Spoilers in the Big Apple - Season 3 Spoilers Continued

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I for one would like who it is to remain a mystery--especially since 1CSIMfan said it was a life-or-death situation. A bit of excitement and anticipation can't hurt even the most ardent spoiler hounds. :lol:

And yes, La Guera, Stella/Hawkes would be hot. :devil:
She also tells someone else? Do you know who? Hawkes? You're kidding or it's really Hawkes?
Well, maybe she doesn't tell Mac because they don't work together in that episode (am I right?) and so, they don't see each other. And if, she is FORCED to tell him, it's because this problem is not resolved in Heart of Glass. This story will last for a few episodes.
Honnestly, I hope she tells Flack. ;) :D That's too sad she doesn't tell him :(
Well since both Stella and Hammerback are suppose to be talking/revealing something about their families in this ep (that info was on one of the last pages of the previous thread -if I remember correctly- :)), I guess the both of them could have a pretty serious conversation; so perhaps she tells Sid.... :confused:
Life or death situation? To me that sounds like Stella gets injured or cut a second time and has to warn whoever is treating her that she's been exposed to HIV.
I would really rather she tells Flack because I love those two together. He was there for her in "All Access" he should be there for her now too. They have amazing chemistry.
She does NOT tell Flack. TV Guide has released some info that says she does indeed tell Mac but like I said earlier, she also tells someone else. Two people can be eliminated (one is Flack) and if you read my reply to LaGuera, you'll see who the other person is.

She gets injured in ep 16 - Heart of Glass. She tells Mac and this "someone else" in ep 17 - The Ride In.

This is from TV Guide for ep 17 - The Ride In
A man is found shot dead in a rundown Rockaway Beach house under a pile of money. Outside in his backyard is an ark that contains animals and eight people. The investigation reveals the man spread the belief that the world was ending and charged people to go on his ark where they would be saved. Back in the city, a man dressed as a giant cigarette to protest a tobacco company is found dead on the street. Also, Stella tells Mac that she was exposed to HIV when she got cut at a crime scene.
Yes, I know who it is and NO, I'm not telling. :p Like Faylinn said, we don't want to know everything about the episode. Besides, that still leaves Danny, Peyton, Sid, Hawkes, and Angell. The "who" just might surprise you and the "why" will definately surprise you.

ETA: Also, with Stella having an HIV scare and not knowing the outcome for a while, I'm wondering if they will table the new love interest thing for her. I can't see her contemplating a new romance with something like that hanging over her head.
Suprise us?..Peyton maybe?Anyway,as you've already said we don't want to know everything ;)..

About the love interest,it's a possibility...And if they do bring somebody,he better be good :)..
I'm intrigued by the Stella storyline, but I have to agree that it's probably a moot scare. ER is the only show that I can recall in recent years that had a regular character contract HIV. But, it should give Melina some good stuff to work with, and she deserves a storyline that isn't some lame, brutal slashfest like "All Access." I have no doubt she'll excel--she's a wonderful actress.

Lindsay looks about 35 to me, but I guess it wouldn't work with the storyline. Still, the idea that she's 28 makes me laugh. :lol:
Maybe, but it could be a chance (well I'm speculating,Rhonda is right, it must be hard). Maybe after she tells Mac and the someone else (let's call it A), another someone else (let's call it B :p), knows about it accidentally and tries to help her, maybe because B likes her or something and at the very end of the season or at the end of the situation when she's ok, they find a special thing between them :D

I'm only specualting, it's not a spoiler :D

ETA: Lindsay is 34 or 35 in real life, but she looks a little bit younger (IMO). 30 it's ok for me :D
Fay's gonna kill me because I left Adam off that list. :rolleyes: Sorry about that. **hides behind Flack to avoid Fay's sporking** - maybe I should be hiding behind Danny because he needs a good sporking. :p

Anna's 34 in real life so I guess we always assumed that Lindsay was the same age but I don't buy 28 either. Lindsay looks older than that.

I'm still stumped as to why they're looking for a 14 year old to play an 18 year old Lindsay. Are they just wanting someone that they say is 18 but looks younger?? :confused:
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