Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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You guys have seen these right?

hahaha!!!!! :lol: YES i have seen them!!!!!!!! I LOVE DAZED AND CONFUSED AND EMPIRE RECORDS!!!!!! :D Rory is so hialrious in both of those movies!!!!!!!! :D
:eek: Those are RORY?!?!?! Holy mackerel! I had to look twice to recognize him in that first one. Now I REALLY need to see those movies.
welcome back Wolfe_Angel ! being with out a computer is a biotch isn't it?

ha those pics are great got to love slater with his hippie hair and that oh so awesome hat.
SpeedsDaughter you definitely need to see those movies they are pure greatness.
oh yeah!!!!! Slater is GREAT!!!!! i love his little dance after he says "lets go smoke a joint on the fify f***ing yard line in honor of your daddy Coach Conrad..." i love that part...and the George and Martha Washington story is PRICELESS!!!!!!!

Stoner at party:George toked weed man...
Slater:Absolutely George toked weed. Are you kidding me, man. He grew fields of that stuff. Thats what I'm talking about, FIELDS.
Stoner at party: He grew that s*** up at Mount Vernon, man.
Slater: Mount Vernon, he grew it all over the country, man. He had people growin it all over the country. You know the whole country back then was getting high. Let me tell you man, cause cause cause he knew he was on to something, man. He knew it would be a good cash crop for the southern states, man. So he grew fields of it, man. But you know what, behind every good man theres a woman and that woman was Martha Washington, man. And everyday George would come home and she'd have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man. She was a hip hip hip lady.

i just LOVE that part!!!!!
Kerosene said:
You guys have seen these right?

Both are great movies, but I love Empire Records the best.
Great pictures of Slater and Lucas!!
I love that scene in daze when he talking
about george and martha very funny and his
face was he was telling it was priceless..

I think cool that he went from playing a guy
who loves his pot to a guy name Speed.
Ok, so last night I had this dream with Jerry O'Connell (without the shaggy hair) and Rory Cochrane. I have no idea what the plot of the dream was, but I remember RC walking over to me, smiling, taking my hand, and walking down the sidewalk with me, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I remember feeling really safe. Nice dream :)
I don't really think there is a plot to dreams.
Some of mine never make cents. I did have one with
Rory and Vince vaughn.. They were brothers in my dream
and they were p eyes too. and I was their assiant and
they both wore very long suites.. And Rory had felix's
hair due...

Silly right!!!
Oh and we were dating in my dream to(Rory and I were). And Carrie fisher
was my aunt who had a big Inn that had a pool in the center of the dinning room that both Rory and Vince fell
into catching the guy they were after and caught..
While I was having lunch with my aunt and we watch them
go into the pool and I had to expalin Y they got wet
and then enduce them to her at the sametime..

Crazy CraZY CRAZY DREAM right!!
shortea said:
I don't really think there is a plot to dreams.
Some of mine never make cents. I did have one with
Rory and Vince vaughn.. They were brothers in my dream
and they were p eyes too. and I was their assiant and
they both wore very long suites.. And Rory had felix's
hair due...

Silly right!!!
Oh and we were dating in my dream to(Rory and I were). And Carrie fisher
was my aunt who had a big Inn that had a pool in the center of the dinning room that both Rory and Vince fell
into catching the guy they were after and caught..
While I was having lunch with my aunt and we watch them
go into the pool and I had to expalin Y they got wet
and then enduce them to her at the sametime..

Crazy CraZY CRAZY DREAM right!!

I think that would be a great movie....Rory and Vince being p-eyes and brothers. Actually it would probably be a hilarious movie.

BTW....? for Horatiostalker....what happened to Jerry O'Connell? Just curious. lol.
timspeedlefan said:

BTW....? for Horatiostalker....what happened to Jerry O'Connell? Just curious. lol.
You know, I don't remember! I remember he was talking to me about something and he was stretched out on the floor on his side and had propped his head up in his right hand. I remember thinking something along the lines of "Jordan is one lucky girl" or akin to that. Me and my crime drama addiction - it's invading my dreams! :eek: :D

Shortea - you should pitch that idea to a movie company - you'd have a blockbuster hit on your hands! ;)
I would liked to have see more episodes with Calleigh working with Speed. They had great chemistry.
i completely agree, they had a really great repatoir between them. not in the same sense as him and delko but it was still great.
and awesome pics thanks for sharing!
you think your Rory dreams are good? well you haven't heard about any of mine! :devil: i have Speed/Rory dreams just about every night :D with an ocasional Adam/Eric, Jon/Ryan or DC/H dream every now and again. but it's usually Rory/Speed. and all my dreams always somehow end up with the two of us in bed :devil: but hey i'm not complaining :devil:

for example in one of my dreams me and Rory went out clubbing and we met up with Adam and Emily even though we don't go out much, but Adam insisted on it. so then we were sitting around drinking a few beers and having a good time. a good song came on and we danced even though we didn't like dancing. we danced cause it was "our song" and then we just left Adam and Emily there and went to our place(in my dream we were living together) and it ended with the two of us in bed :devil: and the best part was is that this was one of those really long dreams that seem like it really happened. ;) :devil: :D

and nice pics ;)
Thanks but I won't no the first thing to
a pitch a ball little lone a storie ideal.
I am in the middle of writing a storie around it,
but I don't if I ever have the gust to show to
anyone. It took me a view pushed just to tell you
the dream..

I did love the other dreams that were share here!!!
It's both weird and cool how are brains work when
we are sleeping...

Great Pictures Cali!!

Thanks :D
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