Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

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DragonflyDreamer said:
Okay, for anyone who's interested, I've put the Speedism Banners up in the FanArt forum, Here. If you want a combination of them together (animated), I can do that for you.

Also, I read the LJ of someone I kinda know who went to Comic-Con, and saw Rory. This isn't her whole entry, but here's what she said about him:

The momment he walked out it was like seeing Speed. Jeans, boots, button down shirt, cuffs open slightly wrinkled, scruffy and the hair was straight out of season 2... I about swooned... and lets say he's very much like Speed - his answers were short - he wasn't comfortable being in front of everyone or being center of attention... they did ask about future projects he hesitated then talked about the Company .. then just stopped and went no further... when he stopped talking that was pretty much all you were getting out of him...

But he was just ahhh *small squee* I just sat and stared at him for the full panel... *happy sigh*

Anyone else jealous of her? :lol:

I am so jelous of her!! She is so luckly!! :D

YAY! You posted them they're so pretty!! But could you animated them for me please. :)

And Now Some Speed Pics!!
yay!!! love the Rory pics!!!! and i love the Speedism banners!!!! i love the tourettes one!! hope you don't mind if i snag it :D

I've had to search and search and bloody search the whole of feckin' google but I've finally found 2 pictures and a bit of info from the RAYD Panel from Comic Con




During his explanation of the film Gorak throws one in the face of "C.S.I." of which Cochrane was part of in the "Miami" series before departing. He states that this is "...not another episode of C.S.I."

The trailer is shown with a dirty bomb leaving Los Angeles filled wiht toxic gases with his wife one of the ones outside at the time. This is followed by a clip of Cochrane driving to find Lexi (McCormack) downtown and getting halted by cops. After being told to stay in his car, he watches on as cops gun-down a man who exits his car. Frantically, he makes he pulls off and, on the way back, stops to pick up an African American boy who stares on at a fuming city.

It's quite hilarous that at first the cast and crew struggle to find anyone for Q&A then 90% of the questions are for Cochrane with Gorak getting the remainder and McCormack answering about 1-2 questions at best. Producers? I think one. Looks to be a nice find by Roadside Attractions and one I would gladly explore.

did any one catch Comic Con on tv? did they show Rory? or show his interview? because I missed Comic Con so I wouldn't know. and i'm so jealous of your friend Dragonfly Dreamer. although I have seen Rory in person. on a trip to LA, I got to meet him i was in a car at an intersection at a red light and Rory pulled up next to us on his ducati!!!! and i knew it was him because he had his helmet off!! and I was actually talking to him!!! He was that close to our car!! and i was all like "Hi! I'm a huge fan. I love all your movies" and then he was so sweet, he said "Oh, thanks". it's nice to meet a fan who doesn't freak out and scream their head off" then I asked him for a picture and he said "uh, ok sure" so i got a good pic of him looking right at the camera and then the light changed :( dang. but I got the pic of him somewhere. I'll see if I can find it. and i must say he looked very sexy on his ducati. he was wearing a black button up shirt with jeans and black boots. and his hair was in the very scruffy Speed fashion. although I got to see Rory..i wish it had been on the sidewalk that way i could have gotten an autograph. but a pics good enough for me!!!
*squee* Love the pics! :lol: Rory got most of the questions! Silly producers, never kinda insult CSI with not only a star sitting right there, but with (bound to be) tons of CSI fans in the crowd! :lol:

Oh,a nd Dragonfly? So jealous of your friend! *swoons* Also, is it ok if I steal the 'Lost Son' Speedism banner? I'll give credit in my bio!
Aw, I never knew you met Rory! How cool is that? :eek: You'll have to dig that picture out for us :D

I'm still gutted that I was in the same building as Rory on the same day (possibly even at the same time) but had no clue he was there. He was doin an interview for BBC Radio to promote RAYD the same day I was there to see David Beckham :p - September 1st 2006. I was fumin' when I found out :(

I bet I could count the amount of times Rory and I have been on the same continent at the same time on one hand therefore making the chances of us crossin' paths being slim to non. So I think I may have had my one chance and blew it :p

Although didn't Rory spend New Year 2007 in Britain? He may frequent to this wonderful country more often than we think :p I'd like to think so. I wouldn't mind bumpin' into Mr Cochrane at Heathrow. I'm sure I'd make his day :p
BLACK DRESS SHIRT! :eek: :eek: :eek:


He looks like season two Rory! [/more fangirl]

:lol: Most of the questions were for him. See? He has fans, and he can't hide from them anymore. :devil:

[/more fangirlness...Again]

Okay, now that my brain is fully functioning...June, did I mention how much you made my morning? Hee. Megan, thanks for that tidbit from LJ, lol. He must have been given a very hard time by the people asking questions. :lol: I can imagine him:

Rory: Er...Uh...ASK THEM!


^ Gah, this is disappointing. The only time I think Rory's ever been to Canada is Vancouver and Toronto and I'm very far from both of those places. COME TASTE OUR ALBERTA BEEF! *waves steaks around* We have beer too! *entices him*

Anyway, it's great to see that the fans still adore him and that he's still in the spotlight somewhat. I'm still laughing that he had 90% of the questions. That is so awesome.

Thanks for the links to pictures and information gals. :D

ETA: Thanks for the comic-con pics, Ashley! They're fab.
Thanks everyone for posting those pics! It's fabulous getting to see some new ones of him. Rory is very hard to find many pictures of. Anything new is always a treat!
Thank You for those pictures Ashley they are LOV-ER-LEY!! *sighs* Gawd, Season 2 Rory was the first thing that came into my head when I saw these new pictures. He looks feckin' beautiful doesn't he? Did your friend get any gossip from CC?

LOL @ everyone at the panel clearly only being intrested in our Rory. Hmmm I bet some certain CSI news came up in the Q&A, to which I reckon Rorys response was -> :rolleyes:

Geni, I bet RC's been to Canada bloody loads. Its drivable from NY isn't it? How many times have you been south of the border?
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