Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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I must admit I like the idea someone posted above, Peyton. It would make sence in a away. In ep one of this season you got the idea they knew each other well enough before she left to teach, now she is back and Lyndsay is not around she is about the only femail friend Stella could talk to. It could be interesting if they go that way. But I guese we will just need to wait and see. It's interesting to speculate seeing everyones view point as to who it could be.
I doubt it's Peyton. Those two barely communicate & they last time they talked to each other Stella was ready to go kick Peyton's ass :lol:.I just can't see her confiding in someone barely knows when she has the rest of the team. Plus, I doubt Stella cares whether she has a female friend. I mean, she'll probably want one but I can see her approaching one of the guys. It would be awesome to see her go to Adam or Hammerback though :lol:.
I really hope it's not Peyton! That would seem so contradictory and out of character for both women...I think Peyton is jealous of Stel and I think Stel does not like Peyton...at all! I want Stel to tell Mac, really want her to tell him! :D Otherwise I could see her telling Danny, since they seem to have a good friendship going....but I really do want it to be Mac!
Er, outside of fanfiction, I see no reason for Peyton to be 'jealous' of Stella. :confused:

The TV Guide seems to tell us that she does tell Mac, though, so you'll get that much of your wish, Moriel. ;) It's the other person she tells that will keep everyone guessing. :p
Now you've got my speculative juices flowing, wondering who Stella tells, besides Mac! I'm thinking if we're going with the unexpected, then perhaps Sid, or to a lesser extent, even Peyton. Sid, because the writers have been having Sid unexpectedly share some personal things with people this year here & there, and I know he & Stella have had nice conversations. I could see her saying something to him, as someone she could trust with the information, someone who wouldn't get emotional with it. As for Peyton, I agree with Faylinn, I see no reason why Peyton would be jealous of Stella, one is dating Mac, the other isn't. Both are good friends with him, and even though they had hard feelings in one little scene, I got the impression that otherwise, they were very friendly. Not necessarily Best Buddies, but still friendly enough to share an intimacy. At any rate, I'm looking forward to seeing all of these juicy spoilers come to fruition! :)
What you said about Sid may be correct!...ok,with those two together,I am not sure if the scene will turn out dramatic or humorous! ;)
the writers have been having Sid unexpectedly share some personal things with people this year here & there
:lol: I'm sorry, but that made me think of "Stealing Home," which I watched yesterday. I love when he was talking about the threesome and Hawkes kind of dropped the bullet into the evidence envelope like 'say whut now?' :lol:

Anyway, back to your speculatin'. ;)
^^ haha i loved that part!
speaking of 'stealing home' was the guy who played jessie's dad on last nights ep of Miami the same actor who played the guy who killed Sarah Butler in stealing home?? I think it was! This has been killing me for hours.. :mad::lol:

anyways, the whole "who does stella tell" thing is really interesting...i cant wait till the ep airs!
I thought the same thing, gt! :lol: I was like 'hey, I just saw that guy on NY!!' So I want to say that it definitely is, but I'm not 100% sure. ;)

If so, it's eerie that I watched that particular episode the day they recycled one of the actors. :lol:
The actor who played Gus Drood from Stuck on You was also on Miami last night, playing Clavo Cruz.

I swear this franchise reclycles actors more than Law & Order :lol:
Anyway, back to your speculatin'
I'm still going with Sid.

But I'm also curious what the 'life or death situation' may be... :confused: Is it Stella who's in trouble (again :() or someone else?...If it's Stella then that's perhaps the reason why she has to tell or perhaps it's someone else and Stella's there....
The actor who played Gus Drood from Stuck on You was also on Miami last night, playing Clavo Cruz.

I swear this franchise reclycles actors more than Law & Order
Fay and I have been talking about that for weeks and that they also must have a big fishbowl with first and last names. From what I've been seeing, they are recycling the same names over and over. They're just switching them up some.

I didn't know the guy who played Clavo was on NY. I'm used to seeing him on Miami since he's been on there three times now. :D

But I'm also curious what the 'life or death situation' may be... Is it Stella who's in trouble (again ) or someone else?...
I'll be a little nice here...no, it's not Stella. ;)
If it's Stella then that's perhaps the reason why she has to tell or perhaps it's someone else and Stella's there....
You're getting warmer. :p
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