Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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woah i definitely wanna see the promo for this! thats a bit of a twist , having frankies sister turn up.. (possibly)... !!!!
Guys, it's not Frankie's sister.

One of the cases is about a woman who sees the killer of her brother as she sees her brother being killed. She's looking right at the killer and says "You killed my brother".

Jessica, I'm sure you can find a clip of the preview either on the CBS website, innertube, or YouTube. I haven't checked yet and I'm gonna go watch the preview right now from last night's episode.

ETA: I just watched the promo again. I didn't notice anything strange in the way Peyton said "she died of a broken heart" and Mac was not looking at her funny (it's the same look he always has). The clip of Mac is from a different scene.
The CBS one isnt showing the new episode...for me anyway. Innertube doesnt work here in Canada, and I dont think YouTube has anything yet. At least when I checked.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions! :)

Oh. And, I was kinda wondering about it being Frankie's sister... Kinda weird if it were... Like, where was that story line gonna go...and it would be kinda late for that to happen, as he died the the middle of Season 2...
But innertube works for promos in the whole world :) I see the promos there and there's a girl (don't remember your name sorry *blushes*) who posts a link to download the promos here in this thread :D

Man I'm kinda desperate :p I really wanna watch the next episode :(
I didn't see anything about this one posted, so thought I'd add what I know (sorry if the info's already up here and I missed it).

Episode 3.19 is called "A Daze of Wine and Roaches". There's a case that happens during a French Revolution themed fundraiser. Not sure about the other case, but it involves a restaraunt. Hopefully someone else can fill in some blanks :)
Ooh, thanks ThisIsMe, we haven't heard about ep 19 yet. :) I'm sure Orison or 1CSIMfan will share spoilers later if they have them...*waits (not-so)patiently* :p
CalleighWolfe said:
But innertube works for promos in the whole world :) I see the promos there and there's a girl (don't remember your name sorry *blushes*) who posts a link to download the promos here in this thread :D

Man I'm kinda desperate :p I really wanna watch the next episode :(
That"s me :lol:
I'll post the next promo tomorow
I'll hope so
^^Wow, that's a poetic ep title
There's a case that happens during a French Revolution themed fundraiser
Murder by guillotine?

Txs ThisIsMe! I can't wait for some new spoilers/speculation material ;) either.
hey episode 19 sounds like an interesting one.. especially if its by guillotine lol

celtess.. cant wait for the promo if u can get it :D yay!!!


o o o o i think i know who the 'other' person is ;) hehehe i jus read something on another spoiler thread... im quite :eek: :lol: dont think i should say.... **shifty eyes..** hehe
chelliyah said:
hey episode 19 sounds like an interesting one.. especially if its by guillotine lol

celtess.. cant wait for the promo if u can get it :D yay!!!


o o o o i think i know who the 'other' person is ;) hehehe i jus read something on another spoiler thread... im quite :eek: :lol: dont think i should say.... **shifty eyes..** hehe
I say you should say... HAHA. No, I wanna be surprised. No. I dont. TELL. No...
Chelliyah, Rhonda will have your ass if you tell. :lol:

As for the way Peyton looked at Mac--I really don't care, but we'll see next week. It's quite possible that--wait for it--her expression has to do with the case.
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