Spoilers on Future Episodes--You have been warned

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Re: Spoilers on future episodes

The promo pics do have the same background...Hmmm? As much as I hate Frankie, I hope Stella doesn't get hurt...
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Yes I HATE the guy...I hope it's his wife or something...and stella just goes like "mhh well I was too good for the guy anyway..."
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

that girl on the promostills she looks kinda like his secret wife or something
I read on the futon critic that she's a high-priced escort from the other case (the one with the dead banker). They must have just used the same background for the promo stills...or maybe Frankie is caught with the escort! :eek: :)lol: I'm just kidding ;))

The thing that I don't like is the fact that it seems like Flack won't be working on the Tanglewood case. :( abc posted this HQ promo from the episode and there's Flack with Stella, and there's the girl from the promos sitting in front of them. I wonder who they're using on Mac's case if Flack won't be there?...
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^ I wish is was Maka, but according to the cast list from the futon critic (see above link), it looks like it'll probably be "Det. Grant Lafferty" since he's the only other 'Detective' on the list. (BTW: He's played by Bruce MacVittie :))

Eh, I guess Flack couldn't interact with Danny if he was working the case and Danny was a suspect. :p (Do I sense another cafe-type moment? ;))
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Faylinn said:
^ I wish is was Maka, but according to the cast list from the futon critic (see above link), it looks like it'll probably be "Det. Grant Lafferty" since he's the only other 'Detective' on the list. (BTW: He's played by Bruce MacVittie :))

Eh, I guess Flack couldn't interact with Danny if he was working the case and Danny was a suspect. :p (Do I sense another cafe-type moment? ;))

I'm thinking another cafe-type thing as well. I don't know who else Danny would talk to. I have a feeling Mac isn't going to feel too chatty in this episode.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

A cafe type moment between Flack and Danny is a must. :D I have a feeling Mac is going to come down hard on Danny in this episode :rolleyes: , and Danny will need support from someone! Flack's always there for him. :D
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

:lol: Flack and Danny should have a moment together after this episode, Flack can always comfort Danny in the crimelab :devil:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

Flack and Danny need to have many, many moments... :devil: Really, they should just get a spin-off on HBO or Skinamax. ;) :devil: But, for the time being, I'd settle for a nice emotional scene between the two in Run Silent. Danny is going to need someone to lean on to get through all of this!
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

:lol: I just had the most 'hillarious' image pop into my head--not only is Flack comforting Danny, but he's cradling Danny's head and rocking him back and forth while he cries. :lol:
Danny: *sniff* B-but it's just not fair! I've tried to fix my life and--
Flack: Shh, it's okay...*pats Danny's head gently*
Danny: *sniff*

Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^ and then as Flack is comforting Danny, he convinces Danny to go to his place, so he can 'comfort' him there.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

That Flack is so sly! But I think Danny likes his brand of "comforting." ;) :devil:
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

All I can say is the interaction between the two of them in last weeks episode has pretty much convinced me that Flack and Danny do have their own version of Brokeback Crimelab.
Re: Spoilers on future episodes

^Yeah, the episodes do not leave much room for doubt, do they? :D The CSI SUV's a rockin' in Brokeback Crimelab! :lol: :devil:
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