Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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A Daze of Wine and Roaches? eek..I get freaked out by the bug episodes lol!

and as far as who Stella tells..its obviously someone surprising from the reactions I see on here so I think that can rule out some people. I personally would be the most shocked if it was Peyton or Angell she tells.
Im telling you that Peyton looked at Mac weird, Maybe its just me.
Are you talking about when she said "she died of a broken heart"? because she's not looking at him. He's standing behind her. If not, then which part? :confused:
Chelliyah, Rhonda will have your ass if you tell.
Yes, I will hunt you down. :devil:
I'm sure Orison or 1CSIMfan will share spoilers later if they have them...*waits (not-so)patiently*
Sorry, no info yet from me. :( As soon as I get it, you'll be the first to know. ;)
Murder by guillotine?
:lol: :lol: :lol:I laugh now but you know, that wouldn't surprise me. :p
Peyton did say she "died of a broken heart" weird, but the clip they cut to of Mac wasn't with him in the ME office it looks like he outside somewhere. but what I don't get is why?? I know they had a fight a couple eps. back but then at the end of "Silent Night" he walks and and hugs her and says he wants to make their relationship work. So I thought they were together again. am I wrong? did they break up and I missed it??
Lynn, you're playing with fire and you might get burned. *scowl* Chelliyah, you know better. *threatening glare*

:p You know I love you guys. ;)

did they break up and I missed it??
Dunno. I guess we'll have to see what happens in this episode, because they haven't mentioned their relationship at all since "Silent Night," if I remember correctly.
Railynn said:
Peyton did say she "died of a broken heart" weird, but the clip they cut to of Mac wasn't with him in the ME office it looks like he outside somewhere. but what I don't get is why?? I know they had a fight a couple eps. back but then at the end of "Silent Night" he walks and and hugs her and says he wants to make their relationship work. So I thought they were together again. am I wrong? did they break up and I missed it??

Keep in mind that the promo isn't in the order of the episode. They mix things up to make it look like something else. If you look at the pictures in the picture thread..it looks to me like Mac and Peyton had been out on a date and were called to the scene. I mean, how often do you see Mac dressed like that when he's working unless he got called in at the last minute.
I know who Stella told her itty bitty secret.

She told Barney. Yes, his purple hide and peroxide teeth can scare away HIV, don'tcha know?
Kimmychu said:
I know who Stella told her itty bitty secret.

She told Barney. Yes, his purple hide and peroxide teeth can scare away HIV, don'tcha know?

Well, I finally figured out where my crack supply went :lol:. I just joke :p...

I wonder if Hawkes will know about what happens to Stella. Judging by the way she told him not to touch her (in the previews) made me wonder. Interesting...
1CSIMfan said:
I'm sure Orison or 1CSIMfan will share spoilers later if they have them...*waits (not-so)patiently*
Sorry, no info yet from me. :( As soon as I get it, you'll be the first to know. ;)

Thanks for the info, ThisIsMe! I checked my source and there's nothing new yet but I'm sure it's a matter of hours, and I'll definitely be back to share some more info with the rest of you guys! :D
Ahhhh!!! **Runs From Fay** :lol:

hehe i promise.. i wont.... honest!!! :D

If Rhonda wants it to stay a secret.. i have no choice! ;) hehe

Does anyone have a place i can hide?! :p :lol:
^ That looks like a very intense ep!! Txs so much for posting that link celtess. I sooo want to see this one...poor Stella :(
OMG!!!! I can't wait!!! :| :O

That promo looks so amazing!!! :eek: Thanks celtess!!! :D *hugs celtess*

But it seems like she cuts, and then someone breaks a glass and then they ask her if she's ok but she doesn't want anyone to touch her 'cause she already cut :eek: OMG!!!! *waits*
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