Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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It's "A Daze of Wine and Roaches," unless they've changed it.

But Danny and Lindsay work together, and there are bejeweled roaches. Are we taking bets on whether Danny makes a lame little comment about her eating one of them? :rolleyes:
Yea, I say he will. And it will be lame because it was funny the first time. If they do pull that again it will make for good DL stuff, sure, but they'll certainly be exsacerbating (is that the word?) this joke, and it's not wirth it.
The thought of Danny making some lame joke about it makes me ill.

But the thought of DL together makes me more ill. :lol: At least we have a month before we have to endure it.
Fay, thankyou...

It's "A Daze of Wine and Roaches," unless they've changed it.

Okay, I can handle that better than Danny showering Lindsay with roses......

Aren't roaches Grissom's territory??? Madargascan hissing ones? Oh yeah, let's have Grissom swoop in, claim the roaches and Lindsay for his personal collection, cause Ms Sidle aint gettin' much Gris love time.....leaving Danny to play with Flack.........case solved..
Ah, can't wait until 1CSIMfan gets in here--she'll be squicked out by that picture, dutch. :lol:

And it will be lame because it was funny the first time. If they do pull that again it will make for good DL stuff, sure, but they'll certainly be exsacerbating (is that the word?) this joke, and it's not wirth it.
Sometimes there is a fine line between humor and cheese.

I'm going to stock up on tortilla chips, just in case. :p

I do wonder what Grissom's opinion of the bejeweled cockroaches might be. :lol: Of course, there's one scene from the spoilers that involves a lot of roaches and, er, people not walking carefully--so he might have more of a problem with that. :p
*shudders* Okay, gore is fine. Blood, guts, whatever, I'm fine with it, really. But creepy crawlies of any sort freak me out. This is going to be one tough episode for me to watch :lol:
Is it wrong that I hope Flack goes into a roach-killing frenzy, stomping and squashing and swatting with gusto? Then when the rich snit complains that he squashed her $3500 earrings, he can snort and say, "Look, lady, I was takin' care of your little bug problem."
You know, creepy crawlies dont freak me out as much as Danny /Lindsay does.

You know, I'd be all for the ship if TPTB had shown any sort of maturity in writing it.....I would have been up there shouting it from the rooftops.(If I cant have Danny/Flack let's at least have Danny and another completely believable well written character) The totally underutilised Flack I will save or another day cause it's late and I have to get up early
I am not sure if I can watch Days of Wine and Roaches.

I couldn't sit through Fare Game or that other episode from season 2..cant recall the name.

For the people who know the spoilers, as someone who gets creeped out by the sight of creepy crawlers should I skip this episode all together or maybe tune in a little late? Perhaps tape it and fast forward that case? lol

edit: just read back and saw where Faylinn said there is Flack/Stella interaction so I must now watch :D :p
I think you should tough it out. :p

But if you're like super, duper squemish than I don't know cause I think there's a big creep factor in the episode. Like, a guy covered in roaches, sitting and sharing food with them, that kind of thing.

There's also another case, so maybe you could just turn your head when they have the roach scenes.
Dude, that roach is blinged out :lol:. It's sad when a bug has more jewelry than me.

I think I can handle the sight of bugs now, especially seeing that sawed in half body from last night :eek:. That was frigging nasty. Cut up bodies & blood make me sick.

OT: Good to see your back in your proper location allstar :devil:.

Ooh, and looking forward to the Flack/Stella interaction as well :D.
You guys are cracking me up. :lol: :lol:

Ah, can't wait until 1CSIMfan gets in here--she'll be squicked out by that picture, dutch.
That was just mean dutch. :p I actually jumped when that picture popped up.
Is it wrong that I hope Flack goes into a roach-killing frenzy, stomping and squashing and swatting with gusto? Then when the rich snit complains that he squashed her $3500 earrings, he can snort and say, "Look, lady, I was takin' care of your little bug problem."
No, it's not wrong. It's hilarious. :lol: :lol:I'd love to see that myself. I'll take any Flack time I can get. :devil:
*shudders* Okay, gore is fine. Blood, guts, whatever, I'm fine with it, really. But creepy crawlies of any sort freak me out
I'm with you on that one. I hate bugs. Spiders and roaches are at the top of my list.
You know, creepy crawlies dont freak me out as much as Danny /Lindsay does.
While I hate spiders and roaches, DL freaks me out too. :rolleyes:
leaving Danny to play with Flack
Yes, please. :D
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