GregNickRyanFan said:
The reason I freaked out is because of an article I read where CBS is considering freezing raises of its stars... and if its stars do not accept the freeze then the shows will have to let supporting actors go. With this kind of storyline for Ryan, it freaked me out because I was afraid he might be one they let go.
Yeah it definitely would make a convenient way to 'let Ryan go' further down the line if the CBS salary freeze goes sour for Miami but I'm hoping the lead actor(s) accept the 'deal', as it were.
But aside from that, this storyline by itself doesn't look like a way to get rid of Ryan/Jon anyway, it looks like it'll go down like:
-Ryan is threatened. (Ie: The beating)
-Ryan tampers with evidence to save Billy's life/ensure his safety.
-Ryan keeps the truth from his colleagues so he doesn't potentially blow it and get Billy killed and goes through a whole bunch of moral/emotional turmoil.
-Horatio finds out about Billy on his own anyway through some other means.
-The team eventually finds out what Ryan is doing. (someone blows the whistle or Ryan comes forward because it's getting out of hand)
-Team mates get mad that he didn't say anything/broke the rules to save a life and they could have helped before it got too far. Argument ensues.
-SuperH comes to the rescue and saves Billy.
-All is good in the world again.
-Horatio has a talk with Ryan about what happened and probably does the SuperH thing and says he'll explain what happened/cover his ass but isn't making promises.
-Ryan understands.
-Character development opportunity done, further consequences may happen but Ryan still looks like the hero because in this case, the ends seem to have justified the means.
And that's just pure speculation on my part considering what we were given spoiler-wise and the formula that this show seems to use for these types of situations but like I said above, I don't think the storyline by itself (if we pretend the CBS freeze isn't an element) means an end to Ryan Wolfe. But again though, If the freeze affects Miami in an unfortunate way, this would seem to be an easy segway to a possible character write-off. Which I'm hoping doesn't happen.
GregNickRyanFan said:
With CSIs, isn't it three strikes and you're out? Ryan only has one since he'll be cleared in the thing with Diddy [...] Being put on admin leave isn't the same as being fired.
Yeah I was kind of worried that since he gets in trouble in Diddy's episode that maybe 7.20 was the final push of getting him into a serious mess at the end but you're right, he gets cleared in that [Diddy's] episode so technically it shouldn't even play a part in anything else he does after. Even if Ryan does get fired in 7.20 or later, it doesn't necessarily mean the character is going to be written off so unless I hear anything about Jon leaving/being let go, I'm going to assume Ryan will be just fine. :lol:
I personally feel this episode will be great development for Ryan and I can't wait to see it.