Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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^I don't think that's the way it happens, but I doubt that it's an "I'm in love with her" thing either. Maybe he asks Mac what's going on with Lindsay and then asks for leave to go support her.

The person who made the point about Danny being more emotionally involved with the team than any of the other characters is a good point. When someone's in trouble, Danny is usually the one there--look how he was when Hawkes was accused of murder in "Raising Shane." Danny was the only one who refused to leave well enough alone (aside from Mac's visit to the station).

It's not out of character at all for him to go to Montana--it's just a shame that he comes off as such a doormat for doing so. But, as I've said before, Danny is kind of a doormat for people he cares about--he certainly put up with a lot from Mac in season one.

As for the hospital thing with Flack, it was probably more that Danny couldn't do anything for Flack at that moment--he's a restless character and sitting by a bedside is probably something he saw as completely useless to Flack. Just a thought on that one.
I don't think they've gotten to the "I'm in love with you" stage yet. Lindsay told Danny she liked him a lot, that's not love yet. :rolleyes:

There's so much in those spoilers (at least my source) that is not spoken, the audience isn't going to have a clue and there's no way the ending scene in the court room can be interpreted the way it is on paper (the non-spoken part).

Just because this chapter in her life will be closed, it doesn't mean she'll suddenly be totally fine and everything will just disappear. I'm sure she will still have issues (that's more drama) and it may not even be the start of Danny/Lindsay. It may still take time for anything to happen between them.

They are still not canon!! No matter what the spoilers say, there's been nothing on the show that indicates they are. Danny going to Montana doesn't make them canon either. Like Top said, he's always there for any member of the team. I doubt Lindsay calls and tells him what she's doing in Montana. If she didn't tell him before she left, she's not gonna call and tell him.

I can see him asking Stella why she left instead of Mac but it could be Mac. You certainly can't blame Danny for wanting to go and support her. That's a terrible thing to go through alone. It did make me wonder though, where's her family? :confused: Does she not have any support at all? I guess if they showed family support then it would take away from Danny being there. The two of them in the court room alone just seems strange. Wouldn't her parents, siblings (if she has any) be there too?

Also, I wonder if there's any interaction between Lindsay and any of the mothers of the murdered girls. I haven't seen anything in my source about it. She mentioned the mothers so maybe they just show them looking at her or something.

Top, you have a point about the hospital thing with Flack. It was always my opinion that Danny should have stayed at the hospital (at least until they knew for sure Flack was gonna be ok) but he's not the type to just sit around. Even when Louie was in the hospital he wasn't just sitting there. Only one small scene where he was talking to Louie and then he couldn't even sit around after that, he walked outside and there was Mac.

I'm sure Danny was there for Flack after he left the hospital. Not sure how long he would actually have been in the hospital (I've been meaning to check on that) but at some point he would have either been discharged home or moved to a rehab facility. I'm sure Danny would be around for that.
I think we'll have to wait until ep 19 or beyond to see if Danny and Lindsay are actually together. It is possible that they are, and that what Carmine said to Kristin at E is in fact accurate. But I'm still perplexed--why the Angell scene? :confused: Either it's being dropped, or maybe they are setting up for a love triangle. If it's still in there and doesn't mean anything, color me confused.

I wonder why Lindsay's family wouldn't be around, but my guess is that it's because they're not necessary. It's kind of like how Flack's dad wasn't around--in CoTP, it was really about Mac, not Flack. I think in Lindsay's case, it's really about Danny being there for her--family would just get in the way of that. :p

I doubt we'll ever hear about Flack's recovery from what happened in CoTP again (kinda like with Brass on LV), so we're just going to have to surmise that Danny was there for him (or not, if you don't like Danny).
I feel like I'm following you around Top. Kinda like a stalker. :p

I doubt we'll ever hear about Flack's recovery from what happened in CoTP again (kinda like with Brass on LV), so we're just going to have to surmise that Danny was there for him (or not, if you don't like Danny).
Which makes me wonder if all of Lindsay's problems will suddenly disappear in ep 19 and beyond. :confused:

If the Angell scene stays in (as originally written), I will be left to wonder what the point of that was. It makes no sense now. :(
^Yay! I've always wanted my own personal stalker. :lol: Of the friendly variety, of course. :D

I have a feeling Lindsay's problems will disappear in episode 19 and that will be that. Normally I'd argue for continuity, but I never want to see Anna try to scream or cry again. :lol:

I have no idea about the Angell scene. I guess I'm back to my original love triangle theory.
Top41 said:
I have a feeling Lindsay's problems will disappear in episode 19 and that will be that.

Same here. Continuity has always been an issue so yeah, once she gets back she'll either pass the torch to another character or they'll focus on the cases.

This said, I'm kinda looking forward to episode #19 to (hopefully) get a better idea of where they're going.
Probably pass the torch..

I hope the Angell thing hasn't been dropped, I really want to see how that gets played out.
One other little thing about Danny leaving the hospital while Flack was there. Top41 and 1CSIMfan I agree with your remark that Danny is probably too restless to sit around waiting. So giving Lindsay a ride home (as a friend, colleague, love interest -just pick one-) was a good way to keep him busy and provide some distraction. And let's not forget that Lindsay had a traumatic experience too that day, so to let her go home alone would have been OOC too ;)

I think we won't be hearing much of Lindsay's past or problems anymore. Perhaps we get one little scene in a next ep where there's a teenage female vic and someone asks if she's OK and she says she's fine and that's it :mad: (kinda like they did with Stella).

This triangle is really confusing. Perhaps D/A is still in and the writers added some lines/scenes so that Danny's phone call to Lindsay is now really meant as a reaction to that sexual tension between Angell and him...

Ep #16 will air on Valentine's Day... :p great day to start a LOVE triangle :D
I have a feeling Lindsay's problems will disappear in episode 19 and that will be that.

I don't think her past should end there. Even though I like Danny/Lindsey, I don't think everything should be dropped now when that was her reason for them not goingn out then.
I don't think that they are setting up a triangle. I think the D/A has been done in a way to test Danny's feelings for Lindsay. I mean its CSI they aren't going to have him shouting his love from the rooftops they have to show us in his actions. And I am guessing he doesn't act on it or take it any further with Angell and therefore that is supposed to show us, he does have strong feelings for Lindsay. Just because what was in written in some of those scenes for ep 18 doesn't appear on screen it certainly implies, at least to me, what the shows intention is for D/L. Also I interpreted Carmine's comments as though D/L would start something and it just wasn't about sex hence his "We'll be making love" comment. So for Danny to have acted on his apparent attraction to Angell in ep 16 wouldn't make sense in the context of Carmine's comment or what the writers are trying to imply in the unspoken dialouge. Plus I really don't think the show are going to put Lindsay through any more crap this season, how much more drama can one character take. I agree with TOP41 I dont think we will hear her past mentioned again. From what I have seen it certainly looks like the show intend to close that chapter of her life. I would rather the show focused on giving Flack a big story arc. I feel the character has been somewhat shafted this season, just like Hawkes was last season.

I am looking forward to ep 18. The case the whole team work together on looks interesting. I am also assuming this is the episode that well known illusionist appears in. Also for the person that asked about Chritina Aguilera, I think she appears in ep 16 it was mentioned her part had something to do with abused women, the title Heart of Glass certainly sounds like it would fit that type of storyline.
If the scene with Angell is meant as nothing more than yet another attempt to show me that yes, in fact, Danny and Lindsay are going to get together, then I am going to scream. Do the writers think they've neglected to include enough of those types of scenes already? Or maybe they just enjoy including them? They forget about other storylines for seasons at a time, until it becomes convenient, so why would they need to continually flog the dead horse with 'hey, Danny likes Lindsay!!1!' by inserting a scene with another girl? Angell isn't just a Suicide Girl in one episode, or a dominatrix murder suspect--she's a recurring character, and as much as I hate the idea of a love triangle, if they leave that scene in it should only be because they intend to continue with Danny and Angell having some sort of attraction toward each other. If all they wanted to do was to shove in another scene to support this D/L thing, then they could easily have done it with another one-time character.

So to repeat what I said before, I'd rather they drop the D/A scene than to use her character like she's a useless prop. :mad:

Now, moving on, because I'm so sick and tired of speculating about Danny and Lindsay and whether they'll be eloping and/or making babies by the end of the season. :p

Even if they don't totally drop Lindsay's drama, I'm inclined to think that she'll be so much better when she comes back--until the very convenient case that parallels her past in the last few episodes of the season, where she'll have to confront her issues and overcome them. Sound familiar? Well, let's hope the writers realize that and do something different.

Hawkes has only gotten the tiniest bit of development this season, but Flack has gotten even less, so I'm definitely with you on wanting more for him, paige. To tell you the truth, I can't think of a whole lot of development that any of the characters have gotten this season. Little bits and pieces, yes, but Lindsay seems to be getting the most--yes, she's the new girl, and she deserves some development, but Flack has been around since "Blink" and is still waiting in line...
Does she not have any support at all? I guess if they showed family support then it would take away from Danny being there.
I think that in Stealing Home, we got the impression that she's a little estranged from her family. Or maybe they just haven't tied up the loose ends before. :lol:

Hawkes has only gotten the tiniest bit of development this season, but Flack has gotten even less
Hawkes? Pfft. If you call getting a girl's number, then working on her face or if you get ticked off when you can't save your patients.

He deserves so much more developement as well as Flack. During "The Fall" back in Season 1, TPTB set up a great storyline. His father and THEY SHOULD DAMN WELL EXPLORE that.

Sorry for typing in caps, but I love Don so much!
Nelly Furtado on CSI

She briefly talks about her role on the episode & we see a clip of Stella & a little bit of Flack, Mac & Danny but we don't hear them speak, but then again the focus is on Nelly. It's pretty cool.
FAYLINN Maybe they think we think Danny has standards and the Suicide girl and the Domanitrix where once suspects and thats a line he wont cross. So they test him with a beautiful sexy woman, who obviously shares the attraction and is someone he knows and to a point so do we, and him not acting or taking anything further with her is meant to show without a doubt what he feels for Lindsay is stronger than a so called sexual attraction with Angell, which looks to me what that scene is all about because from what they have shown us so far there is no way he could have an emotional connection to her. Plus all the other times Lindsay was still in town, maybe the writers think we think he would be more inclined to act on an attraction if Lindsay is out of town. Either way I dont think Angell is going to go home crying into her pillow. I think Hawkes should ask her out. Or maybe even Flack, that might get him some more screen time and it could give us the opportunity to see a shirtless Eddie.lol

About Lindsay's family we don't know if they appear earlier in the episode, its quiet possible they do.

I am still holding out hope for a Flack centric episode near the end of the season, but I am not holding my breath.
Nelly Furtado on CSI

She briefly talks about her role on the episode & we see a clip of Stella & a little bit of Flack, Mac & Danny but we don't hear them speak, but then again the focus is on Nelly. It's pretty cool.
Wow, thanks for the video, jorja! I can see it, but there's no sound. I have no idea why...
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