilers slip out - often 5 of 6 episodes in advance... about 5 weeks before the Friends series finale you could basically read the episode's script online, it was that leaked).

That being said - I'm sure that this will be the first place to have it when the spoilers do come out! :)
Hey here is you number one resorse for CSI spoilers.

I think we really need this time between seasons. The fans need it to digest the last season and take a breath and composethem selfs.

CSI is good at keeping spoilers hidden away! Thats part of the fun though...gets us all excited and hyper about the new season. Hey its no fun if were giving it on a plate.

MIn you I already have a count down on my LJ till the next season.

God how sad am I?
Not that pathetic - I post a daily countdown over at the Danny/Lindsay thread on here...
Speaking of which, 98 days left. :)
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