Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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Thanks for the clip! It'll be a couple more days for me before I see the ep.

Man, Danny had me LOL with his comment to Peyton. I'm curious to find out how'd he know anyway. Can't wait!
Daisy said:
GregsAngel said:
ya i read that to and all i was think was less than a month :eek: :eek:

but i do like that danny and angell working 2gether in the future cant wait :D

That's indeed quick. I read an artice this week about manitary leave in Holland, that people claiming 4 months is too short!

Upcoming spoilers are very interesting, especially the upcoming Stella episode, I'm really interested in how that plays out.

less than a month? mat leave? Anna is probably still swollen...but ppl from California told me legislation states 6 weeks leave

I guess Canada is very good then, we have 52 weeks ^o^
Also remember - they are saying that the next episode after Feb.28th won't be on until April 11th. IMO I'm thinking that they won't be filming until late March early April. So she would have that break too. I am sure that she probably will take her little baby to work too!!
I think the clips of Lindsay trial would have been shot before she left for Xmas break/Materintely leave. So Anna wouldn't offically be back on set until they start shooting the epsiodes that will air in April through May. So she didn't have just a month.
I also remember reading that Melina and Gary both bring their kids on the set, a luxury most workplaces don't provide. Anna Jr. could very well be coming to work with mommy, so they don't have to spend much time apart.

ETA: Ok, it's killing me. Who was Stella supposed to tell about being exposed to HIV? It was tonight's episode that it was supposed to happen and it was cut, right? :confused:
The TV Guide article said she went back to filming less than a month after having the baby so the court room seems had to have been filmed after she had the baby.

I don't think they have a break in filming. Top said they pretty much film all the time and Carmine's mentioned before that they film 10 months a year.
I have often read of stars being able to spend LOTS of time with their babies when they return to work. It's possible Anna came to work early because they were accommodating - I've heard of that being done. None of us knows the story, I guess.
Anna could be just ready to go back to work. I went back to work after 2 weeks with all 3 of my kids. Plus, she probably does get to bring her on set.
Is there a list yet with the guest stars in next weeks episode? Just curious as to what recurring characters (Peyton, Adam, Sid, Angell) will be appearing next week :)

and they need more Flack next week :mad:
^^ I was watching on the same channel tha my DVR was recording, and because of a stupid BREAKING NEWS warning every 5 minutes, I missed the preview for next week's ep. :(

I found an interview on the KNOWHIVAIDS.ORG site with Anthony Zuiker, and this bit was very interesting to me: (Talking about Stella:)
We also wanted to uncover a secret of hers through this storyline. Her blood is sent out to a military lab for an HIV test. When it comes back, it leads her to discover something critical about her life, unrelated to HIV. It’s a big, big reveal. It sets up her journey as a character for the next season..
^^IMO, I think it has something to do with who her parents may be?? (correct me if I am wrong, because I have never seen the first season, but Stella was in an orphanage and no one knows about her parents..right?)
The promo involves a man in a cigarette suit being burnt, and Stella quipping about Smoking Kills. Also, a man is building an ark, and has a lot of followers, but is killed. Not to helpful, am I?
The previews for next week's episode is up at the CBS website. According to the blurp, it's supposed to be of bibical porportions, lol. It looks a little out there, and but interesting nonetheless. But it also looks like the team finally gets out of Manhattan. :rolleyes: Unless I'm mistaken and there is a place to build an ark and keep a giraffe...it looks like they might be getting their toes wet again in the greater New York state. :lol:

But I'm interested to hear about Stella (whenever that's going to pop up again). I'm glad to hear that she's finally getting some more character development.
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