Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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At this point I just don't give a rat's ass anymore. I can speculate until I'm blue in the face, but if they go with D/L, they go with it, and I see nothing they can point out or highlight or feature or tell me that will make it seem like a good idea. But NY drew me in and I'm going to stick with it even if this pushes my buttons, although time will tell how long I stick around.

Fandom, meanwhile, will be a welcome respite from having to try to understand D/L. :rolleyes:

As for Angell, no, I don't think she'll go home and cry in her pillow. But if Hawkes asks her out, I'll start to wonder if the writers have a bet on how many characters they can pair up by the end of the season. That just leaves Flack/Stella and then Adam/Danny's cell phone. Ah, to think we could have a show that's all about true love--disguised as a forensics drama, of course. [/sarcasm]

ETA: And I didn't mean for that to sound bitchy--well okay, maybe I did, but not toward a specific person or people. I'm just so sick and tired of this show that I love looking like it's on the brink of being flushed down the toilet. :rolleyes:
PAIGES, I doubt they think we think Danny has standards. So the Suicide girls were suspects..they were cleared, so there's no reason he couldn't go out with one (or all) of them. If you watch him when they walk away, he clearly regretted not taking up Nixon Suicide. We really don't know if he ever went out with her or not. Obviously the dominatrix wasn't Danny's thing.

We did, however, see him walking up and talking to the girl in the subway in Risk and that was after seeing Lindsay in that hideous low cut dress when she was at the opera. If he walked up and talked to that girl, he probably asked her out (and went).

Danny can only be tested with beautiful women (who obviously want him and won't push him away) for so long before he gives in. Considering that so far there's nothing going on between him and Lindsay, he's free to see whoever he wants. We still have 3 episodes before he leaves for Montana. That's plenty of time to go out with Angell or whoever else they want to pair him with.

None of my sources mention Lindsay's family. I doubt they'll be there. Like Top said earlier, we never saw Flack's family so we probably won't see hers either. It's a shame though. It's like none of them have anybody but each other. :rolleyes:

They need to back off the romantic storylines and get on with the CSI part of CSI:NY. If I want soapy drama s**t, I'll wath Grey's Anatomy. Can't they date outside the lab? I don't have to see it to know it's there. If they mention something here and there, that's good enough for me but I'm sick of every single TV show pairing up their regular cast members.
Hi, everybody. It's great reading you all.
I must confess I liked Lindsay, but this season I've grown tired of her and her whining. So, somehow, I hope after ep. 19 she'll be back to being her old self.
Anyway, parting a bit of the current comments, has anybody any spoiler about the murder of the FBI agent? I was wondering why they would show something like that at the end of an eppy and then drop it. Maybe they are keeping it for sweeps or the end of the season? It would be a bit late, but it's a pity they haven't developed it... after all, it was Mac who asked her to get some info, right? He hasn't made any comment on it, and it seems all forgotten.
^Good point about the FBI agent, imbv. I've been wondering about that too. There was supposed to be a link with the IRA and it seemed like it would make a great story.

So perhaps after the book on Lindsay's past is closed they will pick up that story again :)
It doesn't seem like the FBI story will be a part of sweeps, since we've gotten spoilers for those episodes and it wasn't mentioned--and I think it would be a major storyline if it were part of an episode. Perhaps, like you suggested, we'll get it toward the end of the season...That would certainly be some nice continuity. :)

And welcome to the thread, by the way, imbv. ;)
Hiya, i live in england and CSI NY 3 doesn't start till next week but i'm already hooked on the L/D story can anyone tell me the story???
^^ :DYou might want to go back to page 1 and start reading from there or even check out the previous spoiler thread which should have a link in the first post of this thread. There's lots of DL talk in this thread and the previous one. ;)
I loved the amount of Flack in 'The Lying Game' :D

I'm still waiting for the spoilers that say "this will be a Flack-centered episode" but I guess that's wishful thinking? :rolleyes: :p
Yeah, I wonder when the FBI agent's murder is going to get picked up again. May sweeps perhaps? That certainly opened up some interesting possibilities--very curious as to where that's going.

As for Danny and Angell's moment, I doubt it's to "test" Danny. Seriously, how many women have to throw themselves at him before we get that he likes the plain, unpleasant chick from Montana? :lol: Believe me, we get it. :lol: The scene is getting dropped, or it's set up for a love triangle. Or it's a one-shot, in which case, it makes no sense whatsoever.
I agree with Fay. I'd rather they'd drop D/A then use her, but I'm very interested in that part :D

omg, I just agreed with Fay...
CathStokes said:
I agree with Fay. I'd rather they'd drop D/A then use her, but I'm very interested in that part :D

omg, I just agreed with Fay...

Yep, you agreed with me, and now you can't take it back or edit it away. Hehehe. :devil:

Seriously, though--I like the idea of the pairing, and I'd love to see the scene in ep 16 as it was in the spoilers, but I swear it'll be just fine in my head if they're planning on using Angell and then tossing her to the side. :(
The thing is - and I know I'm running ahead of things a little here - what if Danny and Lindsey do get it together? What on earth will the writers do with them then? Do they settle down? Move in together? Have babies?

It all sounds too horribly domestic for words....
OMG! Where do you get this information from? I cannot find anything that remotely relates to this. We have only got a weekn to go and I really cannot wait.
Twinkletoes said:
The thing is - and I know I'm running ahead of things a little here - what if Danny and Lindsey do get it together? What on earth will the writers do with them then? Do they settle down? Move in together? Have babies?

It all sounds too horribly domestic for words....

That's exactly why I'm not fond of relationships going canon on the show, or any other procedural show like CSI. Domestic bliss = Booooring. Which means, the most likely path writers will take for whatever ship on screen would be an angsty, trouble-filled one. (Then again, the show's writing hasn't been all that ... logical, lately. :p)

So, yeah, who knows why the Angell sexually charged moment happens. If it's a one time thing, then it's just another of TPTB's attempts to push D/L into viewer's faces and remind us about it. If it isn't ... uh oh, I already sense trouble ahead for poor ol' Danny.

Hey, Top, ya wanna make bets on whether Angell or Lindsay really do turn out to like wielding baseball bats and use them on their boytoy? :lol:
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