Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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Color me disappointed by these latest revelations. Not only they still got plans to make Danny and Lindsay an item, it also sounds like those sparks with Angell are going to be nothing more than an obstacle on the road to that relationship...
Ditto. :rolleyes:
goodnite_tonite said:
Ok, CBS posted a clip of tonight's episode on Youtube
can you put the link up please? I tried searching for it myself but i couldnt find it-sooo many vids to go through...

I've looked for it and it doesn't appear to be there anymore. I believe darx said something about it being gone now. :(
Well I am happy to read that the D/L relationship (romantic or just work) isn't over. But on the other hand I do hope that Angell is not made into a 'victim'; she deserves more than that.

Txs for the tip about the clip darx2! The interaction between Danny and Peyton is quite funny.

^^I just watched the clip. This is the link: Heart of Glass promo
Thanks dutch. I love how Danny looks down when she glares at him. And the little head tilt he does at the end :lol:

Looks like a cool episode.
Okay, so does Danny know Mac and Peyton are an item because he's smart and realized it all by himself or the relationship is not a secret anymore? ;)
It looked like the promo pictures for this episode had Mac in the room with Danny and Peyton with the body--so maybe that's how Danny knows about them, because Mac was at the scene?...it wouldn't make sense for it to suddenly not be a secret anymore...

That video didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Why did Danny bring that woman to Peyton instead of to a hospital? Is she involved in the case? I guess we'll see tonight, though...
Maybe Mac & Peyton arrived at the scene together and Danny was already there. Or maybe they were there before him and he heard/saw something when he arrived. Apparently it was enough for him to know they are together.

This is for tonight's episode right? If so, who is that girl and what does it have to do with Danny's case of the dead girl in the tub?
Faylinn said:
It looked like the promo pictures for this episode had Mac in the room with Danny and Peyton with the body--so maybe that's how Danny knows about them, because Mac was at the scene?...it wouldn't make sense for it to suddenly not be a secret anymore...

Sounds good. Of all the things that are not making sense right now I hope there's at least an explanation for that.. ;)
Of all the things that are not making sense right now I hope there's at least an explanation for that..
No kidding. One of the main components of the Mac/Peyton relationship is that it's a secret, so for it to suddenly be common knowledge...*shrug* Mac didn't seem to want it known, so I can't imagine that everybody is aware of it now. Watching Peyton's reaction when Danny says the line about Mac to her, it seems like maybe he's the only one who knows...
Faylinn said:
Watching Peyton's reaction when Danny says the line about Mac to her, it seems like maybe he's the only one who knows...

Which is a scenario that I really like. Gotta focus on the little things, you know? ;)
^Or Danny sees them arriving together.

BTW this is definitely a clip from tonight's ep. Peyton calls the woman Mrs. Ballard and there's a character named Colleen Ballard at the guest stars list - played by Brooklyn Sudano (never heard of her but I read that she's Donna Summer's daughter).

Don't know what her connection to the case is.
In the Canadian promo, Danny finds a bullet in the bathtub of the murder vic. They think she was shot but they don't know how (there's no entry wound). With the girl in the morgue, she was also shot but doesn't know how.

Im speculating that that's her connection.
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