Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Oh no! Poor flack!! I hope he isn't hurt too badly. Although it would be cool to see the team working to see who did this to Flack!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

So is Flack going to be injured in the second Tanglewood episode? I might have it mixed up since it's almost midnight, but that could be one crazy episode if so.

**I just had a thought. If this was indeed part of the season's final show, they wouldn't have this happen at the very end of it, show Mac and the doctor outside Flack's hospital room and then have the episode end?

I should be doing homework, but this board is addictive and I couldn't resist. I love that people post spoilers.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^This is actually the season finale, not the second Tanglewood episode we're talking about. To clarify on another post above, ThisIsMe is the source, not Dingbat.

MrsGiovinazzo said:
I totally agree with Top that Flack is much too pretty to be permanently scarred. I'm happy to see him getting a little development though. He deserves to be the season cliff hanger. ... Do you think poor Danny will pine away by Flack's hospital bed praying he returns to 'action' quickly? :D

Danny will definitely be devastated! Flack is his best friend (or more ;) ) and Flack has always been there for Danny no matter what. I think it will really shake Danny more than anyone else on the team. We'd better see him by Flack's bedside!

I also wonder how it will affect Flack in the long run. He is waaaay too pretty to be scarred ;) , but I wonder if it will shake his faith in what he does or make him gunshy at crime scenes.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

It's good to know that non of the CSI's will be injured but poor Flack what a way to end a season. At least we will be delving a little more deeper into his past (that's if he has one).

I'm with Top Danny will be devastated, so will the rest of the team because they all get on so well with Flack, but Danny more so :).
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

I think with the after effects with the explosion will be that of Flack being really nervous. I can see him shaking (like Greg in a way during 'Play With Fire') and being really concered and paranoid.

Maybe there's some health problems along with it. I'm guessing that perhaps it's something internally that goes wrong (maybe?) and it could have more of an effect into the next season.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^It could have on-going effects on his health. I wonder how Flack would handle it. He's so tough that I don't see him shaking like Greg or being nervous, but maybe he would hesitate before going into a building or at a crime scene or something like that.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Danny will definitely be devastated! Flack is his best friend (or more ;) ) and Flack has always been there for Danny no matter what. I think it will really shake Danny more than anyone else on the team. We'd better see him by Flack's bedside!
Hey, all I have to say is: they'd better not just be using Flack to give Danny some more dramatic scenes. ;)

I doubt that there'd be any lasting physical effects (at least from the neck up)--after all, Ryan on Miami got a nail through his face and now he is miraculously scar-free! Amazing! :lol: There could be scars or burns somewhere else on his body, like arms or chest or whatever, so that the make-up people don't have to do it on a regular basis. I can't imagine that they'd mar that pretty face of his permanently (although it would definitely be a departure from the expected)--they'll probably just leave us wondering how he'll end up at the end of the episode so that we have to wait until next season to see how things turn out. Let's just all cross our fingers that Eddie sticks around! (hey, I'll grab his leg so he can't leave if I have to! :lol:)
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Hey, all I have to say is: they'd better not just be using Flack to give Danny some more dramatic scenes. ;)

I agree I hope that there not using Flack to bring in more scenes for the CSI cast. Why Flack though, why does he have to suffer?
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Big_B said:

Hey, all I have to say is: they'd better not just be using Flack to give Danny some more dramatic scenes. ;)

I agree I hope that there not using Flack to bring in more scenes for the CSI cast. Why Flack though, why does he have to suffer?

I third that. As much as I want to see the reactions from the other characters, it is all about Flack! And it's about time.

As for why Flack...maybe because he hasn't had much to do this season, and deserves a storyline. Also because he's a detective, and first at the scene most of the time.

And I want to echo what midnight said...not the face! :lol:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

midnight_tiptoes said:
All I have to say is: NOT THE FACE!

Amen. He's our pretty boy. Pretty boy can not have his face ruined!

I'm just hoping for some DF angst because hello, Flack deserves it after what he did for Danny in "On The Job".
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

tuesdaymorning said:
Amen. He's our pretty boy. Pretty boy can not have his face ruined!

I'm just hoping for some DF angst because hello, Flack deserves it after what he did for Danny in "On The Job".

I'd be shocked if there wasn't any at all...they are best friends. That was established in the first episode of the show ("Blink") and has been built upon since.

I just wonder if we're going to get a cliffhanger in terms of knowing whether or not Flack is okay. I don't think we will--I suspect we'll find out he's out of the woods by the end of the episode--but I bet it's touch and go for a while during the ep itself.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^ In the history of the CSI franchise I don't think they've ever had a two-parter that spans two seasons. If they really feel like torturing us fans, they might consider it. :devil:

Well, Eddie's not leaving the show (right? RIGHT?) so I don't think anything horribly bad will happen to him. At least, nothing with long-lasting effects.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

He might be in the hospital for a while, so I volunteer to give him a spongebath... :devil: :lol:

:confused: Do we know if Eddie's been signed up for next season? I can't imagine that he's going anywhere, but you never know, do you?

I expect that Flack'll be okay but that he'll need to go to rehab and whatnot during his recovery--which will conveniently be over by the time the new season begins. ;)
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Faylinn said:
which will conveniently be over by the time the new season begins. ;)

Not necessarily. NY did give us continuity on Danny's psych evaluation after what happened in On the Job.
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