Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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after episode 318 airs on February 28, there is going to be like a five week break. The next episode isn't scheduled to air until April 11.
Well, one good thing about that is that they'll probably film episode 19 in mid-March, giving Anna another month to heal and spend time with her family before they start filming again. Ep 18 is definitely a light one for her, just sitting down for a few scenes, but it's good that she'll have some more time off. ;)
Let's not forget that there will only be 6 episodes left after ep 18 Sleight Out of Hand on February 28th.

There will have to be lots of repeats since that still leave all of March, April, and part of May.
Faylinn said:
Well, one good thing about that is that they'll probably film episode 19 in mid-March, giving Anna another month to heal and spend time with her family before they start filming again.
From what I've heard, production/filming starts in a week and goes til about the end of February...could be wrong though.
Hmm, well I just thought that, with five weeks between air dates, that there would be at least some time between filming as well. *shrug* I don't know how everything works, so I'm just guessing here...
Mid March sounds about right. Each episode takes about a week to film, so with only 6 episodes left, they have plenty of time. Anna may be in ep 18 but she clearly doesn't do anything more than sit on the witness stand and then sit in the back of the court room. So, she's not back full time in ep 18.

The trial doesn't even start until way past halfway through the episode. I'd have to look again, but I believe it ends the episode (sad as that sounds).

As for spoilers for ep 19. Yeah, I did have more but it looks like they've already been posted. I'll probably read over them tomorrow and maybe post something else. I just skimmed over them.
catey1234 said:
episode 319 Daze of Wine and Roaches
Case a : Mac/Stella/Hawkes/Flack
French revolution themed fundraiser, handler for a rich couple's daughter is killed, but I don't think it is a guillotine that kills her.

Case B: Danny/Lindsay/Flack
Restaurant case. Restaureur is killed. Involves people and roaches, specifically jewelled roaches that people wear.
I just got some info about this ep too. And although it looks like the guillotine isn't the murder weapon there is definitely one present at the crime scene. It's so funny that my initial guess was almost right :lol: When I read 'French revolution' I just knew that Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre and THE guillotine were going to be there :D

Looks like one of the writers is studying France's history. First we get Mac reading Nostradamus and now the French Revolution :confused:

For the second case I didn't see any mention of a detective; neither Flack nor Angell ;). For someone (like me) who hates bugs this case will be horrible to watch.
Okay, the roaches's case is weird, and there's gonna be some good Danny moments. ;) Also, Flack seems to be working on Danny's case too, they're together in one scene.

Now, what bugs (*lol* yeah, I know) me is a statement by Lindsay about Bud beer and buffalo burgers back in Montana... the context is not clear so I'm not sure if it's some kind of flashback or something but still, Danny seems to be around... :confused: *reaches out to the other girls who post spoilers* Thoughts, anyone??
^ Well I think they're checking out a bottle of wine that's suppose to be evidence and she notices that it's an expensive wine and he makes some remark indicating that he's surprised she knows something about wine at all; which makes her respond with the statement about the beer.

Hope that made some kinda sense - don't know 'bout the burgers though :)

What surprised me even more is that they use the name of a famous singer -Luther VanDross- for one of their characters...couldn't they come up with a different first or last name?
Well, according to the Futon Critc, when it comes back on, they are going to air the remaining 6 episodes without any breaks. The season ender should air May 16.
The thing about Flack is that I don't think his role in Danny and Lindsay's case will be a big one--probably just a few scenes that they didn't think were worth having Angell in the episode for, you know? Just a bit to show that there's a detective, and then he spends most of the episode snarking it up on the case with Mac, Hawkes and Stella. Speaking of which, I don't get the feeling that Flack likes the 'handler' situation very much. :lol:

Well I think they're checking out a bottle of wine that's suppose to be evidence and she notices that it's an expensive wine and he makes some remark indicating that he's surprised she knows something about wine at all; which makes her respond with the statement about the beer.
Yeah, that's how it seems. I don't know why we're going back to Danny-is-surprised-that-Lindsay-knows-things, followed by Lindsay-makes-some-snarky-comment-about-Montana. Really, haven't we passed that stage by now? It would be just as effective if she said she was watching a show about wine on the Food Network or something, and Danny could spaz out that she likes it because OMG, Alton Brown is the best and he's on that channel! :lol: That would be interesting to me. :p I don't know why everything has to come back to her being from Montana. Danny knew about the canopy-vs-awning in "The Fall," and the explanation was that his uncle manufactures them, not that even boys from NYC know things sometimes.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Point is, she could make a comeback that didn't mention Montana. Unless the writers think we've forgotten where she comes from, which would be silly one episode after she's actually been in Montana...

By the way, Alton Brown is the best. Just sayin'. ;)
Point is, she could make a comeback that didn't mention Montana. Unless the writers think we've forgotten where she comes from, which would be silly one episode after she's actually been in Montana...
Well since ep #19 is apparently airing 5 or 6 weeks after #18 I'm guessing they think we forgot all about Montana :rolleyes:

But seriously, I think you're right; why that little discussion that sounds like it belonged in the second season? He has to know by now that she knows more than just 'country stuff'. We've seen the banter, the smart remarks and the flirting already...let them move on... :)
Faylinn said:
Ep 16: "Heart of Glass"
Mac/Stella/Hawkes/Flack work the case of the man killed when his house was broken into, where the sister saw who did it
Danny/Angell work the case of the dead woman in a tub

Ep 17: "The Ride In"
Mac/Danny/Flack work the case of the dead man found with the counterfeit money
Stella/Hawkes/(Angell?) work the case with the mascots

Ep 18: "Sleight Out of Hand"
Mac/Stella/Danny/Hawkes/Flack work the one case with the illusionist
Lindsay testifies at the trial in Bozeman

Thanks for posting this. I was starting to mix all the upcoming episodes up :lol:

and now ep 19 "Days of Wine and Roaches" is Mac/Stella/Hawkes/Flack and Danny/Lindsay/Flack correct?
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