Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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I think everyone will be mad If they bring him back just to kill him again! :mad: That would be so lame if they do that! Personally I'm just happy Speed is coming back. :D

SpeedsDaughter, love those pics! :)
first off SpeedsDaughter love the pics!!!!!!! :D and secondly....
I would be so MAD if they killed Speed again!!!!!! OMFG!! I'm not even lying!! i would FREAK hard time!!!!!!! They better not do this to us again!!!!! i couldn't stand to watch it the first time in Lost Son and every time i watch Lost Son after that and if they do it again I swear some one is gonna PAY BIG TIME for taking my Speedy away again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: they better not!!!!! :mad: :mad:
in reply...
(insert tongue firmly in cheek and read on) Episode 6:22 - the CSI's investigate the mysterious death of a television producer when she killed off a favorite character of a popular program - for the second time. Clues are sparse until they get a lead from a message board that a deranged fan may be responsible.
Need4Speed said:
i'm interested too. i hope they don't screw it up like some thing they have screwed up. but wouldn't it be cool if he came back for real like not a hallucination. i mean it hasn't been confirmed. Rory said in that interview with CSIFiles that as FAR AS HE KNOWS he's a hallucination. that doesnt mean anything because you know how TPTB are with telling the actors the straight facts

I still couldn't help but wonder if Speedle coming back would be like that episode of Dallas from years ago when they brought back Bobby Ewing "from the dead." But doesn't matter, just as long as seeing my Speed, I'll be happy.

Yeah...I did it. Hidden spoiler. *happy dance* :)
Me too Tim!! Me Too!!
I just dance quietly I work in a Library..
Can't really break out dancing right now,
but I am inside. The closer we get the
nutter I getting!!
shortea said:
Me too Tim!! Me Too!!
I just dance quietly I work in a Library..
Can't really break out dancing right now,
but I am inside. The closer we get the
nutter I getting!!

I work in a library also so I always have to fight the urge to run screaming and dancing through the library. :lol:
^^^^I don't like to dance....sound like someone we know? :p but i am fighting the urge to scream cause only like 5 more days till the season premiere!!! woohoo!!!!!!

and I just got The Last Don on dvd!! i watched it like fifty million times!!! :D now my Rory movie collection is almost complete!!! all i need are A Scanner Darkly and RAYD!!!!! and them ny Rory movie collection is complete!!! or at least untill he comes out with a new movie :D
GO ahead and Scream Let it out!!!
I wish could but yelling or screaming
is not a wise thing to do in a Library..

But if you in a place where you can scream,
yell or Dance with out having the cops call on
you unless you want them to come..
But go ahead do it let it out anyway you
can and please do alittle extra for me,
because now we have 4 count them 4 days
lit you know what!!!

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :) :lol:
Need4Speed said:
^^^^I don't like to dance....sound like someone we know? :p but i am fighting the urge to scream cause only like 5 more days till the season premiere!!! woohoo!!!!!!

and I just got The Last Don on dvd!! i watched it like fifty million times!!! :D now my Rory movie collection is almost complete!!! all i need are A Scanner Darkly and RAYD!!!!! and them ny Rory movie collection is complete!!! or at least untill he comes out with a new movie :D

I'm not much of a dancer myself. Actually I can't dance at all and if I try, it is not a very pretty sight. :eek: Terrifying!! :lol:
lol i was talking about Speed Lol but that works too :p


Who do we want!?!?


When do we want him!?


*screams excitedly more*
Need4Speed said:
lol i was talking about Speed Lol but that works too :p


Who do we want!?!?


When do we want him!?


*screams excitedly more*

Need4Speed, I love your "Survival Kit List." But I think you copied my list. :lol:
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