Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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So, I went to the local Blockbuster the other day, specifically to rent Dazed and Confused (well, that's why I was there, my sister was looking for something else), because I've never seen it, and I thought it was about time that I do... and it was out! They only have one copy, and someone got to it before I did! And since they don't have late fees anymore, who knows when it'll be back!! :( :( :(

I feel better now that I've gotten that out. But I'll feel more better (yes, that's right) when I can actually see it.
Well I hope you get to see it DragonflyDreamer, it's a great movie....Well it's kind of pointless, but it's great for laughs. :lol:

Thanks for that second interview calleighspeedle, it's great to see an actual exclusive clip of Rory. :D
Someone on the SiteforFans found a large and wonderful picture

And great news for Germany. Both, RAYD and ASD will play at the Fantasy Film Festival in July/August. Unfortunately all locations are about 200 miles from my home. But maybe....
well, I have a feeling that this interview has already been posted, but there's an interview on iFilm with Rory talking about ASD.


Like I said, I think it has been posted already, but the site also has some other interviews and clips from the film and stuff...

BTW, that is a LOVELY pic Chez! :D I love the little smile/smirk...it makes him look so cute and innocent

New picshere
So, I was in line, waiting to see PotC2 with some friends, when one of my friends, whom I don't spend much time with, was like, 'I want to see that new Keanu Reeves (sp?) movie', and all our other friends were trying to figure out what movie he was talking about, and I was just said, 'A Scanner Darkly? I want to see that too!'. No one else knew what we were talking about. He wants to see it because it looks all weird and twisted, I was like, '...it has Rory in it...' They all thought I was crazy. Which I am, but that's not the point. Anyway... *trails off as she thinks about PotC2 and RC at the same time*
Thanks Chez :D I enjoyed the first 24 minutes. It looks like a great movie and I can't wait to see it when I can. :)
I was watching Spin CIty today on Fx channel and like I had the t.v. on in the background and I wasn't paying much attention and I heared "A scanner Darkly." and I was like "Gosh dang it I missed it again!"....ok those weren't my exact words but still. lol. And then like 4 seconds later they showed it again and I saw Rory and I squealed like extremely loud! YAY ME! lol. Anyways I can't wait to see this movie!
Thanks for the links Calleighspeedle. But remember not to double post. Just click the edit button on your previous post.

Oh man my friend Andrew is going to go see A Scanner Darkly and I was like "You know friggin Rory Cochrane is in it right?" and he was like "Oh." So maybe he won't be going to go see it now. Well definatley not with me anyways because I'll just be like a crazed fan girl in the movie theater!
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