Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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Okay. Wait. So. Stella get's infected, and tells Mac, for sure. But she also tells someone else, because it's a life or death situation?? If that's what I understood, than maybe someone ELSE comes in contact with the blood (or with her... tranfering the HIV...), or something, and she has to tell them, that she may or maynot have HIV?? I dont know. Any of that make sense?
Hey she can't tell everything, so that it won't surprised us ;)

I'll try to guess again: Rhonda said it's not Stella the one in danger, but I understand that she's there so maybe she helps the person that is in trouble. So now we only have 2 options: Mac and the someone else :O. I vote for Mac again :D
*covers mouth and jumps around* Mmm....won't tell. :lol:

Very good discussion, though. ;)
Nope. I have the fear of RHONDA in me. I wouldn't dare. *cowers in fear* :lol:

Anyway, back to spoilers. :lol:

I'm excited to see the Mac-Reed stuff in tomorrow's episode. It should be really good, I'm looking forward to it. :D
well Modie does have that whip and all, but you got that spork, spork her... I didn't say a word..

The Mac-Reed stuff should be interesting to watch, yes.
You know its not fair that you probably know who it is and you're just not telling!
Oh, I definately know. I know who, why, where.

Jessica6 and CalleighWolfe, you're the closest but I'm still not telling. ;)

but you got that spork, spork her... I didn't say a word..
I am already full of holes she sporks me so much. I've learned to hide behind Danny but he's starting to get full of holes too. She's evil with that spork.

I'm interested in the Mac/Reed stuff. That is one thing I can say I know absolutely nothing about.
I am looking forward to the Mac Reed scene as well especially after seeing the promo shot where Mac and Reed were hugging. I have loved how they have developed the story line between these two so far (and I had my doubts when this idea of Mac having a stepson first popped up) and I am looking forward to whats next. I hope that we will see Reed turn up now and again in future eps or at least have Mac mention him.
I swear this franchise reclycles actors more than Law & Order
:lol: Yep, they sure do.

I'm excited to see the Mac-Reed stuff in tomorrow's episode. It should be really good, I'm looking forward to it
Me too! I can't wait. The promo pictures look awesome and I just can't wait! I love Nelly Furtado too! :D
I really like the kid who plays Reed so I'm totally looking forward to tonight's episode as far as their storyline is concerned.

As for the who's in trouble discussion, I've been keeping myself away from the discussion but let me just tell you that you're probably gonna love this scene. ;)
I'm one of the closest??? *dances* :D

We're gonna love the scene? :eek:

OMG!!! Ok, I'll try to combine what Jessica said with my own opinion *thinks hard* OMG!!!! *crosssing fingers* what if it's what I'm thinking??? :eek: Happy!!! But Sad!!! OMG!!! I'm lost :lol: not but it's not Mac, because I read that she tells Mac but she HAS to tell the someone else, so she helps the someone else but that involves blood so she HAS to tell. Or she HAS to tell Mac??? :confused: :lol: :lol:

I'd love both scenes: with Mac obviuosly my heart would beat so fast that all the neighborhood would hear it :lol: and with the someone else it'd interesting too 'cause maybe it's a chance for a stronger friendship :D

I love this guessing game!!!! :D
Come on Modie, gimmie a hint, this isn't fair!

yeah, I've meet that Spork of hers and that whip of yours, several times :D Both of yall are evil.

What was your answer Reine? If your the closest.

is it Sid?
Well I don't have an answer :lol: I just wrote a theory :lol:

This is what I posted:

I'll try to guess again: Rhonda said it's not Stella the one in danger, but I understand that she's there so maybe she helps the person that is in trouble. So now we only have 2 options: Mac and the someone else :O. I vote for Mac again.
CalleighWolfe said:
I'm one of the closest??? *dances* :D

We're gonna love the scene? :eek:

OMG!!! Ok, I'll try to combine what Jessica said with my own opinion *thinks hard* OMG!!!! *crosssing fingers* what if it's what I'm thinking??? :eek: Happy!!! But Sad!!! OMG!!! I'm lost :lol: not but it's not Mac, because I read that she tells Mac but she HAS to tell the someone else, so she helps the someone else but that involves blood so she HAS to tell. Or she HAS to tell Mac??? :confused: :lol: :lol:

I'd love both scenes: with Mac obviuosly my heart would beat so fast that all the neighborhood would hear it :lol: and with the someone else it'd interesting too 'cause maybe it's a chance for a stronger friendship :D

I love this guessing game!!!! :D

OMG. Now, I'm excited! I hope what happens is what you think is gonna happen too! :) But,I'm still a little lost... But that's okay. It's fun. :lol:

Yes- I cant wait to Mac and Reed again. VERY interesting story line there...
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