Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I just saw a couple aresanob stills on the DP board and now I am going to go insane waiting for Wednesday!!! I want to see this ep soooooo bad now!!!!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I never really liked aiden, but I would like to see what kind of reaction she has to Lindsay. But then again I also dont really like Lindsay, but I guess I dont like any of them cuz you really know nothing about them, they are just solving the crimes.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I myself never really liked Aiden or Lindsay, for as sami says we really don't know anything about them.

Does anyone know if in the future they plan a relationship between Mac and Stella? I think that it would certainly not be a spoiler, but really a wonderful thing. They make a great couple together and its time Mac had a personal relationship after all he went through re: his wife's death. A spoiler would be if they keep Stella with her new beau, I certainly do not like him.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

i just saw the preview on cbs site it's totally different from the one one aresanob.com and at the end frankie has the gun it's weird cause in the other preview stella has the gun but it seems that frankie jumped on her and take the gun of her so at the end she just scream and now i'm sure that it's mac who killed frankie
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

You know, I must be one of the few that could care less whether or not Aiden and Lindsay meet. Personally? I have a feeling that it would not be as exciting as people believe. Just a quick simple glance and then Aiden moves on while Lindsay sits and wonders how she will ever be able to fill those shoes.

I'm more interested in seeing how Aiden gets pulled in by it, the case that is. From the spoilers, I'm not really quite sure how she is going to fit in with it. At first I thought that maybe she is the one getting attack (hello, my fiction! How are you?) but then I read it again and it seems that they pull her in to what? Doesn't make sense.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

wierd that the spoilers are different. I don't know where the one on the DP board came from but it claimed Stella shot him.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

at the end of the preview of arsenob stella has the gun but at the end of the preview of cbs frankie has it and she screamed so i think she had the gun but he took it and mac arrived with flack as he was going to shot him
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

starfan1 said:
I myself never really liked Aiden or Lindsay, for as sami says we really don't know anything about them.

That's the thing though, as people've been saying in the Aiden&Lindsay thread: Aiden was only in the show for a season (give or take two episodes) yet we already knew here, just passing comments here and there that at the time, meant absolutely nothing, but when added together made up |Aiden, we knew her right away and she was a constant, whereas we don't know Lindsay.

And... yeah. This is the wrong thread for debating this, so I'm going now. =/
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Wednesday's ep: I think it's likely that Frankie points a gun at Stella, and this is one of the factors contributing to her shooting him.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I doubt we'll see Aiden storm in and suddenly become part of the cast again. She'll probably just met with Mac because why would they let a woman who tampered with evidence back in their lab?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I just watched “How I met your Mother,” during which they had previews for the final four CSI: NY’s. At one point it showed an angry Danny yelling, “is this the guy who killed Aiden?!” I rewound it (TiVo) to make sure. The voiceover also mentioned a CSI in a bodybag.

Ooops ... logged in too quickly -- just saw the other thread.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I liked the unconventional firing but was kinda shocked to read this tonight. I haven't seen much of her but watching is going to be interesting.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I think i have to agree with Bitten. I think it has more to do with Vanessa leaving CSI for another cop-based drama.

Man, My heart sunk, it stayed that way for like two hours.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Wait. WaitwaitWAIT.

Didn't she leave because she DIDN'T want to be stuck on another tv show?! What is this about her signing for ANOTHER cop-based show? *scratches head* That's ... man. If that's the real reason she left, she oughta have been honest and told everyone straight. Now it just feels like she left because she thought CSI:NY wasn't good enough for her or something. :/

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