Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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speed_cochrane said:

You have no idea how much that would amuse me to see. Then again, the next episode would be: 6.23 'Chairmen of the Board' - After a large party at one of the local Messageboards, Horatio and his team find themselves mysteriously transported back in time, forced to change the very event that lead to the producer's murder and prevent it. The only catch? They have 45 an a half minutes to alter history. Stay tuned. :eek:

Okay so the show would enter a new level of weird and we don't want to afford the writers that opportunity so I'm happy with Need4Speed's ending. :lol:
So, would that be the Quantum Leap/CSI:Miami crossover??

Need4Speed, please breathe. You're... you're not breathing... Stay with us, girl!!
lissy0625 said:
OOO, thank you for that article!! Yay!

I didn't know he's coming back for 2 episodes! TWO! Yay! But I'm sad he'll be just be imagined. Adam and Emily are sooo sweet saying they miss him and that he deserves to be back, even after all this time. Another reason I love Miami!!

I appreciated Adam and Emily's words so much...Adam demostrated how he and Rory were big friends ( I loved when he said "I'm happy to have my buddy back" :D ..... I appreciated how also Emily disagreed the way the authors killed Speed off the show :D...They really could have put him in prison :lol:
Need4Speed said:
WHAT!?! only two!?!? *cries* STUPID TPTB!!!!!! why do they have to go and do that!? WHY!? i don't want him to be a ghost!!!! i want him to be real!!!! i want him to be there as flesh adn blood!!!!!!!! why do thwy always do this!!!! i hate it!!! I WANT MY SPEEDY BACK FOR GOOD NOW!!!!! *sobs uncontrollably* :( all i've been looking forward to is seeing my Speedy back alive and well and the stupid TPTB can't even give that much!!!!!! *sobs uncontrollably even more* I wish i could do something about it!!!! if i had one wish right now it would be to bring Speed back for good!!!! oh why did the stupid TPTB ever kill him off in the first palce!?! why couldn't he have just transfered to like the closest crimelab or soemthing!? that would have been better!!! but NNNOOOO!! Ann Donahue went an killed him!!!!! *sobs more* now i'm so sad it's not even funny!!! i'm more sad thean the day he died, which as you all know from my missing Speed rants, is like OMG unbelievable!!! *sobs more*

Ooooookaaaay CALM yourself woman :lol: I understood that it was more or less common knowledge, to the spoiled at least that Tim would not be alive in the new episode(s). Even Rory himself stated in his interview he did with CSI Files that he couldn't just come back alive as if nothing has happened after being dead for 3 years lol. Plus if it is 2 episodes he is in I'm more than happy as Rory said again in the same interview which I'm sure you must have read, I must have re-read it 5 times in the past 3 months :lol: Rory says as far as he is aware he is only back for THE ONE episode. So how you have managed to conjole the idea that he's goin' to walk back in the lab on a Monday mornig and be like 'Right guys what scenes do we have today? :lol:

Geni Nice to see I was missed around these parts in my absence. I had a lovely time thank you. 7 days of glorious blazing 30C+ sunshine was more than welcoming. I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow and show off my lovely bronze tan.

Today is the day ladies! I must say, espicially for us Speed fans, when the certain spoilers started to surface in July it seemed as though September was a million miles away, but it has arrived in no time :D
welcome back June_85! i also hope you had a wonderful time on your trip!

two episodes is better than none, i always thought he was just going to be in the one episode so to have him in two is beyond awesome. i am so unbelievably excited for this season, and i haven't been excited about an episode of csi:miami in a long time.

*Edited to add spoiler code, as for some reason, it wasn't showing up!*
June_85 said:
Ooooookaaaay CALM yourself woman :lol: I understood that it was more or less common knowledge, to the spoiled at least that Tim would not be alive in the new episode(s). Even Rory himself stated in his interview he did with CSI Files that he couldn't just come back alive as if nothing has happened after being dead for 3 years lol. Plus if it is 2 episodes he is in I'm more than happy as Rory said again in the same interview which I'm sure you must have read, I must have re-read it 5 times in the past 3 months :lol: Rory says as far as he is aware he is only back for THE ONE episode. So how you have managed to conjole the idea that he's goin' to walk back in the lab on a Monday mornig and be like 'Right guys what scenes do we have today? :lol:

he said AS FAR AS HE KNOWS!!!!! which to us means that he doesn't really know anything....because you know how the stupid TPTB are at telling straight facts!!!!! and i was just hoping that maybe he could come back for real. all thos etimes when i would talk about him maybe coming back for real was just me expressing my little ray of hope that maybe the TPTB will mislead us like usual and he'll rally be back....and then that article just crushed it and i went into a full fleged hysrerical sobbing rant. You have no idea what all this is doing to me. it's driving me into insanity!!!! and your comment didn't help me any either :(
I didn't intend to be rude, I was just baffled by your reaction to something I thought you was already aware of.

Anyways.....it doesn't matter :p

I hope you all enjoyed the season opener. Another 4 more weeks to go until my intrest peaks though lol
i know you weren't trying to be rude, but it's just i was trying to be optemistic! i know that the possibilities of him coming back alive are slim to none, but that doesn't mean i should give up all hope.

as my woodwind coordinator, for my high school marching band, Nick (who looks so much like Jon Togo it's not even funny) always says "you gotta focus on the positives and not the negatives, if you want to get anywhere in life"

Edited by Mod to remove surname
Just a reminder that if we're mentioning Real Life people (Those not in the media) to please exclude last names for their privacy. Thanks. :)
I really like watching Cali with Speed.
There have been many eps where either
Speed is working on something and Cali
comes in an makes suggestion or comment
on how to do something and he is working.
He said something like i done this before.
and in on ep she talk him into calling a old
girl friend at the power company even know he
said she hates (but how could anyone hate speed)
he gives the look I can believe your making do this
ending it with alittle grin..

I just love those scenes
Guys!! im finally back! sorry i havent been on its just i didnt have my computer for 2 weeks and then my internet wouldnt install properly till tonight so iv been gone for almost 3 weeks, but im back!!
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